The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1624: Terrible schoolmaster

Chapter 1624

"Charles..." Rui Zhixin was naturally very upset when she heard that her sweetheart was said by others.

Fang Chuan waved his hand to stop Rui Zhixin.

He looked at Charles and said with a smile: "If the scumbag is not in class, I may be a scumbag. If it is based on the amount of knowledge I have learned, I am a scumbag. Then everyone in the room may be a scumbag. Up."

"Huh, it sounds like your grades are good?"

"Although our college students don't completely judge by grades, since we are here, we will discuss and discuss with grades."

"This is very interesting! My scores in all subjects are above 90 points."

"IM about the same."

"I often get full marks."

Everyone, I say one sentence. It turns out that these people are not only the rich second generation, but also very hardworking people.

They can, have good character and learning, each has their own strengths, and are very good. Once they are born in society, they can make good grades even without relying on their parents.

They originally had a lot of opinions on Fang Chuan, so when they heard Fang Chuan's arrogant words just now, they suddenly had opinions.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth after listening to them, knowing that they were dissatisfied.

At this time, Charles took the opportunity to ask: "Student Fang, what was your grade last semester?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly after hearing it, "Oh, let's tell you, it should be full marks."

"All full marks?"

"how is this possible?"


After hearing this, everyone's complexion changed first, and then they shook their heads with a look of disbelief.

Indeed, it is not easy for Yizhou University, a top university, to get full marks in the exam, let alone get full marks.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "If you don’t believe me, it’s fine. However, it seems that you are also tyrants and you have heard about your major just now. Unfortunately, I have read all of your major books. If you are not convinced You can use your professional knowledge to rely on me as a medical student."

He waved his hand: "If I can't answer, I was bragging just now, how?"

"it is good!"

When Charleston became excited, he didn't like Fang Chuan very much. Fang Chuan now brags about not drafting, just giving them a chance.

In this way, it can also make Fang Chuan embarrassed.

"Xiao Rui, can he do it?" Jing Xiaotian also didn't believe that Fang Chuan could learn to this level, and learned all the knowledge of at least six majors present.

If it is true, is he still human?

Rui Zhixin smiled slightly, nodded and said in a low voice: "If he says yes, he will definitely be able to."

"No." Jing Xiaotian also leaned close to Rui Zhixin's ears, "Are you too obsessed with him, you even believe this? This person, why do I feel unreliable!"

"Look at it." Rui Zhixin knew that Fang Chuan's words sounded incredible, but she had very strong confidence in Fang Chuan.

"Then let us witness the beauties present."

"Student Fang, I also want to know, are you talking big, or are you really such a talented person!"

"Yes, we will wait and see!"

"Then let me test our classmate Fang first!"

The boys couldn't help but smile at each other, and then they were ready to watch Fang Chuan's joke.

One of the boys in computer science volunteered and looked at Fang Chuan: "Let me ask you a simple one. There are several languages ​​for computers. What are they?"

This is actually a very basic problem, but it is also a very error-prone problem.

Students of this major sometimes make mistakes, let alone Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "This question is very simple, first is assembly language, then C language..."

After a while, he said the correct answer.

At this time, Jing Xiaotian had already used her mobile phone to answer Baidu. Hearing Fang Chuan's answer, none of them was wrong.

She hurriedly cheered and said, "Haha! I didn't expect it, it was all right!"

Everyone hurriedly looked at the boy who asked the question. The boy's expression changed and he sighed, "It's true."

He said again: "Then next, I will test you again!"

Later, he asked Fang Chuan three consecutive questions about computers, even programming, and logic circuits.

Fang Chuan replied quickly, not bad, which made the boy's face change again and again.

"You are too good!" The boy couldn't help but shook his head, "Are you really a medical student?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Of course."

"Then you..." The boy was still a little unbelievable.

Fang Chuan smiled, "Actually, these problems are not difficult for you."

"..." The boy was speechless.

"I'm here!" A boy from the Department of Economics and Management hurriedly stood up, faced Fang Chuan, and then asked three questions about the Department of Economics and Management.

The problem of management system tends to be more conceptual. Although you may be able to answer after reading the book, these questions are complicated and ordinary students, even if they have dabbled in it, may not be able to remember them.

However, Fang Chuan answered completely again.

"You--" The man in the economics and management department was stunned, feeling that Fang Chuan was a little abnormal.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's still too simple!"

"I'm studying Russian..." Another boy from the Foreign Languages ​​Institute stood up. Russian is a small language and there are definitely not many people who understand it.

Afterwards, he spoke a long list of Russian and smiled: "You can translate it!"


After Fang Chuan said it in one breath, everyone was shocked.

Then, several other professional boys came out to test Fang Chuan, and no one could get him.

At this moment, not only Jing Xiaotian these women, their eyes showed shock and admiration, and even the other boys were shocked to speak.

"You, how did you do it?" Charles's face was both ugly and suspicious.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's actually very simple. You just have to study all the books in our Yizhou University library."


Everyone almost vomited blood!

Just kidding!

The library of Yizhou University has more books than the provincial library. Want to study these books again? I'm afraid it won't work for three lifetimes to learn!

Charles couldn't help asking: "Did you just study all the books in the library?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded, "It's very simple, it doesn't take much time. The main reason is that you read too slowly, your understanding speed is too slow, and your memory ability is too poor."

Everyone was blushing by him!

They certainly didn't believe that Fang Chuan had studied all the books in the library, but he was able to answer a question without bad, which also showed his ability.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Okay, these are minor problems. I can also see that you have some opinions about me because of my relationship with Xiao Rui."

The corner of his mouth clicked: "It's okay! I'm used to it. Then I will tell you formally here, Xiao Rui likes me, but won't like you. Because you are so far behind me!"


When Jing Xiaotian heard this, she squirted out the tea she had just drunk, and looked at Fang Chuan, still speechless.

This guy is too narcissistic, right?

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