Chapter 1634 This monster!


Fang Chuan's speed was so fast, just a flash, he reached a speed close to Mach 4, and rushed to Fan Xinghe's side.

"Damn, what are you doing here?" Fan Xinghe cursed. Seeing Fang Chuan was like seeing a plague god, avoiding him.

"Hehe, let's get your baby!" Fang Chuan smiled and grabbed Fan Xinghe's body.

"you dare!"

Fan Xinghe was now fully resisting Fang Chuan's Tianlei, swearing fiercely, but the next moment, he was caught by Fang Chuan and threw it into the cave.


That day Lei had completely locked on him, and at the moment he rolled, Tian Lei made a sharp turn and hit him with precision.

"Damn!" Fan Xinghe cursed.

His body guard was really angry and was shattered. The whole person rolled on the ground more than a dozen times, and even directly exploded the mountain.

He suddenly realized what Fang Chuan was going to do.

He angered: "How did you know?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled again, but there was a wave of infinite thunder in his hand, and with a boom, the mountain wall that Fan Xinghe had just knocked out was even more broken.

Afterwards, he rushed towards the mountain wall.


No one can escape the robbery.

The moment Fang Chuan rushed into the mountain wall, Heavenly Tribulation followed and slammed over, completely against the principles of physics.

Boom, boom——

Heavenly Tribulation's powerful destructive power, coupled with Shangchuan's Promise Lei Jin, the cave was punched out of a tunnel in just a moment.

Wow, wow...

When the cave was opened up, a dark river appeared. The dark river was flowing, but it exuded a burst of spiritual energy and the fragrance of elixir.

Fang Chuan took advantage of the moment when the catastrophe came, he rushed forward, along the dark river, crossing the catastrophe while rushing to the destination.

There, there was a golden flower that grew from the carcass of some kind of animal, possessing a strong aura.

Fang Chuan already knew through his divine sense that this unknown golden flower not only had the ability to repair the body, but also had a strong ability to strengthen the body.

As long as he obtains this golden flower and eats it, the Forty-Nine Tribulations will have no problem at all, and his body will definitely improve greatly.

Along the underground river, Fang Chuan rushed out for a kilometer or two in a very short time.

Fan Xinghe was also taken here by Fang Chuan's punch and punch.

At this time, the Trinity Tribulation has passed.

Fang Chuan's body had reached its limit and could no longer withstand the next wave of thunder.

The golden flames on Fan Xinghe's body were getting weaker and weaker.

"Asshole, if I die, I won't let you be a ghost. My life's cultivation level will be destroyed by you!" Fan Xinghe was very upset. I knew that if I met this person, I could run away. of!

Now, he has no such idea!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Take advantage of the gap between the thirty-nine calamities transformed into the forty-nine calamities, you still have a good rest!"

He looked at the golden flower in front of him, and the corner of his mouth hooked: "As for the elixir that you have guarded for so long, I will do it for you!"

As he said, he shook his figure and rushed over.

"You bastard!" Fan Xinghe yelled at him without knowing Fang Chuan's name at his current position, wanting to fight Fang Chuan for the elixir.

However, he didn't dare anymore!

Although Fang Chuan's current state is also very bad, it is above him.

This is really a pervert!

He is physically carrying thunder!

Moreover, there is another reason, that is, near the golden flower, there has always been a spirit beast that has built a foundation to guard it.

If before, the spirit beast that built a heavy foundation would not have much influence on them.

But now, in their state, I'm afraid they can't bear the attack of this spirit beast.

Even if you have passed it, when the first thunder of the Forty-Nine Tribulations arrives, it will be the death date of this pesky guy!

He was thinking that Fang Chuan had already rushed to the vicinity of Jinhua.

"Looking for death!" Fan Xinghe sneered, but looked forward to it.

If Fang Chuan dies and the thunder catastrophe is lifted, then he might still be able to survive this catastrophe.


Sure enough, at the moment Fang Chuan approached Jinhua, a crocodile as big as a mountain jumped out and rushed towards Fang Chuan.

"Haha!" Fan Xinghe couldn't help laughing.

"Beast, do you think I don't know you are here?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, his gaze flickered, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, followed by a terrifying sense of God, acting on the giant crocodile.


Almost instantly, the giant crocodile spirit beast prostrated on the ground, shivering, as if it had seen his emperor, his master.

In fact, all this is in Fang Chuan's calculations.

Spirit beasts are different from humans!

Even if people meet someone who is stronger than him, they will have a spirit of resistance.

But the spirit beasts, especially the spirit beasts that are still in the foundation stage, their instinct is to surrender to that supreme majesty.

So, in an instant, it crawled down.


And at this moment, the first thunder robbery of the Forty-Nine Heavens Tribulation traced their aura and blasted over at a very fast speed along the dark river.

"not good!"

Fan Xinghe was extremely disappointed. He didn't expect the giant crocodile to be useless at this critical moment.

At the same time, he felt a sense of crisis that made his heart frustrated.

The thunder robbery from outside is so terrifying!

"Fortunately it's too late!"

Fang Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief. At the moment when Thunder Tribulation struck, he grabbed Jin Hua and swallowed it.

Suddenly, the medicinal properties and spiritual energy of Jinhua were completely released in Fang Chuan's stomach.

Also at this moment, the first sky thunder of the Four Nine Thunder Tribulation had already blasted on him.


The powerful destructive power is outside, and the powerful repairing power is inside. One destruction and one repair, like a sledgehammer, are constantly tempering Fang Chuan's body.

Click, click, click!

At that moment, Fang Chuan suffered extremely intensely.

However, his spiritual will is extremely terrifying.

Switching to other monks of the same realm, I am afraid that under the impact of this pain, he has already suffered a nervous breakdown and his spiritual consciousness has collapsed.

He didn't!

He is the reincarnation of Xianzun after all!

boom! boom! boom……

In his body, zhenqi burst, pill fire burst, and his body burst. However, the unknown Jinhua quickly repaired his Dantian and body at that moment!

The external thunder robbery blasted on him one by one.

He is full of blood!

However, he supported it!

Forty-nine Heavens Tribulation, the last sky thunder, brazenly blasted over. Lei had turned pale red, as if he had the might of destroying the world.


This thunder tribulation blasted down from his head, penetrated his spiritual will, and destroyed his body.

However, the golden flower in his body is constantly repairing his body.


At that moment, Fang Chuan seemed to have experienced a century, the pain had reached its limit, but the thunder catastrophe had ended.

He slowly opened his eyes, and a triumphant curve formed at the corner of his mouth.

This time, it made a lot of money!

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