Chapter 1635 Great Harvest!

Fang Chuan has experienced a lot of suffering, which has exceeded the scope of human endurance. However, his harvest is very rich!

Even, his heart is extremely excited.

The unknown Jinhua didn't know how to have such a powerful repair and strengthening ability, coupled with the power of the sky thunder, unexpectedly raised Fang Chuan's body to a level.

Because it was not ready this time, the inner aspects of the best refining demon mirror remained unchanged, and it was still at the level of the best magic weapon.

However, his body, the external material of the best refining demon mirror, has been elevated to the level of a low-grade treasure.

Its toughness has reached an outrageous level.

And his physical strength, after four or nine days of calamity, under the bombardment of thirty-six sky thunders, it has also been improved by more than ten times.

His current physical body is not much weaker than his true energy.

Until this moment, he has truly become a person who cultivates both immortal and martial arts.

His combat effectiveness is ten times stronger than a hundred times stronger than a cultivator of the same true Qi quality in the same realm.

The base-building triple is a hurdle, which is very different from the base-building double.

However, Fang Chuan's combat effectiveness at the moment has reached the triple level of foundation building.

His true qi was completely liquid, and it turned into a faint golden color, and the quality completely exceeded that of ordinary cultivators.


He couldn't help laughing. The reason why he was able to reach this level was actually not entirely due to the integration of the best demon mirror.

The most important thing is that he had been baptized with blood from that underground tentacle monster before, and his body had changed.

This body is not only very powerful in combat, but also able to integrate a lot of strength and material.

The power of the sky thunder, he can blend well.

However, the magic weapon, he can also integrate well.

Although the power that this body gave him to improve at the beginning was not particularly great, but he has infinite potential.

"What kind of monster is that?" Fang Chuan frowned. As a fairy, he didn't know such a terrible monster.

He felt a little puzzled that he could get such a powerful body just by bathing in its blood.

However, since the body can be raised to this level, it is naturally a good thing to be able to have such a strong potential!

In short, his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds!

In front of him, the three masters of the foundation building can no longer show off!

Then, his gaze turned to the side, and the dying Fan Xinghe tickled the corner of his mouth.

"You monster, you are a monster, why did our Fan family provoke you this monster?" Fan Xinghe was going crazy.

He just watched, this monster, physically carrying thirty-six sky thunders, didn't die.

Moreover, his breath is much stronger than before.

He feels this world is crazy!

Which **** did not pay attention and created such a BUG!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan shook his head, "You didn't have much hatred with me, but our positions are different and our forces are different, so there is no possibility of reconciliation."

He waved his hand: "In this case, there is nothing more to say."

"Do you want to kill me?" Fan Xinghe was anxious and angry, "Don't think that I can be at your mercy."

He sneered: "I, Fan Xinghe, have lived for nearly two hundred years. What trouble has not been encountered, and what danger has not been experienced?"

"Oh." Fang Chuan nodded, "Then wait and see."


Fang Chuan's figure flashed, his whole body was like a streamer, and his speed was already close to Mach 4, making it impossible to see his movements.

Only a ray of light flashed, and he slapped Fan Xinghe with a palm.

"Ah -" Fan Xinghe let out a scream, his whole body pierced through the dark river and blasted on the mountain wall by the dark river.

Boom, boom——

The extremely hard mountain wall was also shattered under his impact, and it turned out to be an empty secret tunnel!

Fan Xinghe's whole body rolled down quickly in the secret tunnel.


Below was an even more turbulent dark river. The waves were turbulent. Fan Xinghe plunged into the dark river and was severely impacted.

In a short while, it was washed away by the dark river.

"Forget it."

Seeing Fan Xinghe washed away by the water, Fang Chuan suppressed his inner urge to catch Fan Xinghe back, so he had the right to let him go once.

It's not that he is soft-hearted!

This time, he was able to reach this state, and he still relied on Fan Xinghe to retreat here, and he had guarded the unknown Golden Flower for so many years.

This is a cause and effect. Since Fan Xinghe has played a part, and the heavens will not let him die like this, then he will follow the sky.

Sometimes, going in the sky can also get greater benefits.


After he finished speaking, the whole person was like lightning, and he rushed out in the blink of an eye, pierced through the dark tunnel, and returned to the cave.

His temperament has undergone tremendous changes.

His coat was smashed in the thunder tribulation just now, and now the muscles exposed on his upper body are as perfect as carved with a sword and axe.

A slight movement of him contained a terrifying explosive force.

"Xiaochuan!" Rui Zhixin was in the defensive formation, hearing the endless thunder outside, worried Fang Chuan to the extreme.

However, in fact, Fang Chuan has done so many things just now, and said a lot, not much time has passed!

Therefore, Rui Zhixin was about to leave the formation, when he went to find Fang Chuan, Fang Chuan had already returned to the cave.

"I'm fine."

Fang Chuan waved his hand gently, and said with a smile: "I'm fine!"

"Congratulations, Director, after the tribulation, your strength has increased!"

"Master is mighty!"

Both Zhetaifeng and Wangmingxing also felt that the qi in Fang Chuan was so powerful, more than ten times higher than before.

The two of them hurried over and knelt in front of Fang Chuan on one knee, arching their hands in joy.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Thanks to the two of you, get up."

"Thank you, Master!" Zhan Taifeng and the other two got up.

"Xiaochuan, where's Fan Xinghe?" Seeing Fang Chuan's safety, Rui Zhixin ran out of Fang Chuan's arms without considering any formations.

Fang Chuan held Rui Zhixin in his arms and smiled faintly: "Let him go this time, anyway, even if he breaks through, he won't be able to break the waves."

He said again: "God doesn't let me kill him, then I won't kill him."

"Yeah." Rui Zhixin nodded, "It's good not to kill."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile after hearing this. With this kind of thought, Rui Zhixin would not know how many times he would die if he walked alone in the cultivation world.

However, his woman is naturally guarded by him.

Since Rui Zhixin didn't like killing, he would try to make her less contact with killing.

He hugged Rui Zhixin and smiled faintly: "Let's go back, although the mountain scenery here is good, but how can it compare with life in modern society!"

"Good!" Rui Zhixin nodded.

The two rose into the sky and flew straight away. The two people, Zhetaifeng and Wrongpunishment, also rushed out at a very fast speed.


Just after they left, the previous giant crocodile slowly crawled out, looking at the two Fang Chuan who left, unexpectedly speaking.

"Fang Chuan, you will change the world with me one day."

The giant crocodile spoke with a roar and his head exploded automatically!

This voice turned out to be Li Qingniu!

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