Chapter 1054: Very Confident

"Ogawa, you are a rogue, but I really like it!"

"It's not impossible, but can you do it?"

"Ogawa, I'm going to take a bath!"

Yu Xiaoxiao, Lu Wei, and Sai Xi Shi have done a lot of shameful things with Fang Chuan, only the last step is left.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to let them get on the big bed with Fang Chuan, it was exciting to think about it.

Liu Menglu was a little embarrassed, this it too fast?

Fang Chuan saw it, laughed, and waved: "Senior Sister Liu, don't be afraid, I'm just kidding, I'm a serious person."

"Xiaochuan, are you letting us pigeons?" Yu Xiaoxiao didn't agree.

Lu Hua did not speak, but the light in his eyes was similar to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Fang Chuan couldn't help but feel depressed.

The nine levels of Qi refining are one layer from the foundation, and there is only one realm gap, but it is this realm that prevents him from showing his power.

Otherwise, he will definitely teach Yu Xiaoxiao and Lu Hua a tough lesson, the kind that keeps them from getting out of bed!

He smiled faintly: "Sister Xiaoxiao, Senior Sister Liu is our guest. Well, you should treat her well. I'm going up!"

As he said, he went straight upstairs.

Yu Xiaoxiao and the others couldn't help laughing. Of course, they knew that Fang Chuan could not do whatever he wanted.

However, they know that Fang Chuan's body is, um, body, very powerful, and they will definitely be ‘happy’ in the future.

Therefore, Yu Xiaoxiao just joked with Fang Chuan.

After all, Liu Menglu is a guest, so what the **** is it to make the guest go to bed with Fang Chuan? Is this kind of hospitality too warm?

So, the four women of them sat together and whispered.

Sai Xi Shi also took advantage of the opportunity to make Liu Menglu and the others a good leaflet, using some techniques in "Tian Luo Recipe".

As soon as the craft was revealed, it completely conquered these three women.

This is the best thing they have ever eaten.

They found that even the simplest food, through the hands of Saixi Shi, will become a peerless delicacy.

Liu Menglu was so happy that she could not sleep well almost all night.

Blinking, the next day arrived.

Because Liu Menglu's company contract with Sanye was about to expire, she had arranged this concert before.

After that, there is plenty of time.

So she also decided to go to Yunchuan to make medicine with Lu Hua, and at the same time, they made an amazing decision last night.

Yunchuan Company not only wants to establish an entertainment film and television department, but also decides to acquire the entertainment kingdom of Sanye Chen Danian.

This decision is very bold!

However, now that Chen Danian is being investigated, the entire company is in a precarious manner, rumors are everywhere, and the company's stock is also volatile.

However, Liu Menglu has many friends in this company, and she also owns certain shares of the company.

If the acquisition is to be done, Fangchuan’s financial resources and the means of Yunchuan and Xingxing Group are still possible.

At that time, Liu Menglu will be in charge of this entertainment company, not only an artist, but also the president.

And Fang Chuan was completely satisfied with this proposal.

He also put aside his words, and if he encounters a funding problem, he will directly contact him.

He has a lot of unidentified sources, hundreds of billions of working capital, which is definitely of great help to the acquisition.

Yu Xiaoxiao continued to engage in her team, and Sai Xi Shi was still preparing for the opening of her restaurant.

Fang Chuan found out later that his girlfriends seemed to be a bit busier than him. Apart from practicing, he seemed to be a little idle.

However, this feeling is very good to him!

He just came out of the training room and was thinking about calling Yao Wenyuan and asking him how the two buildings were handed over.

You must know that these two buildings are located in one of the most prosperous areas in Yizhou City. The value of these two buildings is not small. The most important thing is that this is Fangchuan's own industry.

He learned from Yu Xiaoxiao yesterday that the two buildings, just the stores below the eighth floor, are very popular and have very good income.

Moreover, the rent for office buildings from the eighth floor up to the fortieth floor is also considerable.

You know, office buildings in Honghe Commercial District are extremely expensive.

Moreover, none of these buildings were sold, all of them were in the hands of Song Quegen and Yulong.

The future value is immeasurable.

In the future, if Fangchuan wants to establish other companies, they can be placed in Yinhui Plaza, or NSF Plaza with Yulong.

These two squares are already tall and tall, and they can also lead to the subway station below, which shows their value.

Therefore, Fang Chuan is still looking forward to it.

After all, when an ordinary person arrives in a big city, there are totally two mentalities between having a house and not having a house.

And now, Fang Chuan has a different mentality with these two buildings.

However, just as he was about to contact Yao Wenyuan, an unfamiliar call came in.

"Hello, Mr. Fang Chuan?" A voice that sounded enthusiastic, but in fact, the tone was a little uncomfortable to reach Fang Chuan's ears.

"It's me." Fang Chuan replied.

"Well, it's like this! I'm the copyright manager of Xiju Music Platform, and my name is Wang Shi." Wang Shi introduced himself proudly.

He said again: "At the Liu Menglu concert yesterday, you were the one who played the divine comedy, right?"

"It's me." Fang Chuan replied again.

"Well, that's good." Wang Shi smiled faintly, "I am honored to inform you that your music has been selected by our billion-level user music platform. As long as you give me the copyright, your music will be completely popular. When do you think you will come to our company?"

"Hehe, let me think about it." Fang Chuan frowned, Wang Shi was very confident!

"Consider?" Wang Shi's tone was a little unhappy, "I know there are still some small companies looking for you, but you have to think about it clearly. Our company is one of the best in the industry. If you give us the copyright, your song In order to catch fire. Also, your future songs can be heard."

He said coldly: "Do you think this time it’s hot, but the next song will still be hot? This time you borrowed the momentum. If you don’t have a good platform to push you in the future, your work may be uninterested. !"

After Wang Shi said these words, a smile appeared on his face, and he was even very sure, Fang Chuan would agree to him.

Because the reason why he spoke like this was playing psychological tactics with Fang Chuan.

He heard that Fang Chuan's age should not be too old, so his career should not have started yet, he might be the kind of young man who looks forward to it.

And his domineering speech gave Fang Chuan a really awesome feeling, with a little frightening intention.

He has used this trick many times, and it has different effects for different people.

"Oh." Fang Chuan replied lightly, "I have something to do, so I'll hang up first."

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