Following the sound of increasingly chaotic footsteps, Ye Tian quickly put away the spiritual power that he had released, and stared at the entrance of the passage.

Slowly, the figure of Yun Yi appeared in front of Ye Tian.

Following the tiny gap between the walls, Ye Tian could see that the first thing Yun Yi did when he entered the room was to directly open the dark compartment under his bed.

After seeing the box disappear, he bowed his head and scrambled everything on the table.

But suddenly he seemed to think of something, and instantly panicked and started running towards the outside of the house.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's face also showed a smile of successful trickery, and hurriedly used his body technique to catch up.

In fact, this guy is still so cunning even after being drunk, he didn't choose the destination directly, instead he kept on shuttle in the alley.

In this labyrinth-like alley, Ye Tian almost lost it several times.

Fortunately, this chase didn't last long. After about a quarter of an hour, Yun Yi stood in front of a dead end, his palms tightly against the wall, and he muttered something in his mouth.

As a wave of weak mental fluctuations spread out, the wall in front of him also began to change. I saw that the original blue-green-gray wall appeared like water waves, and it expanded little by little. After the outline of a person, Yun Yi suddenly got into it.

At this time, Ye Tian was not in a hurry, and when the figure on the opposite side had already gone far, his figure flashed and followed closely.

After entering, Ye Tian discovered that there is a unique cave inside, and all kinds of daily necessities are readily available.

It seems that this place has obviously been run by this heart for a long time.

The entire storage cabinet has a huge space, surrounded by all kinds of things like bookcases. There is a square box with one on it, and there are faint fluctuations in the formation outside.

According to Ye Tian's estimation, as long as one of the above formations is accidentally touched, a chain reaction will occur, and I am afraid that the entire cave will collapse immediately.

His meticulous thinking and comprehensive plan made Ye Tian couldn't help but give him a high look.

While Ye Tian observed the surrounding situation, he followed each other's figure step by step.

I saw that Yun Yi didn't care about the things outside at all, and went straight to the deepest corner. After opening the box with the secret method, he saw that the things inside were still intact, and he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

That Yun Yi did not choose to leave immediately, but kept rummaging around, as if to find some clues that someone had been there, and left slowly after half an hour.

After realizing that the other party's aura had completely disappeared, Ye Tian showed his figure again, found the previous position, and took out something similar to a building inside.

Feeling that there are dense array patterns on it, Ye Tian didn't dare to be careless now, and quickly communicated with Qi Ling and asked.

"How? Is there a way to turn him on?"

"There are about 30 formations on it, and the properties are different. Many of the structures are not seen before. It is not a problem to open them, but it may take a certain amount of time."

"no problem!"

"Oh, I'm going to be a free strong laborer again."_

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