So...then I promise you!"

"Okay, I will temporarily attach it to the bottle on your chest to recover my strength. If there is any danger, I will come out to help you."


"I see the Lord in my old age. I'm really busy with official business, and I haven't come to visit yet. I ask the Lord to forgive me."

In fact, what Ye Tian is thinking about now is also very simple, the so-called search is just a matter that is far away.

Seeing the elder's complexion turned blue and white, Ye Tian felt a little guilty in his heart now.

For this kind of person, Ye Tian still respects in his heart.

According to what Hong Ling said, this Great Elder is a person with little fame and fortune, and his Gu skills are very superb. However, the fast and invincible politics can be said to be a clear stream of difficulty in this Gu Sect, and he is also the only one among the ten elders for the Gu Sect. The progress and development of people who keep making efforts.

I will order this matter to block all of us as if it had never happened to him, so you are satisfied with the result."

As soon as the golden silkworm Gu's voice fell, Ye Tian felt the world spinning for a while, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he was already lying on the bed at some point.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

After hearing the Great Elder's request, Ye Tian's complexion instantly turned bitter.

But it's over, it's really useless to talk about it.

After all, sooner or later this matter is going to be a showdown, isn't it.

The next morning after a brief discussion with Hong Ling, Ye Tian immediately set off to look for the Great Elder.

Originally, Ye Tian thought that such a highly respected old woman should be an old woman in her 70s or 80s, but at this time in front of her was a half-old milf in her 50s or 60s, and her figure seemed to be no better than her 20s or 30s. poor little girl.

Not long after, Ye Tian arrived at the residence of the Great Elder.

"The Great Elder doesn't have to be like this. Your contribution to the Gu Sect is obvious to all. It's too polite to say that."

And as long as he agrees, he is equivalent to an extra super thug!

Things are going bad now._


Looking at the lifelike patterns on the Qiankun bottle, Ye Tian couldn't help but sigh.

The Great Elder is worthy of being a person. After thinking about it for a while, he knew what the situation in front of him was. After a while, he sighed and said slowly.

After a simple greeting, Ye Tian felt that the current atmosphere was almost the same, so he and Hong Ling explained everything that happened before.

He believed that she and Hongling were sisters.

The Great Elder is also very happy to see that. Originally, in her mind, such a young man should have gotten carried away after he has mastered huge power, and his eyes are higher than the top. Now Ye Tian's performance has really surprised her, perhaps in his Under the leadership of Gu Sect, it is possible that the Gu Sect will be able to regain its former glory.

"Then what you mean is that you need to continue to complete your business? Of course, I also understand that you are only transferred to this matter, so return the golden silkworm Gu to us.

Along the way, Ye Tian received the respectful gazes of many passers-by, as well as the winks thrown by the girls around him, and it felt as if he had returned to the endless sea.

Opening the door slowly, Ye Tian was really surprised by the woman in front of him.

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