Although the little boy has not learned magic systematically, the wild life in these days has long given him a keen perception of energy.

Although he doesn't know what happened, he can now feel that Xiao Jin's injury is recovering bit by bit.

In this way, Xiao Jin kept falling asleep in this pool. The huge magic element force made his body instinctively evolve again and again. Even due to the particularity of power, Xiao Jin at this time has reached a level far exceeding that of his species. limit level.

Finally, in Ye Tian a few years later, Xiao Jin completed the evolution.

At the moment when he was able to move independently in the pool, his appearance was basically not much different from what Ye Tian saw in the temple.

Because there is no suitable container, although the little boy is very eager in his heart, there is no way to take away anything related to the holy stone at all.

In desperation, the little boy could only go out to cover up the traces of the hole, and then set foot on the road of revenge alone.

The next thing became a matter of course, the little boy led Xiao Jin back to the village, and this time, with his powerful strength, it can be said that he killed the Quartet.

Slowly, the major forces began to strife in this place. The little boy was elected as the leader of the village and participated in the war because of his strength.

Because of the existence of Xiaojin, the village can be said to be invincible.

But the little boy really knew in his heart that if the civil strife continued like this, the whole area would be levelled by outside forces. Finally, with the help of a wise man in the village, the group built up its own strength.

That is the predecessor of the current Gu Sect.

Slowly the war ended, in order to prevent danger, he left Xiao Jin in the Gu Sect to protect him, and then went to an unknown place alone.

Once gone, he never came back.

No one knows where he went, because Xiao Jin finally accepted his order to protect this area, and because the biggest battle force was still in the little boy's name, it slowly became a code name and disappeared in the long river of history. among.

The story came to an abrupt end here, and when Ye Tian reacted again, he had already returned to the pure golden space.

"Is this all you want to show me?"

"Yes, I know you need strength now, and I know you are a smart person, so let's make a deal."

"Go ahead."

"You help me find my master again. During this period, I can always protect your safety. However, because I slept for too long, the power in my body has degenerated too much, and sometimes I may need to borrow your thing. .."

Ye Tian naturally understood what this little Jin wanted, but he still had a lot of questions in his heart, so he said it.

"Thousands of years have passed, are you still sure he is still alive?"

"I'm sure we have a special bond, and if he dies, the first person to know is definitely me!

He must be alive!"_

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