The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1055: Why don't you know him?

Chapter 1055

After Fang Chuan finished speaking, he really hung up Wang Shi's phone.

"What?" On the other end of the phone, Wang Shi was stunned. He didn't expect this person to hang up his phone?

Does he want to get angry?


He slapped his forehead, knowing that he had used the wrong method, and quickly slapped it, only to hear that Fang Chuan was already busy.

He took a look at the time, and it was 7:58 at the moment, although the competitor might go to work at eight.

However, in order to get this divine comedy, the other party may also work in advance.

He is very upset now!

However, he can't be blamed for this, because he knows nothing about Fang Chuan, and is still using previous experience and previous routines.

He hurriedly dialed another number, and the other end of the phone still prompted busy.

He quickly called Li Fei'er again: "Miss Li Fei'er, do you know where Mr. Fang lives?"

"So early?" Li Feier only woke up and rubbed her eyes, "Why, did you XiJu platform also fail?"

"Ahem..." Wang Shi gave a dry cough, and quickly explained what had just happened.

After all, his relationship with Li Fei'er is pretty good.

For a big star like Liu Menglu, it is impossible for him to monopolize the copyright. He can only say that he has a better relationship with Li Feier and the others, and can get some first-time and first-time privileges.

Of course, it is only a few hours.

Therefore, they do not deal less.

Li Feier heard this and couldn't help but chuckle: "Mr. Wang, I didn't tell you that this Mr. Fang is not an ordinary person. He doesn't lack money and doesn't want to be famous, just for fun."

"You only said that he is unusual." Wang Shi was speechless for a while, "Where did I know that he was just for fun."

"Forget it, I'll help you call Lulu again. They are very good friends." Li Feier nodded to help.

Subsequently, this kind of thing happened several times.

Of course, the flat-headed people in the back are not like Wang Shi, but they are more or less unrighteous.

Even if the position was correct, Fang Chuan was very upset because of Wang Shi before, so he said two sentences and hung up the phone.

He didn't care, but he anxiously broke the people in charge of those platforms.

Regardless of the platform, they are keenly aware that this song by Fang Chuan can open up a whole new world.

Perhaps, what will become popular on the market in the future may not be all songs, it may be this kind of divine comedy.

This is a pioneering work!

If they can get the full copyright, they will seize the market!

Therefore, their large and small platforms all turned their eyes to Fang Chuan.

When Fang Chuan hung up the phone, they were also a little anxious, begging daddy and grandma to ask for Fang Chuan's information.

However, there is too little information about Fang Chuan in the entertainment industry. The ones who know Fang Chuan best are Liu Menglu and Li Feier in their opinion.

Therefore, not only Fang Chuan's phone was almost blown up, but Li Fei'er's phone was also ringing all the time, which caused Li Fei'er to suffer.

Later, Li Feier contacted Liu Menglu. Liu Menglu gave her Fang Chuan's phone number. She called for a long time before getting through.

"Mr. Fang, you can help me, because of your business, my phone is almost bursting now, and I can't work at all!"

Li Feier complained on the phone, and then said: "Look, here again, I'm going crazy!"

"This time it really caused you trouble."

Fang Chuan smiled, "Well then, let me give you a place, and then you can tell those people the address. Besides, I plan to shut down."

"That's great!" Li Feier's eyes lit up and smiled.

As long as Fang Chuan's address can be sent, fewer people will call after that.

Soon, Fang Chuan told her a place, which is a leisure villa, which is quite famous in the suburbs of Yizhou City.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Chuan did not turn off the phone, but set the permissions to only allow contacts in the phone book to be able to get through.

A tick at the corner of his mouth, in fact, he still feels very interesting, anyway it is just for fun.

After that, he drove the 918 and galloped all the way to the Egret Manor on the outskirts of the city.

This manor is very large and built on a wetland, it can also be regarded as a wetland park.

However, this is a private development, you must enter the manor.

However, the consumption here is also very tolerant. It can be less than 100 per capita, or thousands or tens of thousands per capita.

Of course, you can also learn foreign languages ​​and communicate with some Russian girls, girls from the American Empire, and girls from Europe.

In short, this place has a good environment and can meet the needs of many people.

The owner of this manor is Gu Zhenguo, an industry owned by the Gu Group. It is said that Gu Zhenguo handed it over to Gu Yuanfeng.

Gu Yuanwei mainly followed the study of relationship companies as his successor.

And Gu Yuanfeng was like a dude, and had no big ambitions, so Gu Zhenguo divided some industries for him.

It doesn't matter at all even if he let him dangle for a lifetime.

After arriving at the Bailu Manor, Fang Chuan parked his car, opened a room in the hotel, and went directly to the fish pond to fish.

The fish ponds here are very large and connected to the wetland. There are a lot of wild fish in them, and it is more difficult to fish than ordinary fish ponds.

However, many people come here to fish.

Fang Chuan alone made people soak a pot of Longjing, took the fishing rod, and started fishing leisurely.

Fishing is actually a kind of enjoyment for a patient person.

"Hey, Lao Li, have you heard the Divine Comedy yesterday?"

"Listen, it's so **** good!"

"Although we don't understand music, but after listening to it several times, I feel good, um, it's great!"

"Uh, it seems we really don't understand..."

There were also many people who gathered three friends and four friends to fish, and some people were discussing the song "Lin Tian Xia" by Fang Chuan in a low voice.

Up to now, no one knows the name of this song, it is named after the Divine Comedy.

This is a real divine comedy, different from those of Gong artists, legendary groups, etc., which are dubbed as divine comedies.

This is a tune that makes people worship!

At this moment, many teachers from Huaxia Land and many music academies are also using this piece to teach students to analyze this piece.

Although they also know that music is a god, the most important thing is that the person playing it is more god.

However, this is still of great help to China's music.

"Boy, new here?" At this time, a voice rang behind Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan didn't need to look back to know that four people came from behind, all dressed up to a high standard, and they all wore sunglasses, and they looked like they were not low-profile.

However, the appearance of these four people is a bit arrogant.

Fang Chuan didn't look back, just looked at the fish pond: "I don't want to say more, don't bother me."

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