Ye Tian only felt that his body was constantly falling, and the surrounding sea water put more and more pressure on his body.

However, what appeared in front of him at this time was still the huge arm like Optimus Prime, and there was nothing else.

Ye Tian lowered his head and looked down, and suddenly the whole person froze in place.

Because in front of him two very huge red light spots appeared.

The spot of light should still be several hundred meters away from Ye Tian, ​​but under this dark water surface, it is very obvious.

But what surprised Ye Tian even more was the huge face under the faint light of that light spot.

That's definitely not a face a human could have!

Like the blood ancestor's body, the giant face was covered with a kind of black scale armor. However, no facial features could be seen clearly on this face, as if they were all buried under the skin.

Instead, there are thick scales on the skin, and there are some tiny tentacles on it, which are constantly exuding powerful mental power fluctuations.

Although it has been destroyed, Ye Tian can still feel that he and the soul body of the blood ancestor he saw before, at least in appearance are very similar.

At this time, Ye Tian could clearly feel that the gloomy power he felt before was emanating from that issue.

At this moment, Ye Tian had only one idea in his mind.

Ruin this thing!

"Forest of Thorns!"

Ye Tian almost didn't even think about hurriedly displaying the high-level magic that he could now unleash.

Emerald green vines suddenly appeared, covering the huge face in front of him.

It's just that the huge forest of thorns that could wrap people around in circles is now like a group of small green algae, but it can be covered like a part of that face.

The Forest of Thorns, which was originally sturdy and could break the defenses of many enemies, was kicked on the iron plate this time. No matter how the branches on it were shrinking, there was no way to penetrate the scales in front of them.

Seeing that his magic was frustrated, Ye Tian's heart was also mixed at this time, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

However, before he could prepare for the next move, Ye Tian suddenly noticed the huge lantern-like eye, and seemed to blink twice.

Accompanying it, the face that could not clearly see the facial features began to move violently twice.

It was as if he was about to speak.


A sound like teeth rubbing constantly, suddenly exploded in Ye Tian's ear.

At this time, Ye Tian could see those tentacles that were originally very quiet on the giant face, and suddenly waved.

A spiritual force that was many times stronger than before swept in the direction of Ye Tian in an instant, accompanied by all kinds of voices that could disturb people's minds.

Ye Tian is still maintaining the movement of casting magic at this time, how many people are not as good as the whole person at once, and suddenly Ye Tian only feels that the whole world in front of him seems to be a little dark, and the whole body seems to be filled with water. Like lead, there is no way to move it at all.

Before Ye Tian could mobilize his spiritual power, his eyelids started to fall._

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