The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1660: Wonderful grandparents and grandchildren

Chapter 1660 Two Wonderful Grandparents

Fang Chuan didn't know that Wang Feihu stabbed such a big thing just because Fang Chuan was with Luo Yao.

The Special Operations Group has a total of twelve groups. The twelve groups are the weakest, and they perform some of the lowest-level tasks, even protection tasks.

The ninth group is the strongest group among the general groups.

Fang Chuan once met the members of the ninth group in the country of Japan, and these people have begun to come into contact with powerful warriors and the like.

Their strength is about the eighth to ninth level of Qi Refining.

From the eighth group, there was a qualitative leap.

The eighth group is basically the master of the first building, the team leader is the strongest of the second building, and there are twelve members in the group.

Among them, one team for every three people.

This time, the people of the special operations team received a report from Wang Feihu, because Wang Feihu is a very important figure in the Feilong SWAT team, Yizhou City Detachment.

Therefore, the above attaches great importance to the situation reported by Wang Feihu.

Therefore, at the first time, a three-person team from the eighth group of Special Operations Group was dispatched.

Wang Feihu also hurriedly returned to the team. He was about to fight against the evil forces and was willing to sacrifice at all times, which made the Feilong Special Police Detachment pay more attention.

As a result, the SWAT team began to act.

The Special Police Team and Luo Yao's Department of Serious Crimes are two departments, and they have never contacted Fang Chuan before.

Therefore, they did not know Fang Chuan at all.

Fang Chuan and the others soon arrived at a nearby ‘Walmart’.

"That Wang Feihu man is still quite good. He rushes to the forefront every time he performs a mission, so I told you not to hurt him."

Luo Yao said while Fang Chuan's fingers interlocked, while dragging Libai to push the cart with the other hand.

Fang Chuan smiled, "I understand, no need to explain."


Luo Yao smiled slightly, and looked at Fang Chuan again, "What do you like to eat? I cook the pot the hottest. My best is to make the base material. I make the base material, and everyone who has eaten it does not like it. Mouthful!"

"Hehe, that's good." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "I'm also fortunate to have a taste, but what if someone gives you face!"

"Okay, you dare to doubt me!"

Luo Yao gave Fang Chuan a blank look, and quickly broke free of Fang Chuan's hand to select the ingredients.

While choosing, she told Fang Chuan that the Wal-Mart supermarket near her community usually serves new dishes in the morning, so it's good to come early to buy vegetables.

She also told Fang Chuan that some supermarkets in other places changed their dishes in the afternoon.

Fang Chuan has only now realized that this brave policewoman has the side of such a woman at home.

He thought that this policewoman was just brave and good at fighting.

time flies.

They quickly bought a large cart of goods, and then went to the cashier to line up.

It's very early now. Most of the people who come here to buy food are elderly people. Young people like Fang Chuan seem a bit abrupt here.

They also received praise from many elderly people.

After all, there are fewer and fewer young people who can get up so early.

Some young people, even if they wake up, will not get up immediately, but have to pick up their mobile phones and play for a while before they may get up.

The Supreme Card of China Central Bank held by Fang Chuan originally had privileges in many stores and supermarkets all over the world.

In his capacity, there is no need to line up at this cash register.

However, he also wanted to join Luo Yao to experience the ordinary life between such a young couple.

Two people rarely have the opportunity to experience life in this way, but it greatly promotes the relationship between them.

At this moment, a young man, dyed red hair, dressed fluently, suddenly walked straight from the entrance of the cash register, and stood in front of a 60-year-old woman.

He spread his hands: "Give me the money."

"How much do you want this time?" The old lady was a little angry and asked quickly.

"Twenty thousand!" the young man said loudly.


The old lady stomped her foot, "I gave you 30,000 last time, and this time you want 20,000, so how can I give you so much money!"

"Ah, it's really shameful that this bite is coming to grandma!"

"This person, he's in the society at first sight, he won't have any prospects!"

"Speak less, this kind of person is not easy to mess with."

The other old people were very angry when they saw the scene in front of them, but they didn't dare to speak loudly.

After all, this person's dress is not a good thing at first glance.


The young man was anxious and said loudly, "I saw last time that you still have a passbook with seventy to eighty thousand in it!"

"You beast!" The old lady scolded, "That's my coffin, you even want this money!"

"Stop talking nonsense, bring it!" The young man made no sense, and then went to grab the food from the old lady: "What other food to buy, first get me money, hurry..."

He has reached out to pull this old lady!

After seeing everyone, it is not easy to persuade them. After all, this is their private business, and the other party is still a small gangster, not easy to provoke!

"You beast, please be gentle, ouch, it hurts!"

"You less pretend!"

The two people pushed and shoved like this, and the old lady was about to be pushed out after losing to the young man.

"You stop!"

Luo Yao frowned and was a little angry. She stepped forward with a clean movement, grabbing the bastard's hand, and at the same time, pushing on one side of his body was a grappling hand. With a snap, he would press the **** to the ground.

"Oh, where did the chick come from?"

This young man didn't expect someone to help the old lady. He twisted his body, but grabbed Luo Yao's hand with his backhand, and he was about to pull Luo Yao into his arms: "So pretty, haha, come and give him one! "


At this moment, Fang Chuan slapped the face and slapped the boy out of the cashier counter.


"This young man has great hands!"

"This **** is miserable!"

The old people almost applauded, secretly happy for this old lady.


The old lady was taken aback, then gave Fang Chuan a fierce look, "Why are you hitting my grandson? You are sick!"

As she said, she hurried over and helped the kid up: "Grandson, are you okay? Didn't you hurt anything?"

"Old thing, you said, did you deliberately ask someone to come and beat me!"

"You are really my grandmother!"

The **** suddenly started splashing and cursing loudly.

The old lady persuaded him for a while, and then pulled the gangster together and patted the dust on him: "You wait, I will let him apologize to you!"

As she said, she came to Fang Chuan's body: "You, go and apologize to my grandson. Otherwise, I will call the police to arrest you!"

"No, you have to lose money!" The **** said quickly.

"You--" Luo Yao was so angry, these grandparents and grandchildren were simply weird.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, looked at the old lady, and sneered: "Do you think I'm helping you out? I hit this dog because he dared to move my girlfriend. As for you, why should I help? Are you early?"

He shook his head: "If he can grow up like this, you parents are not responsible? Isn't everything now the present?"

He said and said: "Leave me away, I don't have time to chat with you."

"You want us to go without losing money?" The little **** didn't speak, but the old lady suddenly said loudly.

Everyone was stunned!

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