The scorching sun at noon kept scorching the ground, and the slightest heat seemed to bring the city back to summer.

However, even with the high temperature, a certain corner of the city is still very popular, and all the Yun family disciples are now gathered together, waiting for the competition to continue.

Except Ye Tian of course.

Now he is pulling the group of the endless sea in disguise and quietly heading to Yun Yi's residence.

"Are you sure you won't be found out?"

Solvay asked in a low voice.

After all, he really didn't expect Ye Tian to let them shoot so quickly.

"Oh, don't worry. I can still trust that old fox Yun Tianheng to do things. Besides, do you think you are hiding well? Your existence has long been noticed by the people in this city who are interested, but you just don't want to say it. "

Ye Tian said with a teasing. But anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is just to adjust the atmosphere.

The group was speechless, avoiding many sentries according to the previously planned route, and finally arrived in front of Yun Yi's residence.

"Who! But I'm going to work honestly, what am I doing here!"

Seeing this group of sneaky people in front of them dressed as servants, a strange feeling arose in the soldier's heart at this moment.

"grown ups..."


Before the guard could react, Ye Tian's punch had already been exhaled heavily, hitting his temple directly.

The soldier's body fell to the ground stiffly like a toy that had lost its energy.

Seeing this, the soldier's companion also responded and ran towards Ye Tian and the others while shouting non-stop.


As if he had already noticed that there would be a scene, Ye Tian's fingers started to fly like butterflies, and soon a formation formed.

As the power of the formation continued to come out, the voices of those soldiers seemed to be completely blocked. Although they could seem to be shouting hard, their faces were flushed with suffocation, but they couldn't make any sound.


Ye Tian shouted to the back.

Seeing this scene, Su Wei's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Isn't it good to sneak in secretly!

Originally patrolling the outermost area was nothing but a group of rogues, and coupled with the effect of Ye Tian's formation, many magics that required arias suddenly became ineffective.

With the mind and the invisible, plus all the people in the endless sea are business operators, three strikes and five divisions will bring down all the soldiers in front of them.

"Follow me now!"

Before he could be happy, Ye Tian shouted towards the back.

Fortunately, as long as you pass through the gate, the guards are very rare.

Although occasionally encounter some panicked servants, but fortunately Luluo has already greeted them.

At this time, seeing Ye Tian's familiar face, he also forced himself not to make a sound.

So quietly, Ye Tian has reached the residential area.

Due to the opening of the competition, some of Yun Yi's immediate family members all arrived at the venue.

Therefore, it can be said that the residential area is very quiet now, and there are only occasional voices of people talking faintly in a few corners.

Soon Ye Tian had already locked the location and led a group of people to rush in.

"Who are you! Get out of here!"

"Who?! The one who killed you!"_

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