The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1636: Become a flying fairy

Chapter 1636: Becoming A Flying Fairy

Li Qingniu is really amazing!

Fang Chuan's divine consciousness was so powerful, he couldn't find a trace of his consciousness hidden in this giant crocodile.

If Li Qingniu were to kill Fang Chuan today, he could only control this giant crocodile and block Fang Chuan for a while, Fang Chuan would be killed by thunder robbery.

But he didn't!

If Fang Chuan were to know what role Li Qingniu played this time in the process of crossing the catastrophe, he would definitely be surprised.

He will also understand that Li Qingniu is not as simple as he imagined.

Every step of Li Qingniu is not as simple as it seems!

Even, he might think that Li Qingniu is not entirely a native of the earth!

This time, Fang Chuan not only survived the catastrophe and greatly increased his strength, but also embraced the beauty and had in-depth exchanges with Rui Zhixin.

It can be said that he had a good harvest!

He hugged Rui Zhixin and flew in the sky at a speed close to Mach 4, leaving only white traces.

Now, even if it is a radar, he cannot easily be scanned, and even if it is scanned, it is difficult to find his true face.

In the past, he used the imperial wind technique and was a little trembling.

And now, he can move freely!

Before long, they returned to a well-decorated water bar on the third ring road of Yizhou City. The two of them went in, ordered two drinks, sat aside, and drank.

Rui Zhixin didn't have a real feeling until she drank the orange juice in her hand.

What she experienced from yesterday to today is so mysterious that she feels a little bit whether she is dreaming or not.

And now, they are back in the modern city, seeing modern shops, seeing driveways, seeing cars, and seeing high-rise buildings.

She finally understood that everything before was not dreaming, it was real!

"Ogawa, do you know? I never thought that these things that only exist in novels turned out to be reality."

"I never thought, one day, I will become a flying fairy!"


"You know, I have always dreamed of flying in the sky since I was a kid!"

Rui Zhixin said excitedly while drinking water.

Fang Chuan laughed and said, "It's just because you overestimated human imagination! It is hard for humans to imagine things that don't exist."

"It's like some animals, just like dogs are born to watch the house, our imagination comes from genes."

"I have been thinking that the human race should have an initial, most primitive gene. Only later, when it was distributed to all parts of the universe, did it evolve into different people and different worldviews."

"However, the original genes are in human genes."

"Of course, what I want to say is that our imagination has nothing to do with primitive genes, but because of the 4.5 billion-year life span of the earth, many things that scientists can't imagine have happened."

"One hundred million years, there will be vicissitudes of life!"

"Not to mention the earth, that is, the entire cultivation world, the entire universe of human beings, will also undergo great changes!"

When he said this, he couldn't help but sigh.

He, but from the supreme immortal world 100 million years ago.

However, even the supreme immortal world, 100 million years, may have already fallen.

One hundred million years is a humble mankind, an unimaginable power of time!

"and so……"

Rui Zhixin didn't know that Fang Chuan's memory was fused with the immortal venerable 100 million years ago, and he couldn't help but said: "Did humans exist in the past four billion years, or more than a billion years?"

"I'm not sure for more than a billion years, but 100 million years ago, there were already human beings. I can be absolutely sure."

Fang Chuan smiled. Another part of his memory is not human beings 100 million years ago?

"Oh." Rui Zhixin was thoughtful. Although Fang Chuan's words had a great impact on her worldview, she still chose to believe Fang Chuan.

After all, Fang Chuan has brought too much impossible to her!

Blinking, it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

Fang Chuan and Rui Zhixin came to the downstairs of Yunchuan Group. They came to pick up Fan Youmei, Yu Xiaoxiao and Lu Wei from get off work.

Fang Chuan called Fan Youmei just now and he knew that Yu Xiaoxiao was also in the e-sports department, so he decided to have a meal with them at night.

Feel free to introduce Rui Zhixin to them, and imagine the future.

Below the Yunchuan Group, there is a large square. In the center of the square, there is an artificial intelligence fountain, which can not only play wonderful music, but also has a very complicated fountain show.

Many people come here to watch the fountain every day.

Fang Chuan and the others were sitting at the side of the fountain, talking while waiting for Fan Youmei and the others to get off work.

Rui Zhixin was very nervous. First, she wanted to see Fan Youmei, an idol, and second, because she wanted to see her future sisters.

Only she can understand this complicated mood.

Fortunately, having Fang Chuan by her side can make her feel better.

On the other side of the fountain, in a corner of the square, about a hundred meters away from Fangchuan and the others, there was a man reading a newspaper.

While pretending to read the newspaper, he turned his attention to Fang Chuan from time to time, and at the same time, he reported work to others through his mobile phone.

"Fan Youmei hasn't come out yet."

"But Fang Chuan has come!"

"Should I cancel the action?"

His voice is very small, just enough to be transmitted to the phone.

"Continue monitoring." An indifferent voice came from the phone.

"Yes." This person is still a little worried, but since the superior has given him the order, he can only stick to it.

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, how could this person's surveillance be able to hide from him. He smiled, but didn't pay too much attention to it.

Such a small character, as long as he does not spy on his privacy, let him monitor it.

Waiting for the people behind to be brought out, let them take action, and then take action, but it is much easier than taking the initiative to attack.

"Don't say that this person's fancy is really superficial. Fan Youmei is already a superb stunner, and there are two superb like Fan Youmei in his company."

"Now, there is another one next to him. I go, why haven't I found so many beautiful women before?"

While watching, this person cautiously talked to the person on the phone to ease his nervousness.

"There are more beauties around him. According to intelligence, these people you are talking about are less than half of the beauties he has." The person opposite the phone also said in an enviable tone.

"It's so maddening to compare people." The man sighed.

Not only him, there are a lot of people in this square, some men, seeing Rui Zhixin-especially Rui Zhixin who has been double repaired-almost took their souls away.

If it weren't for Fang Chuan's temperament, let them cast a rat avoidance device, otherwise, they might have to come over and hook up with Fang Chuan.

"They're out!" At this moment, Fang Chuan stood up suddenly, pulled Rui Zhixin, smiled, and walked to the special passage of Yunchuan Group.

"Huh?" He only took a few steps and frowned, "Who are they?"

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