The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1659: He is a monster

Chapter 1659 He Is A Monster


Fang Chuan just came in without closing the door. With a wave of his hand now, a strong wind swelled and threw Wang Feihu out.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Yufengshu slammed the door shut.


"This kid knows how to behave!"

"Luo Yao, please open the door, this kid is a monster, you can't be fooled by him!"

Wang Feihu quickly got up from the ground and began to knock on Luo Yao's security door, shouting heartbreakingly, as if he was mentally retarded.


Luo Yao could now faintly hear Wang Feihu's voice, she raised her brow and shook her head.

Fang Chuan quickly asked, "Sister Luo Yao, is this person having a problem with his brain?"

"I don't usually see it." Luo Yao smiled and waved: "Okay, leave him alone. Xiaochuan, tell me about your recent affairs."

She stretched lazily and showed her perfect figure to the fullest.

She greeted the sun and smiled and said: "Xiaochuan, do you know what, I like to hear your stories the most. Your stories are more exciting than any TV series or novels."

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan nodded, "I will tell you about my recent affairs."

Afterwards, Fang Chuan started to tell Luo Yao about his recent affairs while Luo Yao was washing the 簌.

However, his current affairs are becoming more and more detached from the world, so it sounds really legendary.


Luo Yao brushed her teeth with an electric toothbrush, and said in surprise: "Have you seen Fu Hongxue's live-action version? Or is it the elder of the Qing Gang?"

"Yes indeed."

Fang Chuan nodded: "This old man is still very good, but in the end I managed to get it, and now one of my demons has taken over the body."

"In other words, the legendary Fu Hongxue became your subordinate?" Luo Yao stopped the electric toothbrush and looked at Fang Chuan in surprise.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Forget it!"

"Then I want to see his true face when I have time, this is too exciting!" Luo Yao cheered.

Luo Yao has now accepted Fang Chuan's subordinates, there are also people from the Demon Race, and she can even meet people like Fu Hongxue.

This is really exciting.

Afterwards, Luo Yao had finished washing and put on a set of beautiful clothes, and the whole person appeared more youthful and vigorous.

It's totally a kind, from a heroic policewoman to an extremely sweet beauty of the era.

She took Fang Chuan's arm and felt a very sweet and happy feeling.

Moreover, she also knew that Fang Chuan was able to let her learn the unpredictable and legendary kung fu.

How can she not be excited!

I heard that I can study tonight.

However, she didn't ask too much, and she didn't know what method Fang Chuan would use to teach her. Anyway, she was extremely looking forward to it.

Today, she has arranged that she will go to the supermarket to buy vegetables in the morning, and at noon she will cook Fang Chuan personally at home and cook a delicious hot pot.

Even though she is a policewoman, she is usually busy with work and rarely cooks by herself.

However, when she was a child in Hongmen, she was often bullied by Luo Zhenzhen and asked her to do a lot of work that only a cook.

Therefore, she is also a woman with cooking skills.

Then in the afternoon, they are going to watch a movie, the latest version of Wolf Warrior 3.

As a policeman, she likes this kind of movie very much. The last Wolf Warrior 2 has already created a box office myth, and many people have seen it boiled over.

This time, everyone is looking forward to it for so long, so naturally they will also go to see it.

As for the evening, let Fang Chuan go outside first, have a candlelight dinner, and then let Fang Chuan teach her practice.

She didn't even think about what Fang Chuan wanted to do, because Fang Chuan was so upright in the previous contacts.

She is a girl, so naturally she can't be too proactive.

"set off!"

The beauty and the figure of the policewoman took off her uniform, put on a set of brand-name dresses, and pulled a cart sent by Liby as an event.

This scene gave people a different flavor.

Bang bang bang--

"Luo Yao, you open the door, this man is a monster, if I eat you, what should I do—"

Wang Feihu was still outside, yelling, with a strong sense of concern in his tone.

"Uh..." Luo Yao's face was a little embarrassed, "He hasn't left yet."

"This person is a troublesome thing."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "If he persists so much, it will be a kind of harassment for you in the future. I have to find a way to make him never trouble you again."

"Yeah." Luo Yao nodded, "It's up to you, just don't hurt him. After all, it's a colleague. It's not good to spread it out."


Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, opened the door, took Luo Yao's hand, and walked out of the house together.

"Ah, monster!" Wang Feihu hurriedly came to a fighting start style, cautiously, and looked at Fang Chuan very nervously, "You will let Luo Yao go quickly, otherwise, otherwise I will be welcome."

"You are so scared yourself, why are you welcome?"

Fang Chuan smiled, his figure flashed, like a teleportation, he came to Wang Feihu's body in a flash, and pressed it on Wang Feihu's shoulder.


Wang Feihu let out a scream, and quickly shrank back, "You, what are you going to do!"

However, Fang Chuan's hand gripped him very tightly, and he couldn't shrink it no matter what, and after that, he felt that he couldn't move!

He angered: "What did you do to me? Monster! I tell you, there are many powerful people in our country who specialize in dealing with monsters like you!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, and took out an officer ID from the mustard space and placed it in front of Wang Feihu: "See clearly, this is my ID. When you see me in the future, please call me the officer."

"This belongs to the military?" Wang Feihu was taken aback. He was shocked when he saw Lieutenant Colonel Fang Chuan's military officer's ID. He didn't expect this person to be such an official.

He was stunned again: "How is it possible!"

Fang Chuan said again: "I think you are a member of the police, so I don't care about you. If you squabble with me and hit my sister Luo Yao's idea, I will kill you every minute."


As he said, pushing Wang Feihu, Wang Feihu's whole person suddenly fell and sat on the ground, regaining his mobility, but he was stunned.

Afterwards, with a bang, Fang Chuan closed the anti-theft door, pulled Luo Yao, and swaggered past Wang Feihu.

Wang Feihu looked at their leaving figures, and stood up: "His ID must be fake. I can't let my goddess fall into the hands of this monster like this."

He hesitated again: "But, what if he is a member of the special operations team?"

"Impossible!" Wang Feihu waved his hand like crazy, muttered to himself: "Even if he is not a monster, he is also a bad guy in the military."

The expression in his eyes was firm: "For my goddess, I will fight it out!"

As he said, he quickly took out his mobile phone, called his superiors, and reported that he had encountered an uncontrollable human being that disrupted the balance of society.

I received this news from above, paid great attention to it, and reported it at various levels.

Soon, the special operations team, the eighth team members, received this task.

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