This...this thing is a little tricky..."

Seeing the change in the Great Elder's complexion, Ye Tian still explained everything one by one.

Just when the great elder frowned deeply, Ye Tian felt that he had nothing to say, at this time the golden silkworm Gu appeared.

"Boy, leave this to me."

As soon as the voice fell, a golden light flashed around, Ye Tian only felt a burst of warmth flowing through his chest, and then opened his eyes and the golden silkworm Gu was slowly floating in front of them.

At this time, the golden silkworm gu was about the size of a human thumb, and two pairs of fleshy wings kept fluttering behind its back, and it looked a little ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, the Great Elder immediately stood up and knelt down instantly.

"Meet Lord Gu God!"

At this time, the Great Elder fell to the ground and buried his head deeply, not daring to look up at all.

Even though it was the third time he had seen the Golden Silkworm Gu, the formidable power of the Golden Silkworm Gu had already been deeply imprinted in his heart, and he would not dare to neglect this Gu Sect's patron saint.

"I will leave a mark here. If the Gu Sect is really in danger of life and death, I will naturally rush back.

After all, it was created by him..."

The golden silkworm Gu's voice became smaller and smaller as it went to the back, and in the end only Ye Tian could hear it.

"Yes! Your lord!"

Hearing the golden silkworm Gu's order, the first elder refuted it and could only claim it was.

"Now I can finally go to Motuo Yun's house..."

Ye Tian sighed lightly, murmured and turned to leave, but was suddenly stopped by the Great Elder.

"You said you were going to Motuoyun?"

"That's right."

The Great Elder's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, he paused, and then said.

"If you meet a girl named Yunmeng, give this thing to her."

"Yunmeng? Who is that?"

"If it's now, I won't hide it from you..."

After speaking, the Great Elder sat on the chair and took a deep sip of tea.

Doing Yunmeng is the daughter of the Great Elder, of course, this identity is not well-known, she has another identity that is the previous generation saintess of the Gu Sect!

Everyone in the Gu Sect thought that their saintess was abducted by outsiders, but the mother-in-law elder naturally knew very well that her daughter was not abducted, but eloped with others.

At that time, Yunmeng was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and although the leftover girl was under one person and more than ten thousand people, for a young girl full of youthful vitality, such a life would seem too boring.

As early as a few decades ago, the Gu Sect inadvertently broke into a young man. Originally, this was just a sudden incident and should gradually disappear in the long history. Trained for a while.

After all, the young people are outsiders and don't understand the old rules in the Gu Sect. The buds of love between the two of them will quietly grow in their hearts.

As the great elder who came here, he naturally understood the problem, so he quickly expelled the young man.

The latter thing is well known, the young man returned triumphantly after a few years, and left this place with the saint, and there was also the matter of the saint who revived later._

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