The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1040: Kill one by one

Chapter 1040

In Fang Chuan's eyes, Suzuo's movements were too slow, and the path of the knife in the air was completely in his field of vision.


As soon as he stretched out his hand, he easily grabbed Suzuo's Dachi, and smiled faintly: "Go ahead!"

As he said, his wrist flicked, and a strong force passed to Suzuo's hand, directly flying Suzuo Zhen away.

"Ah!" Suzuo let out a scream, his body was already hit hard, he spit out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, his face pale.

"It defeated Suzuo with one move!"


"This person is really amazing!"

These ninjas were also shocked when they saw the scene before them. They didn't expect Fang Chuan to be so powerful.

"You are too weak, let's go together!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "The purpose of my coming is to let you Japanese people understand that in China, even the dragon has to give me his head. low!"

As he said, there was a strong breath coming out of his body, making all the ninjas shiver!


Qiao Chuan sensed Fang Chuan's breath and quickly let out a roar. The chakras on his body were surging and his handprints continued to be punched out.


For a moment, a raging fire appeared in his hand, which was as big as a washbasin, and it was a high-level ninjutsu-the fireball technique.

With the push of Qiaochuan's hands, the flames rolled, and the extremely fast-rotating fireball, like a meteor, rushed towards Fangchuan at an extremely fast speed.

The sound of hula hula resounded around.

Where the fireball passed, the air temperature suddenly increased, and even boiled.

The power of this fireball technique is evident!

"Master Hashikawa's ninjutsu is really amazing!"

"I'm afraid this kid can't handle it!"

"He is dead!"

Everyone seemed very determined, as if seeing Fang Chuan being blown to ashes by the fireball.

"Playing with fire in front of me, you can't help yourself!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, then waved a pill fire out.

The flame waves were normal, and the impact passed, instantly submerging Qiaochuan's fireball, banging loudly.

The fireball of Qiaochuan was completely dissipated by Fangchuan's Dan fire!

"Impossible!" Qiaochuan widened his eyes, and then saw the sky full of flames sweeping toward him.

The dangerous breath made his heart suddenly burst, making complicated handprints at the fastest speed, and then violently pushing.


I saw in front of Qiaochuan, a red wall of fire rushed out, blocking Fang Chuan's Dan fire.


However, at the next moment, Fang Chuan's pill fire broke through the wall of fire and directly blasted on Qiao Chuan's body, setting Qiao Chuan directly on fire.

"Ah----" Qiaochuan let out a violent cry, and the fiery flames burned through his body in a flash, spreading into his body.

When everyone saw the scene before them, they felt their scalp tingling.

"No! Help!" Qiaochuan's body was already damaged, his internal organs were exposed to a little flame, and he was immediately penetrated.

That kind of pain caused Qiaochuan to completely collapse, and he wanted to die immediately!

Qiaochuan's cry lasted for about ten seconds, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

Qiaochuan is dead!

Everyone's eyes widened and their legs were shaking. They didn't expect such a consequence at all. It was terrible!

They looked at Fang Chuan, their hearts trembling.

"You guys, do you have any last words?" Fang Chuan curled up his mouth, looked at everyone present, and raised his hand.


A golden light appeared out of thin air. It was his middle-grade magic weapon gossip disc, appeared in the eyes of everyone, and made people's hearts under strong impact.

"what is this?"

"It feels so scary!"

These remaining ninjas shivered with fear of the power of the gossip plate.

Among the remaining four upper ninjas and a dozen middle ninjas, they looked at Fang Chuan with fear.

"Go! Even if you die, it's for Amaterasu!"

"Yes, we are fearless!"

These ninjas roared, their hearts were a bit abnormal, even if they were a little scared, they still had to sacrifice their lives.

They rushed towards Fang Chuan suddenly.

One by one, they were like ghosts in the dark, and under the blessing of gale wind, their speed was extremely fast.

Especially the few upper ninjas, their chakras far surpassed the other middle ninjas, the latter came first, and rushed in front of Fang Chuan.

One of them, the handprints were continuously printed, and the whole person banged and disappeared, and then the next moment, he appeared behind Fang Chuan.

This is an advanced ninjutsu instant technique!


When he appeared behind Fang Chuan by surprise, he drew out the sword at a very fast speed and slashed at Fang Chuan.

This knife also contains the ninjutsu wind seal.

Suddenly, coupled with his high-level wind seal, it can be said to be his most powerful move!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, without turning his head, the corners of his mouth raised: "Okay, die!"

His voice just fell, and he reached out a little bit on this elementary Upper Shinobu, and the speed far surpassed this Upper Shinobu.

There was a snort.

This Shangren was immediately blasted by a thunder and lightning on his chest, directly kicking him up, and when he landed on the ground, he was smashed to the heart by Zhengyang Thunder.

The screams echoed in the air, and he was completely dead!

"Ah! Mr. Shanmu!" The dead Shangren's friend uttered an angry roar, his eyes were red, as if he was about to avenge Shanmu.

The thunder seal on his body was displayed, and it was extremely fierce. The thunder and lightning shook out from his body, and the leaked lightning made small holes in the ground.

He raised his hands and faced Fang Chuan with a sharp wave.

A thunderstorm consisting of dozens of tiny lightning strikes in front of Fang Chuan.

This time, the Chakra of Shinobu was almost consumed.

Bang bang bang...

After a violent explosion, the golden light of Fang Chuan's body completely resisted this powerful lightning attack.

He also had to admit that this person's Thunder Seal was already quite aggressive.

After all, he has reached the sixth level of Qi Refining, and it is also a thunder technique with extremely strong attack power.

However, in front of him, it was still vulnerable.

"How is it possible?" This person has completely collapsed, giving up his life, hoping to hit Fang Chuan severely, but he didn't even touch the corner of Fang Chuan's clothes.

He was unwilling!

But there is nothing I can do!

"Okay, you all go to die!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, waved his hand, and the magic weapon flew over.

It turned into golden light, like a sickle of death that reaps life, with bursts of noise, I saw golden light shuttle through the crowd.


"Long live the Great Wo Kingdom!"

They uttered dying screams, and then all fell to the ground one by one, completely devoid of life.

After all, it was a fine piece of middle-grade magical artifacts, and it was released from the hands of Fang Chuan, a ninth-level gas refining expert, and its power was naturally extraordinary.

This was an instant, those ninjas who were invincible in the eyes of ordinary people died so that only Suzu who was seriously injured before was left.

Suzuo lay on the ground and witnessed the whole process of Fang Chuan killing his companion.

He was shocked!

He had never thought that such a powerful person would exist, he would be stronger than Kazuo Yagyu, a high-level Shinobu, right?

"You, you..." Suzuo saw Fang Chuan walking towards him with a panic on his face!

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