The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1645: Afraid of being a lunatic

Chapter 1645: Afraid Of Being A Madman

The two of them were talking vigorously when they were shocked when they heard Fang Chuan's voice. They immediately stood up and looked at Fang Chuan with a look of surprise!

"Who?" Brother Nade stared at Fang Chuan firmly.

"Brother De, it's him!" The watcher man was so frightened that he said quickly: "It was him who was in China World Mall yesterday!"

"He is the one with the surname Fang?" De Ge listened and sneered, a trace of murderous aura exuded from his body: "Are you here to find death?"

"Do not."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "I'm here for fun."

"Let’s have fun and go to Footwash City, come to us for ass!"

De Ge snorted coldly, looked around Fang Chuan, and asked, "How many people did you bring? Call them all out!"

"Don't test me."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "There is no need to bring many people to find **** like you."

"Ha ha."

De Ge couldn't help but smile, "I dare to be arrogant in my De Ge's place without bringing people? Do you know what Lao Tzu does?"

"It's just murder at most." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "But, do you kill more people than I kill?"


De Ge sneered and waved his hand: "Everyone can talk big!"

He said again: "Forget it, since you are here, don't leave lightly. Come here, sit down, and let's talk."

With that, he sat back again.

The watcher man knew that De Ge was so powerful, and there were many people on their side who could notify him at any time, so he calmed down.

He pointed to Fang Chuan and hooked his fingers: "Come here if you don't want to die! Sit and listen to what our German brother said, maybe you can still kill a dog."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, and he glanced at the watcher man, "I think you're a bit of a scumbag. If the scar is over, forget the pain, so it's recorded in the account first, and then the calculation will be done later."

He wanted to see what the two men were going to do and what their origins were.

Two steps, he walked over, and sat opposite Nade: "Tell me your name first, lest you don't leave your name if you die."

"Chen De!"

Chen De sneered, "I do know your name, but it's nothing. Knowing the name will have no effect."

He waved his hand: "Now there are two paths in front of you, one is a dead end, and the other is a way to survive, how do you choose?"

"What do you say about dead end? What do you say about living?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

Chen De snorted coldly: "Don't tell me the dead end, we can kill you casually, it's not a problem."

He said again: "Well, you have to do things well for me. If there is one thing that is not promised, there is only a dead end."

"Talk about it?" Fang Chuan waved his hand casually.

A gleam of cold light flashed in Chen De's eyes: "First, give Fan Youmei to us and let her listen to us. Second, let your three women come and play with us for a night. Third, take you All the crystals of the future in hand are given to us."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Only in this way can you get a dog's life."

"No!" The watcher man hurriedly said loudly: "Also apologize to me and let me slap a few times, otherwise, I feel uncomfortable."

"Alright." Chen De nodded: "Zhang Hongjiang was tossed so badly by you last night, so you apologized to him and asked him to slap a few times."

"That's it?" Fang Chuan raised his brow.

"Yes, that's all." Chen De nodded again, thinking that Fang Chuan was scared, and sneered in his heart. He knew that Fang Chuan had been pretending to be calm before, and boasting not to draft.

He smiled and said: "I can give you one day. Don't worry, don't try to have this day to escape. Under the supervision of our sunset organization, you can't escape."

"Sunset Organization?" Fang Chuan raised his brows, but he remembered that Sanniang Zhu was also a member of the Sunset Organization.

"Have you heard of our sunset organization?" Chen De was smug. "Since you know our organization, you should know what will end up offending us."

Fang Chuan smiled: "I've heard it, and I know that your sunset organization is great."

Chen De was even more sure that he had completely shocked Fang Chuan now.

He smiled: "It's good to know! Go! In a day's time, if you exceed the time, you will only have a dead end."

"and many more--"

Zhang Hongjiang stood in front of Fang Chuan and stopped Fang Chuan, "Kneel to me first, kowtow to apologize, and let me slap you with two big mouths."

"This is fine too." Chen De waved his hand: "Anyway, this will happen sooner or later. You can do what Zhang Hongjiang said."


Fang Chuan nodded, "You guys are kind of interesting."

As he said, he turned his head and looked at Chen De: "Finally, I will ask you a question. Do you know Sanniang Zhu and Sha Kun?"

"Sanniang Zhu? Sha Kun?"

Chen De frowned suddenly. These two names are almost taboo in their sunset organization. Especially Zhu Sanniang, she is a legend.

Except for a few leaders, few people in the sunset organization can compare with her.

Although Sha Kun is not very strong, he has a special status, and it is said that he is now training in another organization in the Japanese nation.

He looked at Fang Chuan fiercely: "How do you know these two names?"


Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "It seems that they still have a little reputation in your organization."

"Say!" Chen De was a little angry.

"OK then."

Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "There is a housekeeper in my family, who is also half a woman of mine. Her name is Sanniang Zhu, who was organized by Sunset."

He smiled and said, "It seems that she is in your organization, not ordinary."

"What?" Chen De raised his brows and was taken aback: "You said that Sanniang Zhu is your housekeeper and your woman?"

He then laughed loudly: "Ha! You seem to be bragging, I almost believed it just now."

"Don't believe me?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Would you like me to call Sanniang Zhu over. You are also her old friends, you can call her over."

"Brother De, I think he is a lunatic!" Zhang Hongjiang couldn't stand it a little. This guy is too good at blowing.

First bragged to kill, now bragging to know Sanniang Zhu.

Chen De nodded: "I think so too. But let him call people over to see!"

"Okay, I'll call and try."

As Fang Chuan said, he took out the phone and called Zhu Jun, "Hey, Xiao Jun, where are you? Are you free? I met a few sunset organizations here. Will you come over to reminisce about the past?"

"Huh?" Zhu Yun was doing yoga over there, when he heard Fang Chuan's call, he was taken aback, and then nodded: "Okay, you let me come over, I'll come over."

"Then I will send you a position." Fang Chuan said, giving Zhu Yun a position.

Then, he put away the phone, twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Zhang Hongjiang: "While we still have some time, let's settle the accounts, how about?"


Zhang Hongjiang had already regarded him as a liar and sneered, "What do we have to settle for?"


Fang Chuan said, but he rushed to Zhang Hongjiang's body, reached out and grabbed Zhang Hongjiang's neck in his hand.

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