The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1042: Gold and treasure

Chapter 1042 Gold and Treasure

After scanning Fang Chuan's spiritual knowledge, he discovered that there was a secret room in this manor, which contained a lot of valuable collections.

There are also twenty or thirty boxes of gold, which may weigh several tons, which is a lot of wealth.

Gold is not only the universal currency of the earth, it is very valuable. Moreover, in the mortal circle of the realm of cultivation, gold and silver are mainly used.

In other words, these golds can also be used in the mortal world of the cultivation world.

Not only these, but also many antiques they stole during the mission.

These antiques, although they have no aura, are not magical artifacts.

However, it is also very meaningful in the collection world. Many have something to do with history, and their value is extraordinary.

Fang Chuan roughly estimated that this time he might have billions in income.

However, these billions are all things that preserve value, which is different compared to the billions or tens of billions of income in cash.

This is the same as those western dragons who like to collect some golden things, humans also like to collect treasures.

Money is just numbers.

Items can make people feel spiritually satisfied.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and shook his figure. He came to a villa in the corner, and jumped to the basement a few times.

Although, this underground secret room was equipped with very complicated anti-theft procedures and anti-theft equipment.

However, under Fang Chuan's spiritual knowledge, everything is floating clouds.

With a bang, the underground secret room was opened, Fang Chuan entered it, and with a wave of his hand, he began to converge his wealth.

Pieces of treasures that he could see entered his mustard space.

Fortunately, his mustard seeds have a lot of space. If he wants to install, he can install almost all the treasures here.

However, Fang Chuan is now also a rich man, and he is no longer the poor security guard or farmer.

He also pays attention to taste, and only accepts those that are eye-catching, and throws those that are not eye-catching.

But for a moment, all the wealth collected from the previous two generations, the Amaterasu organization in China, to now fall into Fang Chuan's hands.

Including, those twenty or thirty boxes of gold!

"Huh?" When Fang Chuan was about to leave, suddenly his consciousness moved and he sensed a wave of breath.

Scanned by his spiritual consciousness, it was a roll of sheepskin, which was placed in a corner, and a lot of dust had already been generated.

This sheepskin picture has the breath of ocean waves, which illustrates the extraordinary.

Fang Chuan took a closer look with his spiritual sense, his eyes widened. It turned out to be a treasure map, and there were small prints next to it, letting Fang Chuan know the situation.

"The treasure map during Zheng He's voyages to the West?" Fang Chuan raised his brows. "It turns out that there was a large ship with Zheng He's voyage to the West, but on the way it encountered powerful pirates and the ship sank.

Later, they also defeated the pirates, but also suffered heavy losses, so they were asked to draw a chart to become a treasure map.

However, later, the treasure map was stolen and lost, until now.

This treasure is almost buried in the long river of history.

A large ship that Zheng He sailed to the west had a lot of treasures on it. Even if it was gold, it might not be the only thing in front of Fang Chuan.

"These Japanese people have not discovered the secret of this treasure map at all."

Fang Chuan couldn't help being overjoyed. If he really finds the treasure, he is really a rich and adversary country, so he can buy a few islands and become a king.

And the small characters on this treasure map are all specially crafted, and it is not possible for people to discover the secrets.

Only Fang Chuan could use his spiritual knowledge and easily saw these small characters.

He smiled faintly, waved his big hand, and put away the treasure map directly.

"When I'm free in the future, I will take my women, rent a big boat, remodel it with a formation, and go out to sea for treasure."

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and he was extremely yearning for that kind of life.

At that time, he must have successfully built the foundation.

He is alone, with so many best confidantes, how comfortable and happy it is to travel abroad!

After a while, he retracted his imagination, smiled faintly, and strode out of the secret room.


Wherever he passed, he saw the pill fire popping up casually.

As soon as Dan Huo touched these villas, a raging fire ignited immediately.

When he walked out of the villa, the entire villa had been swallowed by flames, and the sky was dyed red.

However, his pill fire is spiritual, controlled by his divine sense, and it is extremely miraculous. Everything he wants to burn is reduced to ashes.

However, he didn't want to burn the ground and vegetation, but everything was fine.

After a while, he walked out of the villa area, a piece of fire ignited, and before long, the entire villa was burned to death.

He looked at the ruins and smiled faintly.

He was not violent, nor was he deliberately sabotaging, but because these Japanese ninjas killed too many people, some people even liked to collect parts of the dead.

Therefore, it has long been dark and gloomy, even if there are no ghosts, a bad field will be formed.

If the villa is not burned and someone comes to live, it would be a harm.

On the contrary, a torch burned the Tianzhao branch, and under the pure sun attribute of the pill fire, this area would soon return to normal.

He then rose up against the wind, entered the clouds, and headed towards Xu Zuo's memory to the manor where Song Que lived temporarily.

The manor where Song Que was located was still brightly lit at the moment.

Song Que was still sitting in the hall, his eyes red, unable to sleep, and still waiting for news from the masked Man Suzuo.

Beside him, there was a person sitting, but He Yulong.

He is very upset with Yulong, he can do many things at night, which can benefit many women.

However, Song Que was dragged here, two men staring at each other, what's the point of this?

However, he couldn't help it, after all, at noon, he was a bit offended Song Que by doing that.

Although he and Yulong are not afraid of Song Que, he still wants to give Song Que some face when it comes to Hutchison and the Song family.

"Song son, what are you waiting for?" He Yulong frowned.

Song Que waved his hand: "Don't worry, it must be the news you want to hear!"

"About Fang Chuan?" He Yulong looked at Song Que, and his heart jumped. Damn, this guy won't go to death again, right?

He quickly asked: "What did you do?"

"Ha ha!"

Song Que smiled contemptuously, "He Yulong, you are different from the legend! How come Fang Chuan scared you like this?"

"Song son, you still talk about what you did!" He Yulong was a little uneasy.

"I let Amaterasu's people kill him!" Song Que twitched the corner of his mouth. "You are justified in your fear of him. Amaterasu estimates that he has the strength of high-level Zhongren. However, Amaterasu will succeed in making a move!"

"..." He Yulong was speechless. Although he had no friendship with Amaterasu, he didn't think Amaterasu could kill Fang Chuan.

He gave a wry smile: "Do you know that Kazuo Yanagi made him hang the flagpole..."

"What?" Song Que was shocked, "When did it happen?"

"A few days ago!" At this moment, an indifferent voice came from outside, but the owner was Fang Chuan!

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