The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1644: Consecrate together, practice together

Chapter 1644: Consecrate Together, Practice Together

Yu Xiaoxiao finally blushed at this moment. Waiting for Fang Chuan to consecrate her, she was also very cooperative.

In her incomparable expectation, she followed the posture, gestures, and mind of the imperial fairy arts.

Soon, she entered the state.

Fang Chuan still used the palm of his hand to dredge her meridians with Zhen Qi. His hands were so warm that all the meridians of Yu Xiaoxiao's body were stimulated.

Her Yuan Yin is in a fully active state.

Then, her body also reached its best condition.

Fang Chuan then began to consecrate Yu Xiaoxiao in the most basic way, and Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a kind of sublimation!

This kind of soul sublimation made her almost scream.

However, in the following time, she was as bold and unrestrained as before, and the sound waves she made were higher than the waves.

The whole villa resounded with her kind of soul sublimation!

"Uh-" Lu Hua was still in the bath, when he heard a familiar voice, but his heart was throbbing.

And Rui Zhixin was aside, watching them practice, but he was a little moved, and wanted to follow the practice.

Fan Youmei has also come out and is wiping her hair. Seeing the practice scene in front of her, her heart is shocked.

Of course, Fang Chuan would not let them aside in the ensuing time, and the practice of this matter could not be delayed for a day.

We must make every effort to go further.

If you relax a little bit, you may lose all your efforts.

As someone who came here, Fang Chuan naturally wanted to supervise and spur them, if they could practice more, they would practice more, so that they could ascend to the immortal world together.

Therefore, this evening, Fan Youmei, Rui Zhixin, Yu Xiaoxiao, and Lu Wei, each of them, practiced five or six times in the same practice place.

In just one night, they gained a lot.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid it is impossible to withstand it. However, Fang Chuan was practicing imperial immortality, yin and yang reconciliation, which was of great help to his cultivation, to his body, and to his realm.

Moreover, his physical strength, endurance and mental strength are far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, he has no problem at all.

After a night of practice, Fan Youmei and the others not only got a certain level of improvement in their realm, but their relationship with each other also got sublimated.

They are no longer separated!

With Fangchuan as the hub, they have completely become a family.

They can also discuss cultivation together, discuss the true energy, and discuss some of the differences in their bodies.

The next day, Fang Chuan woke up, only to find that he was completely wrapped in happiness.

These four big beauties with peerless looks, in his right and left, present postures that no other man can see.

He won them without losing his freshness, but would cherish them even more.

Because he not only loves their looks and bodies, but also their souls and their love for themselves!

He smiled, and one of them kissed on the face of these four beauties who were all over the country.

Soon, the four of them also woke up.

Afterwards, they made breakfast together, sat together, and ate breakfast.

Fan Youmei and the three are going to work in Yunchuan Group. They are now more energetic and are getting better and better in all aspects. Therefore, they want to make a career even more.

Rui Zhixin is going back to school, she has not been back to school for two consecutive nights.

So, after a while, they all left clean.

Fang Chuan sat on the sofa, reminiscing about the practice scene last night, thinking about whose progress has reached what level, and whether he wants to upgrade them to the next level of practice.

Each level of cultivation method also has different cultivation methods, which give people different experiences.

This is also very attractive to Fang Chuan.

However, what he wants to do more now is to find Sister Luo Yao, for the sake of her body and for her safety.

He felt that it was necessary to consecrate Luo Yao, so that she could also practice imperial immortality.

After all, Luo Yao's job is more dangerous than other wives, and there may be a lot of bullets at any time.

If Sister Luo Yao was consecrated by him and started to practice, then these secular criminals would not pose much threat to her.

"Well, it's time to find Sister Luo Yao tonight."

Fang Chuan smiled, with a helpful smile on his face, then got up and left the villa.

While walking, he called Sister Luo Yao.

Sister Luo Yao happened to be out of time today. She had to guard a criminal at night and had no time to accompany Fang Chuan, so she could only make an appointment tomorrow night.

Although Fang Chuan wanted to consecrate Luo Yao, he still had to respect Luo Yao's opinions.

"Then go have some fun."

Fang Chuan couldn't help smiling, and thought for a while, "Those people in the Xun family haven't moved around recently, it seems they are brewing big moves."

"The people of the ancient Wuliang family, and the Xun family, are almost the same, so I won't move them for the time being."

"That's the people who watched me last night."

"Their origins may not be simple!"

As he said, as soon as his divine consciousness moved, he found the location of the man who monitored him last night through tracking techniques.


His figure shook, and his whole body flew over Yizhou City at a speed of Mach 4, so fast that no one could catch it with his eyes.

After practicing last night, he used his own Yuanyang to reconcile Yu Xiaoxiao and Lu Hua's initial Yuanyin, Yin and Yang, and his strength improved.

After all, this is an immortal in the immortal world, even if it is a great figure such as Da Luo Jinxian and Tianjun, if they want to double cultivation with others, they still use this technique.

It's just that the levels are different.

Therefore, Fang Chuan has now broken through the foundation building period, and his cultivation speed will not be slower than before.

The more his wives, the faster his cultivation speed.

Originally, if it is an ordinary cultivator, using the double cultivation method to improve one's strength like this, it is very likely to produce demons, or even impure qi, and get into trouble.

However, Fang Chuan, Xianzun II, did not have this situation.

His understanding of true qi, cultivation, and realm cannot be matched by any cultivator.

He is truly upright now. He can practice while lying down and comfortable, and he can quickly improve his realm.

Of course, he must also practice Pill Fire Art.

Pill Huo Jue is the basis for refining tools and alchemy, and it is the basis and foundation for him to refine imperial grade pills and imperial products in the future.

Not long after, he came to a high-level courtyard in the second ring of Yizhou City.

This courtyard is similar to a villa, with a strong ancient Chinese style.

In the courtyard, in a pavilion on a man-made lake, two men sit. One person is wearing a white shirt and one person is wearing a red T-shirt.

And the person wearing a red high-end T-shirt was the man who monitored him last night.

Sitting across from him, the man wearing a white shirt with excellent texture is like his leader.

"Brother De, that person is really weird, but I don't know if he can find us." The watcher man sighed and said, but a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Brother Nade smiled faintly: "We hide well. Even if he uses the police force in Yizhou City, he cannot find us so quickly."

"We are dark, he is bright, what are we afraid of!"

"If there is a chance, we will avenge you!"

Brother Na De was calm and calm, pointing to the feeling of the country.

"Really?" At this moment, Fang Chuan's figure was like a flash of lightning, and with a scream, he landed on the man-made bridge outside the pavilion and smiled slightly.

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