Wolf's ambition! No distinction between inside and outside! This villain will bring down our Yun family sooner or later!"

At this time, Yun Tianheng was pacing the ground non-stop, and his hands were still beating heavily on the table, his face flushed red.

This is the first time Ye Tian has seen this kind of expression on his always steady face.

"I wonder what Mr. Yun should do this time?"

When the other party was almost calm, Ye Tian hurriedly asked.

After the tool spirit finally cracked the formation, Ye Tian already knew all the information about Yun Yi's event.

The enemy is in the open, I am in the dark, and the odds of winning are a little higher.

"What should we do?! Kill all those outsiders! Not a single survivor!"


Seeing the fierce look on Yun Tianheng's face, the expression on Ye Tian's face also seemed a little puzzled.

The three major families check and balance each other. If Yun Tianheng really does this, even though he will not show anything about the loss for the time being, the few people he killed will definitely become a ticking time bomb.

Once the other two major families unite, the Yun family, which is now devastated, will undoubtedly enter the fire pit again.

"Brother Ye, you don't know about this, the three major families are not as opposed to each other as you think. Even when many major events in history happened, our three major families also held a group together, it can be said that each other There is grudge.

It is precisely because of this that the three major families hold banquets at regular intervals, and they are very familiar with each other.

You must know this guy Yun Yi, although everyone knows that he is a villain, but he does everything flawlessly and rarely gets caught. This time he has made a big deal at home. There is not much known about the Yun family in the city. Personally, that's enough to explain.

These people can't see the light at all!"

Can't see the light?

Seeing Ye Tian's confused face, he can continue to explain.

"It is inconvenient for me to reveal the origin and identity of these people to you. All you need to know is that even if all of these people die, the other two major families will not care at all."

Ye Tian also nodded mechanically, even though he didn't know the manager, but since Old Master Yun had said so, it was not easy for him to say anything else as an outsider.

Just when Ye Tian didn't intend to participate in this matter and turned to leave, he was suddenly stopped by the old man Yun.

"Boy, don't hide your secrets at this time. Pull your group out and take a look. They're all on the edge of my Yun Family City. It's really unreasonable not to come in as a guest."

A sly smile appeared on Yun Tianheng's face.

"You...you already know..."

"Nonsense, you kid runs outside every three days, and there are no treasures in the mountains, old man, I'll go out with you when I'm bored, I didn't expect you to come prepared this time."

"Since that's the case, I will do my best for this time. My group of people are all raw faces. If they do things, they can reduce some of the vigilance of the cloud."

Ye Tian said with a smirk, then waved his hand and left.

Damn that old fox!

Even though Ye Tian didn't expect Solvay and the others to appear in people's sights, it was only because of the fact that Ye Tian had no choice at all.

Hope it works this time.

Looking at the white clouds floating in the distance, Ye Tian thought to himself._

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