Chapter 1056

In fact, Fang Chuan was in a good mood, otherwise, he would just give it to these people.

"Hehe, kid, don't you know who we are?"

"This location belongs to us. People who come to this fish pond often know it. Don't miss it!"

"I'm telling you, I know the owner of Bailu Manor very well, be careful with me, let people throw you out!"

These four people gathered around, and one of them could not help but was about to grab the fishing rod in Fang Chuan's hand.

This behavior has already made Fang Chuan a little angry.


Just when his hand was about to touch the fishing rod, Fang Chuan's hand shook lightly, and the fishing rod patted this person's wrist.

There was a soft noise, followed by an ouch from the man, and he fell to the ground with a shock.

"Damn, kid, you dare to hit someone!"

The headed bald head is tall, has a round belly, and a face that is not good at first sight, and he is a little bit angry.

It seems that this person wants to be a gangster.

When they saw Fang Chuan start their hands, they were immediately furious. The bald head stepped forward and kicked Fang Chuan's back!

This person's foot still has a bit of strength, and it kicks the person into the fish pond, regardless of whether others can swim.

"Are you looking for death?"

Fang Chuan sneered and didn't move his body. He just pulled the fishing rod back and the handle of the fishing rod hit the sole of the person's feet.

With a bang, a huge force directly smashed this person out.


This person couldn't help but screamed, the shoe was pierced by the end of the fishing rod, and the sole of the foot was also smashed into a shallow trace, and blood was poured out.

He only felt that the soles of his feet were so hot and painful!

The other two people also rushed over, Fang Chuan smiled, raised his hand casually, and punched out two consecutive punches at a random angle.


The two of them hadn't reacted, they were beaten out by Fang Chuan, fell to the ground, very embarrassed, and kept moaning.

During this process, Fang Chuan almost didn't move his upper body, and he didn't even turn his head back.

"I'll go, this man is so amazing!"

"Is it a legendary martial arts master?"

"I heard that the real masters are among the folks. Some people have practiced martial arts, and they are also very low-key, and they generally don't show it!"

Those who fished were also shocked when they saw the scene before them.

At the same time, Fangchuan had a great curiosity!

The main reason is that Fang Chuan's actions just now were so handsome that they can only be seen on TV.


The headed bald head, limping, stared at Fang Chuan fiercely, and said angrily: "I thought I could do a little bit of kung fu, am I afraid of you? I tell you, in this era, no matter how high kung fu is, I am afraid of choppers!"

He pointed to Fang Chuan: "I have money, so I call every minute and ask a dozen people to hack you to death. Believe it or not?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and stared at the fish pond: "It's your business to call people, but if you don't get out, I will throw you down!"

His voice is very low, but for these four people, it is very threatening.

"Well, you wait for me!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the bald head quickly retreated. After a harsh word, he turned and walked back.

Fang Chuan didn't take this matter to heart at all, and continued to fish. In fact, he didn't even put the bait out. What he was fishing was his mood.

Before long, the four people came again.

This time, they brought the manager of the Egret Manor.

"Mr. Wu, this is the man. I don't like him. Please kick him out!" The bald head pointed to Fang Chuan and said to Manager Wu.

He also kept a distance from Fang Chuan. Otherwise, if Fang Chuan hit him again, it would still hurt!

"Okay, Boss Han!" Manager Wu is a shrewd person. He nodded and walked towards Fang Chuan.

The bald head sneered and said, "I thought it was enough to fight? In this world, money and power are really awesome, this idiot!"


Fang Chuan's face sank, turned his head, slapped the bald head, slapped it, slapped it in the air, and moved away in anger.

There was a crisp sound, and the bald head made an ouch again. He was slapped to the ground and his face swelled.


Manager Wu had already thought about his words, and was about to talk to Fang Chuan, when he saw the scene before him, the whole person was not good.

He took a sip of water and smiled: "Sir..."

"Why, do you want to drive me away?" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at Manager Wu.

"" Manager Wu smiled, "It's just that this place is indeed reserved by Mr. Han..."

"Speak after you think about it." Fang Chuan's eyes wink.

Manager Wu suddenly felt a great dignity, which made him breathe and almost couldn't speak.

Fang Chuan said again: "You may not be the master of this matter, I don't make it difficult for you. Let Gu Yuanfeng come to you, just say that his boss is here."

"What?" Manager Wu raised his brows and was startled.


At this time, the bald head got up from the ground, with resentment in his heart, and he laughed loudly: "I'm so ridiculous. After hearing the name of the owner of the Egret Manor, I dare to say such things. Isn't it too pretentious?"

He said again: "Old brother is the son of the Gu family. I have never heard of him. What boss does he have! Pretend, then pretend!"

"and many more……"

Manager Wu's complexion has changed. As early as a few months ago, they received a very strange notification.

He thought for a while, and the appearance of the person in front of him seemed to resemble the notice from the headquarters.

Moreover, he claims to be the boss of Gu Yuanfeng.

In this world, apart from his brother Gu Yuanwei, Gu Yuanfeng has only one boss.

"You, are you Mr. Fang Chuanfang?" Manager Wu's legs were a little soft, and his voice was trembling.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Yes, it's me, you know me?"

"It turned out to be Mr. Fang!"

Manager Wu swallowed and nodded quickly: "Of course we all know Mr. Fang you! Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, the main reason is that there are too many things, my brain is not good, I almost didn't recognize you!"

He hurriedly bowed: "Mr. Fang, I am Xiao Wu in charge of this manor. This is my business card. If you have anything to do, please call me directly, and I will serve you throughout the process!"

"Mr. Wu, which play are you singing again?" The bald head looked at Manager Wu with a puzzled look, and quickly asked, "Are you stupid?"

Manager Wu turned around and said loudly: "Mr. Han, I'm sorry, our manor does not welcome you. You and your companions, please leave here first!"

"What?" Boss Han's face suddenly sank, and he pointed at Manager Wu: "Wu, do you want to die?"

Manager Wu gave him a quick wink, and then said: "This matter, even if you give us President Gu, what I said is the same."

He waved his hand: "Let's go!"

"Huh?" Although Boss Han had a simple mind, he found the problem and frowned. Could it be that he really met someone he couldn't afford to offend today?

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