The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1625: Show off wealth at will

Chapter 1625

Not only Jing Xiaotian, but the boys' faces were flushed to the ground, as if they were about to drip blood.


Charles turned back and forth with a smile. After a while, he looked at Fang Chuan: "Student Fang, do you think you have so much basic knowledge, you are very good?"

He shook his head: "This world is very unfair! You may be excellent, and you can rise in ten years."

The corner of his mouth evokes a confident arc: "But once I was born, it will be enough for you to work hard for a lifetime. This is the gap."

He smiled: "You can say that classmate Rui Zhixin likes your talents, but you can't be so arrogant."


Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Charles: "I understand what you mean, you want to compare wealth with me, right?"

He shook his head: "How much money do you have and how much money can you inherit. Oh, yes, you are the prince of the United Arab Emirates, right?"

He chuckled: "However, your UAE's position in the world is not high, I'm afraid, the only thing that can be praised is money?"

"Yes, I just have money."

Charles smiled, "You may not believe it. I have more than 30 billion dollars in my own wealth now."

"My God, you deserve to be the prince of the United Arab Emirates!"


"If only I had so much money."

When everyone listened, they couldn't help but take a breath. They are just students, even if they are the rich second generation, they have at most ten million in funds.

This Prince Charles is a fighter in the rich second generation.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Fang Chuan, wanting to see a little embarrassment on Fang Chuan's face, or a little embarrassed.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed.

Fang Chuan couldn't help but shook his head: "You all say that the United Arab Emirates is very rich, but you are a dignified prince, so only that little money?"

"What a big tone!"

"That's more than 30 billion U.S. dollars!"

"Almost two hundred billion!"

"Said people are poor?"

Everyone seemed to have heard the biggest joke of the century. To say this, it is even more unbelievable to say that Fang Chuan said that he had learned all the books in the library.

Fang Chuan glanced at them lightly, as if looking at some people who had never seen the world.

He shook his head, took the lower-grade flying sword magic weapon that had been broken before from the mustard space, and put it on the table.

He said faintly: "This artifact was bought for nearly 10 billion at the time, but it was broken when it was in a fight with someone, but now it can sell for several billions."

He followed, and took out another spirit stone that made people's eyes bright and had never seen before—in their eyes, this was a very valuable gem.

He smiled and said: "Just this stone, you may not have seen it. It is called a low-grade spirit stone in the industry. I can change it from those big families, and I can change it for tens of billions. I have better quality than this. I won’t show you the tall ones."

Afterwards, he took out another Supreme Card and threw it on the table: "There is also this personal pocket card of mine. I don't know how much money is in it."

He looked at Charles: "Well, why don't you transfer me a dollar and let me see the balance?"

With that said, he put the phone on the table.


When everyone heard what he said, they were skeptical, but they were also some rich second generation, some knowledgeable also knew the magic weapon, which was very popular in the Chinese rich world.

Charles's face was ugly.

He didn't know any magic weapon, but he knew the spirit stone that Fang Chuan took out.

He has seen before that a company in the United Arab Emirates is studying this kind of energy crystals that contain high concentrations and difficult to use energy.

This kind of crystal is called the crystal of the future at the national level.

He also understood that the price of this future crystal is higher in their U.S.A. than Fang Chuan just said.


Fang Chuan's cell phone suddenly rang the sound of a text message. It turned out that it was one of the very curious boys who transferred money via mobile phone, according to the card number on the table and Fang Chuan's name, and transferred a dollar.

After that, everyone took a breath.

Fang Chuan's mobile phone pre-reading page showed a long list of numbers.

Fang Chuan just clicked on it, clicked the interface to the SMS page, and everyone started counting, Fang Chuan's balance digits.

"One hundred million, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one billion, one billion, ten billion, one hundred billion..."

Everyone couldn't help but be terrified!

Moreover, it was only Chinese currency. There are tens of billions of dollars on this card!


Charles's face turned pale. He originally thought that Fang Chuan had the crystal of the future, that is, the spirit stone, which was already very remarkable.

However, his balance is so much.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, put everything away, put his mobile phone into his trouser pocket, and then calmly sat back to his position.

He smiled faintly: "Well, it seems that the company's benefits are not bad, I remember there was not so much money last time."

"After a few months, there were hundreds of billions more. I don't know how to spend it."

He couldn't help sighing.

Everyone suddenly smiled at Fang Chuan very flatteringly.

"Haha, it turns out that our classmate Fang Chuan is the real rich man!"

"Not only that, but he is still a high school!"

"It's an overwhelming academic bully!"

"Fang Chuan is really low-key. People at Yizhou University don't even know about Fang Chuan!"

Everyone quickly started flattering to please Fang Chuan.

Charles also hurriedly changed his position with the guy on the side, sat next to Fang Chuan, and said in kindness: "Fang Chuan, I don’t know your, your spiritual stone can be sold. Give me, how much more?"

"You want Lingshi?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Right right." Charles nodded, "Our country's highest scientific research institution, in a study, is in great need of this kind of energy crystal."

He smiled: "This is research that can change the world, so..."

"Not for sale."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, "Although I still have a lot in my hand, and there will be more in the future. However, I will never sell it to you."

"Why?" Charles was taken aback, and then quickly said: "I know how offended you just now, I formally apologize to you, sorry!"

He said again: "In the future, I will be your little brother. When you go to our city, I will be your tour guide. You can tell me what you need me to do. You let me go east, and I will never go west. "

"Then you don't want to buy my spirit stone." Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"Uh..." Charles was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile, "I'm willing to pay a high price for you. Money is really not a problem."

"I'm not short of money." Fang Chuan smiled.

"Ah!" Charles felt depressed for a while.

Fang Chuan shook his head, "I will talk about Lingshi later. We are not out to play today. It is good if everyone is happy. As for my girlfriend, don't make any decisions.

He just finished speaking, the door of the private room was opened, and plates of delicious food were brought up.

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