The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1041: Not surprisingly

Chapter 1041

It's really shocking!

Suzuo never thought that the young boy in front of him would have such a strong strength, no, it was a horror!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, condescendingly, looking at Suzuo: "You are the last person in Amaterasu, I want to know, who asked you to kill me?"

"You dream!" Suzu gritted his teeth, the poison sac hidden in his teeth burst, and the poison flowed into his esophagus.

He immediately uttered a terrible cry!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly when he saw it, then waved his hand, and with a sigh, a puff of real energy sank into Suzuo's body.

After a sneer, the poisonous poison in Suzuo's body was resolved by Qi therapy, and his esophagus that was pierced by the poison quickly recovered.

"You--" Susao originally thought he was dead, but he didn't expect that this guy could control his own life and death.

He is a little scared!

He looked at Fang Chuan: "This is our secret, I won't tell you, hey, the will of the Great Wa Kingdom, won't..."

He was talking about his ideas righteously, and suddenly, an idea flooded his mind.

Suddenly, his whole body trembles and fights.

Fang Chuan was invading his brain with divine consciousness, but even though Suzuo was very scared, his perverted will was still very stubborn.

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Have you killed many people?"

"I don't know how many people I have killed!" Suzuo's face was distorted, and he shouted loudly, seeming to increase his will.

In his opinion, this is the last time to win glory for the people of the Japanese nation.

He said loudly, "Not only did I kill a lot of people, but most of them were Chinese people, haha, I killed children, I killed pregnant women, and my goal is to kill all of you!"

"it is good."

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, he had lost his patience, and had decided that he would kill the Japanese as long as he encountered them in the future.

Or, he would use Soul Search!

The soul search technique hurts heaven and harmony, but the existence of those fanatical Japanese people is even more intolerable.

Their distorted personality shouldn't appear in this world at all!


Almost instantaneously, Fang Chuan's divine consciousness, driving his true energy, turned into a soul-searching technique, rushing into Su Zuo's mind rudely and cruelly.


A huge amount of information passed into his mind, not only about the Amaterasu Killer organization here, but also about Liu Shengliao and the Amaterasu headquarters behind him.

Information about Susao's life, and a lot of information about the country that is not known to ordinary people.

Although the country is small, it is a country full of mystery.

Thousands of years ago, they stole Baopuzi's cultivation techniques, coupled with the power of their native gods, and formed the current ninja and ninjutsu.

It is no wonder that at the world level, the country of Japan, a country with a large territory, has a great influence.

In terms of special strength, the country of Japan is also unique and can be ranked high in the world.

"It's really an interesting place. When I have time, I'm going to see what kind of gods are there in the country."

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth hooked, and he had a faint feeling that the legendary **** on the island of the country of Japan may be a demon that survived the ancient times.

It may be the demon in the period of the Yellow Emperor, or a slightly older period.

Later, during the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to Dongying to ask for the elixir of life, and brought with him the first ancestors of the Japanese Kingdom.

Then, under the influence of those demons, they reached their current level.

Because, in Fang Chuan's view, the reason why the Japanese people are so perverted is already with some demon.

However, there is not much to do with him now.

As long as the people of the Japanese nation do not come to him for the time being, he will not go to the people of the Japanese nation, although their collision will happen sooner or later.

He smiled, then his eyes stunned: "However, it didn't surprise me, it really was you, Song Que, who dared to hit my idea, haha!"

As he spoke, murderous aura glowed in his eyes!

He already knew that Song Que was the one looking for Amaterasu to kill him.

And, just so, Suzuo is the masked man.

Therefore, from Xu Zuo's memory, Fang Chuan saw the hatred and killing intent that Song Que had towards him at that time.

Although the strength of Song Que is weak, but this does not mean that the strength behind Song Que is also so weak.

From Xu Zuo's memory, it is vaguely known that Song Que's demon capital, the Song family, has an extremely extensive network of relationships.

The Song family already existed in the Qing Dynasty, and it has been in the Demon Capital, which has continued to this day.

Therefore, if Song Que is not dealt with, Fang Chuan and Da Modu may cause a lot of trouble in the future.

If this Song Que does not yield, then he does not rule out the possibility of killing him.

"Well, you are free now, all go back, no one will come to trouble you anymore!"

Fang Chuan sent the voice out with infuriating energy and passed it through this mountain, allowing those who were watching to hear the good news they had longed for.

They are so happy!

"Oh my God, we are finally free!"

"These demons finally got retribution, God opened their eyes!"

"Thank you, this great god!"

"Thank you!"

Everyone sighed first, and then they began to kneel on the ground, facing Fang Chuan's direction, and began to kowtow in thanks.

They were extremely excited and grateful.

They could see the fire from a distance, could hear the thunder faintly, and saw incredible scenes, so they regarded Fang Chuan as a great god.

"No need." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and he was more happy in his heart.


At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the genealogy he had compiled had moved slightly when these people bowed and bowed to him.

Then, a trace of light that would not be found if you didn't scan it carefully with the divine sense, from those who bowed down, fell into the mustard space and was absorbed by the genealogy.

"This genealogy actually has such a function?" Fang Chuan raised his brows, which was completely beyond the recognition of his last life.

However, this made him more certain that the area where the earth is located may be an opportunity for him to break through the Immortal Venerable.

His rebirth may also be an opportunity.

However, the genealogy absorbed such a little golden light and did not produce any special changes, but in a moment, there was no more movement.

He understands that it may take more power of this kind of gratitude and faith to slowly observe the effect of this genealogy.

This made him very curious!

After a while, after those people thanked Fang Chuan, they couldn't wait to quickly leave this place they regarded as a magic cave.

Fang Chuan swept away his spiritual knowledge, and his face was beaming: "These Japanese people are still useful, there are so many good things!"

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