The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1623: Differential treatment

Chapter 1623

Rui Zhixin has been very depressed recently, and has not received any news from Fang Chuan for several months. She even wondered if Fang Chuan didn't like her anymore.

The day before yesterday, her good friend formed a game, and everyone came out and walked together to get together and relax.

Rui Zhixin didn't like this kind of activity, because she was too depressed, so she agreed to her friend.

Today, they drove to this scenic spot more than 100 kilometers outside Yizhou City.

Soon, she was attracted by the scenery here, and temporarily forgot her troubles.

Because they are all young people, Rui Zhixin quickly got acquainted with them. She is not a person with a lonely character, so everyone's chat is considered joyful.

However, sometimes when she sees a couple passing by, she feels a little sad.

Could it be that Fang Chuan really forgot her?

While thinking, she said nothing to the people next to her, and she was touring the scenery of the scenic spot.

At the same time, quietly watching the boys coming together, showing off their talents.

To be honest, although she doesn't like these boys, especially some of them are international students at school.

However, a large number of people can always make her smile. There was a little more smile on her face.

When she smiled, these boys watched mesmerized, and then performed harder, hoping to get Rui Zhixin's heart.

"It's very lively."

She was seeing a boy playing with treasures and couldn't help making her laugh. Then, she heard a familiar voice coming from behind.

She couldn't help but was overjoyed, and she turned around quickly, and she saw the person who thought about it day and night, and her smile became even brighter.

She hurried over and took Fang Chuan's hand: "Xiaochuan!"

"Xiao Rui."

Fang Chuan smiled slightly, tightened Rui Zhixin's hand, and smiled: "I came here to do something, but I didn't expect to meet you."

He looked at the people on the side again, felt the hostility exuded by those boys, and smiled faintly: "Are they all your friends?"


Rui Zhixin nodded, and then quickly explained: "I only met ordinary friends. Together, it is my best friend Xiaotian's friend."

When everyone heard it, they were a little embarrassed, and Fang Chuan felt even more upset.

Xiaotian is a good friend of Rui Zhixin, named Jing Xiaotian, who is also a white and rich girl with a deep background.

Therefore, the people around her are those powerful and powerful friends from overseas students, or wealthy sons from all over the country.

When she saw Fang Chuan, she couldn't help being attracted by Fang Chuan's temperament, her eyes lit up, she walked over, waved her hand to say hello, and smiled: "You are Fang Chuan! We Xiao Rui talk about it every day!"

Those friends of Jing Xiaotian heard it, and their faces were even worse.

At this time, Jing Xiaotian stretched out her hand: "It's nice to meet you."

Fang Chuan smiled slightly and shook hands with Jing Xiaotian quickly: "Yes, I am Fang Chuan. I am glad to meet you."

Jing Xiaotian waved his hand: "Since I met here, let's climb to the top together. It is said that the higher the scenic spot, the better the scenery!"

"Okay!" Rui Zhixin nodded quickly, and then said again: "You have something to do here, will you delay your business?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to play."

"That's great." Rui Zhixin was almost excited.

"I'll go, we used to tease her so hard, it's better to say something like this boy."

"It looks like this is her boyfriend."

"What are you afraid of? Even if you get married, you can get a divorce."

Those boys were obviously attracted by Rui Zhixin, who were still in love with rivals before, and now they suddenly unified the front.

Fang Chuan glanced at them lightly, heard their whispers, but didn't say much.

His women, one by one, are exquisite beauties, and each one can attract the attention of many men.

If he has to resort to measures when he meets one, then he must not be exhausted!

He smiled, took Rui Zhixin's hand, and said, "Let's go."

"Yeah." At this moment, Rui Zhixin almost only had Fang Chuan in his eyes.

Those boys were very depressed.

You know, some of them are the rich second generation of a certain capital city, and some are the princes of a small country.

In short, their identities are prominent and they are very simple to pursue girls.

However, Rui Zhixin made them feel weak.

Afterwards, they climbed the mountain together, enjoyed the scenery together, and went exploring together. This scenic spot is very large, so people will not appear particularly dense.

Rui Zhixin was also very happy after this trip.

However, the boys with her were completely ignored by her. No matter what these boys did, she didn't pay attention.

In the hearts of these boys, Fangchuan had a lot of resentment.

Finally, they reached the highest peak.

Here, they can see far away, and they can see layers of clouds. They kept taking pictures.

Fang Chuan and Rui Zhixin took a lot of photos, and acted like a lot of intimacy.

Rui Zhixin was happy the whole time, and her cheeks were flushed and shy.

The boys wanted to come over to take pictures with Rui Zhixin, but they couldn't get in. They had no choice but to look at Fang Chuan resentfully.

At this time, it was noon, they came to a well-decorated restaurant in the scenic area and called a big box.

Then they sat around a big table.

One of the princes of the oil kingdom in the Middle East, Charles, was a very handsome and exquisite boy.

His facial features, judging from the aesthetics of people on earth, can be said to have almost reached the extreme, or it can be said that Fang Chuan is much more handsome.

It belongs to the kind, the highest level of beauty, the kind that girls will scream when they see it.

He spoke fluent Chinese, and amused several other women around him.

However, his thoughts are all on Rui Zhixin's body.

However, after Rui Zhixin met Fang Chuan, he barely saw him directly, which made him very upset.

However, because everyone was playing before, there were not many opportunities to interject.

Now everyone is sitting together, he quickly looked at Fang Chuan and asked, "I heard that classmate Fang is also a student in our school?"

"That's it." Fang Chuan nodded.

"I wonder if classmate Fang has received any scholarships?"

Charles seemed to say casually: "In the school, there is a scholarship called Charles Scholarship. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Oh?" Fang Chuan raised his brows: "Charles Scholarship? It sounds like it should be named after you, right?"

He shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

"Ha ha."

Charles nodded: "Yes, this is a scholarship fund organized by my father who invested 300 million US dollars in total."

He said again: "Student Fang, this scholarship has benefited a lot of people, but classmate Fang has never heard of it? Are you a legendary student?"

Everyone listened, and suddenly became quiet, watching the confrontation between Charles and Fang Chuan.

Charles's words are a bit straightforward.

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