The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1637: Just a traveler

Chapter 1637: Only You Fang Taoist

"Who?" Rui Zhixin asked, looking at Fang Chuan curiously.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's okay, we can just go over and take a look."

"Okay." Rui Zhixin nodded, but she became more and more excited. There was a feeling of an ugly wife meeting her in-laws.

After a while, Fang Chuan brought Rui Zhixin to the door of the special passage.

At this moment, there are two security guards standing at the door.

"Fang Dong!"

"Hello Fang Dong!"

Of course, the two security guards knew Fang Chuan. When they saw Fang Chuan, they showed excitement and quickly called Fang Chuan respectfully.

This is from their hearts, the respect of Fangchuan!

Because of Fang Chuan's reasons, they not only have more than ordinary white-collar wages, but in a few years, they will be able to own their own house in Yizhou City.

Moreover, if they are sick, they can go to the public hospital under the Yunchuan Group for free.

Other ordinary residents also have to spend some money to go to Yunchuan Public Welfare Hospital to see a doctor.

However, they are free and have priority.

Even a colleague in their security department was hit by a rich man. The other party used force to overwhelm others. Yunchuan Group's "employee protection department" came forward to solve the problem.

Now, let alone Yizhou City, the working-class people all over the country have a longing for Yunchuan Group.

And all of this is due to Fang Chuan's previous policies.

Fang Chuan smiled slightly and patted them on the shoulder: "You have worked hard."

"It's not hard, it's not hard!" The two security guards were flattered and waved their hands quickly. It was hard work. Fang Dong was really approachable, just like the legend.

At this time, Fan Youmei, Yu Xiaoxiao, and Lu Wei, three Yunchuan Group super beauties, walked out from the inside talking and laughing.

Behind them, there are still two men who are also very talented.

The two of them complimented Fan Youmei's three beauties.

Their relationship also looks very good.

Fang Chuan frowned, walked over, waved his hand: "Three beauties, long time no see, do you miss me?"

"Haha, Ogawa!"

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"You should wait a long time, this guy is so annoying!"

When the three of them saw Fang Chuan, they couldn't help showing a beautiful smile, and quickly joked with Fang Chuan.

"Who is this?"

The two men, seeing Fan Youmei and Fang Chuan say hello so affectionately, felt a little uncomfortable, and asked quickly.

Fan Youmei smiled and said, "He is just a vagrant."

"Haha!" Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile: "It's a barefoot doctor, you Fang Taoist."

Lu Hua just smiled.

Fang Chuan looked depressed: "You two, why are you so bad?"


The man on the side was handsome and tall, but a little thin, and his eyes had a charming charm.

He smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Ogawa, I am Ouyang Changgong, the person in charge of drug procurement and drug customization from Ouyang Family."

"The family of Ouyang?" Fang Chuan raised his brows. "Is there any family in Yizhou City?" He didn't reach out to shake hands with Ouyang Changgong as he spoke.


On the side of a slightly sturdy, but also very handsome man, Fang Chuan sneered: "Ordinary people, of course, do not know that there is an Ouyang family in this world."


Fang Chuan's mouth tickled: "That's not famous! Not famous, what are you doing like this? Want to buy Yunchuan medicine?"

"You--" The strong man, named Ouyang Changtian, is Ouyang Changgong's brother of the same race and Ouyang Changgong's deputy.

He was very angry when he heard Fang Chuan's words.

Ouyang Changgong waved his hand: "Chang Tian, ​​don't be rude."

He then looked at Fang Chuan: "Indeed, we are planning to buy Yunchuan medicine. Of course, I also want to find an opportunity to get to know the boss of Yunchuan Group. I heard that he is a sacred hand in medicine and the Ouyang Family wants to follow He cooperates."

He glanced at Fan Youmei again: "But I didn't expect to encounter such beautiful three golden flowers here. It is really lucky for us."

"Not only do you want to buy medicine, but you also want to hook up these three golden flowers?" Fang Chuan raised his brows.

"The word hookup is not used well, we just want to be friends with three beautiful ladies." Ouyang Changgong looked like a very gentleman, and smiled at Fan Youmei's three daughters.

In fact, he was very tempted by Rui Zhixin's appearance.

It's just that he can't act too impatient, this will not only leave a bad influence on Rui Zhixin, but also make Fan Youmei and the others disgust him.

He smiled: "I think, with the background and cultivation of our Ouyang family, being friends with these three young ladies will not shame their beauty and their talents!"


Fang Chuan smiled faintly and shook his head to Ouyang Changgong: "Not only will it insult them, but it will also make me feel very sick."

"You--" Ouyang Changgong did not expect that this person would speak so rudely.

Ouyang Changtian said in an unpleasant manner: "You are a Taoist priest, that is, a liar. You are probably approaching Miss Fan and others for money? I'll give you a price, so don't delay our time here."

"That's okay." Ouyang Changgong smiled faintly: "You say a price, people in the Ouyang family can afford it whatever they want."

"Ha ha……"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and glanced at Ouyang Changgong, "I won't blackmail you. I have one thing in my hand, but one is missing. If you can fill it up for me, I will turn around and leave, how about?"

"What is it?" Ouyang Changtian didn't think Fang Chuan could bring out anything decent, and smiled faintly: "What can you bring out, I will give it to you. If you can't give it to you, you can change it into money. ."

"it is good!"

Fang Chuan gave Ouyang Changtian a thumbs-up: "The Ouyang family seems to be very rich and powerful. If you can really take it out, I think Sister Fan and the others will treat you with admiration."

"Hehe, our Ouyang family is of course not trivial." Ouyang Changtian nodded proudly, then glanced at Fan Youmei triumphantly. "It's just that these three beautiful ladies are worth your insignificant value?"

"That's right." Fang Chuan nodded quickly.

Afterwards, he took out a middle-grade spirit stone from the mustard space.

Suddenly, the spirit stone shone with brilliance, exuding an aura of rare treasures, which made people look at it and couldn't help but stare.

He smiled faintly: "This is the thing, how about it, can you take it out?"

"Huh?" Ouyang Changgong suddenly raised his brows and lost his voice: "Medium-grade spirit stone?"

"What?" Ouyang Changtian was taken aback. He couldn't think that this liar could come up with this kind of thing.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "This is not too expensive, you guys give me one, I immediately turn around and leave."

"Uh..." Ouyang Changgong was speechless for a while.

Ouyang Changtian said angrily: "Do you think this is turnip cabbage, you can take it out?"


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "In other words, you are reluctant to take out this gem for Sister Fan and others, right?"

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