The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1638: This is also called generous?

Chapter 1638 is this also called generous?

"It's not unwilling!"

Ouyang Changgong was very angry, but he hardly showed his anger, "This thing, I don't know where you came from, and it is of great value. Even if the Yunchuan Group sells it, I am afraid I can't afford this piece!"

A trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

He said again: "Little brother, you'd better store this kind of thing. Otherwise, if someone else knows about it, maybe you will be in disaster!"

Ouyang Changtian also looked at Fang Chuan's middle-grade spirit stone with envy.

As members of the Ouyang family, they have never received a low-grade spiritual stone, let alone a middle-grade spiritual stone.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Is it so expensive? In other words, what you said before was just farting, right?"

"You--" Ouyang Changgong's face couldn't help changing.

"You are also lucky!" Ouyang Changtian said angrily, "You have deceived such a peerless treasure!"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "You guys, if you don't have the strength, it's shameful to come out to pick up girls."

As he said, he tossed the middle-grade spirit stone, "Sister Fan, go on. A gem, let you stay with me for the night, how about?"

Fan Youmei learned the value of this spirit stone from Ouyang Changgong, and quickly took it with both hands.

She nodded: "Okay!"


"This is too... generous!"

Ouyang Changgong and Ouyang Changtian were both stunned. They would not use a priceless medium-grade spirit stone to pick up girls for Fan Youmei and others.

This guy must be a prodigal!


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "This is called generous? Then you take a good look, don't bite your tongue."

As he said, he looked at Yu Xiaoxiao, Lu Wei and Rui Zhixin, and waved his hand: "I am happy today, uncle. I will spend a night with uncle like this, right?"

As he said, he threw a piece of middle-grade spirit stone over.

Yu Xiaoxiao, Lu Wei, and Rui Zhixin took the three daughters in their hands quickly, and looked at the spirit stone that was impossible to appear in this jewelry store.


"However, this is too expensive!"

"Ogawa, I don't need it!"

The three of them behaved differently, but their eyes never left this middle-grade spirit stone, because this spirit stone is so beautiful.

What jade, what diamond, in front of this gorgeous and beautiful spirit stone, nothing can be considered!

"This, this..." Ouyang Changtian couldn't help but back away.

Ouyang Changgong's face condensed, and he stared at Fang Chuan: "Who is this? How can an ordinary warlock of the rivers and lakes have so many treasures!"

"Puff!" Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't help it anymore, covering her mouth with a smile: "Mr. Chang Gong, he is the Fang Chuan you are looking for!"

"What?" Ouyang Changgong was taken aback. He never dreamed that the boss who founded the Yunchuan Group was such a brat.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at Fang Chuan: "You, are you Fang Chuan?"


Fang Chuan just responded indifferently, and then waved his hand: "Your Ouyang family is nothing more than that. Today I can be regarded as an insight."

"You go back first, and I will talk to you when I have time."

Afterwards, he paused, his eyes dimmed, and pointed at Fan Youmei and the others: "If you pester them again, I will let you know what cruelty is."

"We are just making friends!" Ouyang Changtian said unconvinced.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "You can't make friends!"

"You--" Ouyang Changtian usually has a very high status, and he feels very upset where he has been so angry.

Ouyang Changgong waved his hand: "Chang Tian, ​​needless to say."

He looked at Fang Chuan again, feeling aggrieved in his heart, but didn't show it: "It's a pleasure to meet Mr. Fang today. Goodbye."

After that, he took Ouyang Changtian, turned and hurried away.

"Xiaochuan, we have contacted them a few times, and the relationship can only be considered average. It's just a good talk, so don't think too much."

When Lu Hua came over, Chuan said with a slight smile.

She has the strongest perception ability, and she knows that Fang Chuan is jealous.

Fang Chuan curled his lips: "It doesn't matter to me."

Fan Youmei smiled and said, "Xiaochuan, do men sometimes have duplicity?"

As she said, she handed the spirit stone to Fang Chuan: "Well, we don't have to deal with them in the future. Take this gem back, I know it is very important to you."

"Yes, Xiaochuan, we can't ask for it!"

"It was to cooperate with you just now!"

"This is too expensive."

The other three women also hurriedly handed this priceless middle-grade spirit stone back to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan raised his eyebrows: "You too underestimated Fang Chuan, right? You thought I was acting just now? Wrong!"

He waved his hand: "Take them all back and put them to good use. Just now I said I would let you stay with me all night, but you agreed."


"What! This is too direct!"


"This is exciting enough, I like it!"

Except for Yu Xiaoxiao, the other three women blushed and looked at each other, very shy, even Fan Youmei was the same.

Only Yu Xiaoxiao looked excited.

In fact, she has never said that Fan Youmei and Fang Chuan had a double repair, because she was afraid of bad influence.

As a result, Yu Xiaoxiao thought that Fang Chuan was joking, and thought it was just the kind of illusion before.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "If you accept the gift, then my request will be met."

He clapped his hands: "Furthermore, this spirit stone is very precious to the two hillbillies, but it is nothing to me. I have a few more here!"

The girls listened, so they had no choice but to put them in their handbags.

Fang Chuan pointed to Rui Zhixin again and said, "By the way, I will introduce you new sisters, Rui Zhixin, Xiao Rui! My classmate from Chishui County!"

Then, Fang Chuan introduced Rui Zhixin's three daughters to Fan Youmei one by one.

Rui Zhixin blushed first, and was very nervous when facing Fan Youmei, but after a few more words, they became familiar with it.

However, she still felt a little awkward.

However, Yu Xiaoxiao and the others were used to this situation and took the initiative to pull Rui Zhixin, very enthusiastic.

Anyway, when there was an extra Lu Hua, she knew that there would be an endless stream of women next to Fang Chuan.

Therefore, she was more natural than anyone else.

Then, they surrounded Fang Chuan, chatting and laughing, and got into the car together.

"Boss, Fang Chuan and the four great beauties have already left." The person monitoring Fang Chuan and them saw that Fang Chuan got in the car. As he ran to his car, he asked, "Should I catch up?"

"We must catch up with him."

On the other side of the phone, the voice of the person before came, "I didn't expect him to have such a valuable thing, we must get it."

"What about Fan Youmei?" the man asked again.

"You want people, and you want the crystals of the future!" The man sneered, "This Fang Chuan is really a wealthy boy!"

"Understood!" The man responded quickly and ran to his car!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan got in the car. They got in Yu Xiaoxiao's SUV, which was more than enough for five of them.

While driving, he watched the watcher's movement and smiled faintly.

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