The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1633: Thunder is endless this day?

Chapter 1633 The Thunder Is Endless?

Anyone who crosses the catastrophe does not prepare for a long time, and uses various methods to avoid the lightning catastrophe. Even body refiners rarely carry the lightning catastrophe with their flesh.

Fan Xinghe was also a second-tier cultivator who crossed the tribulation and built the foundation. He had a deep understanding of the thunder tribulation.

Therefore, the monk also had a great fear of Thunder Tribulation.

Now, Fang Chuan not only wants to carry the catastrophe physically, but also pulls him Fan Xinghe up, which is simply too vicious.

He wanted to run, but the moment Fang Chuan rushed over, he had already been locked by the robbery.

"You bastard!"

Fan Xinghe was furious. He had just displayed the secret treasure, his momentum was greatly lifted, and he even felt a little proud.

But at this moment, the smoke disappeared instantly.

He was in pain!

He was so angry!

This guy simply doesn't want Bilian!


The first sky thunder blasted down, and without hesitation, it hit him and Fang Chuan.


Fan Xinghe is not Fang Chuan, his body is not that powerful. Without this horrible thunder, although he did not die and was not completely seriously injured, it also made him feel heartbroken!

This evokes his fear of the catastrophe!

Moreover, his previous injuries were more serious at this time.


Fang Chuan laughed, and the first sky thunder struck him, although it was painful. However, a trace of light blue thunder blossoms appeared on his body.

This is the secret method he used to make his body absorb the power of the sky thunder and temper his body.

His body is a fusion of the best refining demon mirror and the flesh. Originally, he wanted to borrow the power of the sky thunder and add some materials to improve the quality of the demon mirror.

However, obviously there is no such good time for him.

However, the step of tempering the body must also be performed.

Once the body is tempered, the quality of the Demon Mirror can be improved more easily, and his strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.


He had only absorbed the power of the first sky thunder, and the second sky thunder had already blasted over. The entire sky was illuminated by thunder on this day.

"not good!"

Before Fan Xinghe had time to recover, he saw the second sky thunder coming. Where did he still have time to pay attention to Fang Chuan, and hurriedly mobilized the body protector's Zhen Qi to resist around his body.

He was frightened by Fang Chuan's sudden catastrophe, and he didn't have time to react.

This time, his body protector was really qi, forming a barrier, blocking him.


Forty-nine days, a thunder is stronger than a thunder.

At this time, Fan Xinghe's body protection was almost broken, but the inside of his body was also strongly shocked.


He couldn't help vomiting blood, his expression even more wilted.

But at this time, Fang Chuan was flying in the air, welcoming the catastrophe.


His body was shocked by electric currents, and his bronze skin was also beaten red.

The power of the sky thunder penetrated into his body, and under the secret technique of refining, it continuously consolidated his body.

He couldn't help laughing!

"Is this the sky thunder?" Rui Zhixin was stunned when she saw the scene in front of her, hiding in the defensive formation.

She only stepped into the ranks of cultivators last night.

Today, she was fortunate to be able to see the monk crossing the robbery, which was of great help to her.

"Yes, mistress." Zhantai nodded, "Your human race was okay when dealing with the tribulation. Our demons, and the demon race, have a very low survival rate under the tribulation."

"Devil race, monster race?"

Rui Zhixin glanced suspiciously at Zhetaifeng and Wumingxing. She had felt the difference between the two of them before.

However, she is also a smart person and doesn't talk much.

She asked again: "The Tribulation, can two people share the burden together?"

It turned out that what she saw just now was that the robbery was divided into two, which made her a little confused.

Sui Mingxing quickly said: "Mother, this is not the case. If there is another person in the scope of the tribulation, then the tribulation will split and deal with another person. Its power is equal!"

"This time the master is also to deal with this person, only to summon the tribulation."

Zhe Taifeng also quickly explained to Rui Zhixin: "In this way, not only will the enemy not be able to leave, but he may be killed by the robbery."

"So it's like this!" Rui Zhixin suddenly understood.

"So, generally speaking, if someone crosses the robbery, you must stay away, otherwise, you may be implicated."

Zhan Taifeng smiled and said, "However, like the master, there are very few people who suddenly start the tribulation. Because everyone wants to survive the tribulation, they must find a remote place and do it I'm ready to start crossing the robbery."

"Yeah. I understand!" Rui Zhixin nodded.

And just as they were speaking, Fang Chuan and the others had been smashed by nine heavenly thunders, one thunder stronger than the other.

At this time, Fang Chuan's skin had completely turned dark red and it was extremely hot.

Every breath of him contains thunder power and electric current.

However, every part of his body has been tempered by Tianlei, but it is also much stronger and stronger.

"You bastard, what hatred do I have with you, what resentment? You destroy my Fan family, and still hurt me like this!"

"Don't die in the catastrophe, I will cook you alive and eat!"



Fan Xinghe's curses were endless. He was really wronged and angry, and he felt very unlucky. How could he meet such a person.

Sometimes, before he finishes his sentence, the next thunder will come down.

"Fuck, thunder is endless this day!"

His injuries are even heavier, if he hadn't used the secret treasure, and his own strength was also very strong, otherwise, he would have died.

However, even so, he was embarrassed and struggled to support.

He simply wanted to smash Fang Chuan into ten thousand pieces!

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan gritted his teeth and looked at Fan Xinghe as he continued to bear the sky thunder. "I advise you to save some strength to deal with the sky robbery, my son, my sky robbery, but the forty-nine sky robbery. Now, it's past. Eighteen ways."

"I fuck!"

Fan Xinghe sounded horrified. The Twenty-Nine Days Tribulation was already very terrifying to him. He didn't expect that this guy was still the Forty-Nine Days Tribulation.

He is desperate!

The power of the Secret Treasure is about to pass, and his body is already terrible.

At that time, even if Fang Chuan was dead, he was not dead. But Zhan Taifeng and others on the side couldn't let him go.

He also tried to run past, but Fang Chuan, this monster, was able to explode at such a terrible speed when crossing the Tribulation, like a maggot attached to bones.

But now the tribulation is getting more and more powerful, he dare not get distracted!

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile when he saw Fan Xinghe's unlucky appearance, and then faced the robbery without changing his face, smiling at Fengyun!

Boom, boom...

The Twenty-Nine Heavens Tribulation has passed, and the Thirty-Nine Heavens Tribulation is coming. The color of Thunder Tribulation has also changed from light blue to dark blue.

The power has also been doubled.

Fang Chuan's body was almost too much to eat.

He has eaten handfuls of Qi Gathering Pills to restore the true qi in his body, and then strengthen his body resistance.

The true energy in his dantian is gradually improving in quality.

"It's time!" Fang Chuan's eyes lit up.

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