The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1646: Full of confidence

Chapter 1646: Full of Confidence


Zhang Hongjiang was taken aback. He didn't expect Fang Chuan to be so fast.

He is a master, equivalent to a martial artist of the fifth level of refining qi, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is already a superman-like existence.

However, in front of Fang Chuan, he didn't even have a chance to resist.


A puff of real energy blasted into Zhang Hongjiang's body, and suddenly, Zhang Hongjiang once again entered the situation where he could not move his hands and feet.

"court death!"

Chen De was frightened and angry, Fang Chuan's speed surpassed his imagination, but his strength was the eighth level of Qi refining.

One punch and one kick contains a thousand catties of strength.

The speed is also extremely fast!

Therefore, he roared and shook his figure, he had already arrived in front of Fang Chuan, and hit Fang Chuan with a punch.

Dragon Fist roars!

His punch is so lethal that it can break a person's internal organs into pieces.


Just when he was full of confidence, his fist was suddenly grabbed by Fang Chuan, and it suddenly appeared as if it was being held by an iron hoop.

"Ah!" Chen De couldn't help screaming, cold sweat.

Afterwards, with a bang, Chen De was thrown by Fang Chuan, and then thrown on the ground. He was immediately controlled by Fang Chuan's infuriating energy.


Afterwards, Fang Chuan threw it away and Zhang Hongjiang was also thrown to the ground.

His feet stepped on Zhang Hongjiang's chest and said with a smile: "You wanted me to kneel just now?"

"No, no—" Zhang Hongjiang waved his hand quickly. He remembered last night, when he was dominated by fear and pain.

He quickly said: "I was wrong, I shouldn't yell at you! I don't want you to kneel!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled, "I regret it now?"

"I regret it!" Zhang Hongjiang said quickly.

"Fang Chuan!"

Chen De suddenly understood that what Fang Chuan said before might be true. Then, he might really know Zhu Sanniang.

Then, he is in danger!

Zhu Sanniang, but the dangerous sss-level figure in their organization has reached a terrifying level.

However, he knew that begging for mercy was useless.

He quickly said: "Our sunset organization is very powerful, you know. Even if you can beat me, even if you have Zhu Sanniang, it is impossible to fight against the leaders of our organization!"

He said again: "There is also Sha Kun! You may not know that he is now an important figure in the organization. Moreover, he has a feud with Zhu Sanniang!"

"And then!" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at Chen De.

"Your situation is actually very dangerous. You let us go and let us be your eyeliner. Then, when you face the organization's pursuit, you will have a chance to escape!"

Chen De was very active, and immediately thought of his own value.

He understands that only valuable people can survive.

However, he obviously underestimated Fang Chuan's strength.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I need you to be my eyeliner? People from the sunset organization, come and kill one!"

As he spoke, there was a murderous look in his eyes.

He waved his hand: "Let's not talk about it, let's play some games first, otherwise the time will be too boring when Xiaojun comes over."

As he said, he flicked his fingers.


A puff of real energy blasted into Zhang Hongjiang's body. Zhang Hongjiang suddenly shook his whole body and let out a violent cry.


"Brother De, save me!"

"It hurts!"

"It hurts more than yesterday, I'm going to die!"

Zhang Hongjiang's face was hard to see the extreme, a look of panic on his face. He felt that he was about to die.


Chen De has never seen this kind of method. Once he takes it, it can make people worse off than death, which is more terrifying than the legendary life and death talisman in the eight dragons.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's okay, enjoy it slowly."

"Brother, I was wrong!"

"You let me go!"

"I don't dare anymore!"

"Shall I be a dog for you? I will do everything for you if I am a dog!"

Zhang Hongjiang yelled and said that he really didn't want to die, nor did he want to suffer such pain.

Fang Chuan smiled: "I have enough people around me, you dog, no, it's too stupid, it's useless to come."

After that, he let Zhang Hongjiang yell, yell, yell, cry, and beg for mercy, but turned around and looked at Chen De.

He smiled and said, "The people you brought are very slow. They haven't come here yet, which really disappoints me."

His eyes flashed: "Whose task did you accept?"


Chen De glanced at Zhang Hongjiang in horror. He already fully understood what a terrifying figure Fang Chuan was.

He thought for a moment, and quickly said: "Actually, it is your ancient Wuliang family who entrusted our organization to bind Fan Yumei."

He added: "However, we discovered yesterday that you have a lot of crystals of the future. Do you know that this crystal of the future has reached a sky-high price on the black market, and there is still no market."

He hurriedly said: "But, in any case, you also let us know that you are not someone we can provoke. This task, we immediately dismissed. Moreover, I apologize for what happened before. I was wrong, and I will do it later I won't trouble you anymore!"

"It's pretty quick to admit your mistake."

Fang Chuan's mouth tickled: "Unfortunately, it's useless. You should try it. After all, this is my heart."

"No!" Chen De hurriedly rolled his eyes in protest.

However, Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his fingers flicked, and a ball of pill fire penetrated Chen De's body, burning the most sensitive and painful parts of Chen De's body.


Chen De also screamed, completely devoid of the arrogant and arrogant appearance he had before, with a cold sweat and involuntary shaking all over his body.

In his opinion, Fang Chuan is simply the most terrifying devil in the world.

Time passed bit by bit.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"It seems that something happened to the captain!"


The action group that Chen De and the others came together had four men, all of whom were also strong, about the strength of the seventh or eighth layer of Qi refining.

They were all elites of the sunset organization and rushed over.

Soon, they saw that Chen De and Zhang Hongjiang were lying on the ground, unable to move, making a horrible cry.

And beside them, stood a young man.

Afterwards, they recognized that this person was not the target of their mission this time-Fang Chuan!

"Help us!"

"Come on, don't give him a chance!"

Zhang Hongjiang hurriedly called for help, Chen De deserved to be the captain, he was about to collapse in pain, and he could still command.


Two of Chen De's companions rushed forward to Fang Chuan, one with a sharp dagger and the other with a steel jab.

The attacks they displayed were also very fierce, containing several thousand catties of power, which could kill people instantly.

At the same time, the other two, one with a throwing knife, and the other with a large-caliber, high-powered gun with special craftsmanship.


Bang bang--

The two of them, with the cooperation of the other two, can be said to be seamless and there is no room for dodge.

Ordinary Qi refining ninth-level pinnacle masters would be killed by them.

Fang Chuan didn't even have a chance to move and dodge.

However, he doesn't need it at all.

"Hehe, I still have some ability, but for me, it's still too weak!" Fang Chuan shook his head, shaking his body.


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