The members of the patrol team, who had just started to share the same hatred, suddenly began to fight against their comrades.

At this time, Ye Tian couldn't care about other things. He knew that if he was in such an environment, he probably wouldn't be able to last for much time, so he jumped and swam towards the water.

"Ye Tian, ​​come back!"

Although Ye Tian's spiritual power has reached a certain level at this time, but because the breath is too cold, it is still affected to a certain extent.

Seeing the broken limb floating on the sea, Ye Tian's heart was also very uncomfortable.

The icy sea water in the morning stirred on Ye Tian's body, accompanied by a strong bloody smell.

Ye Tian vigorously jumped into the sky and landed directly on top of a dolphin who had already run back in a panic.

"Damn, are these boys crazy!"

"Hurry up and find a way to send someone over. It is estimated that they will stop broadcasting. It will be a long time before the monster starts, and it is estimated that they will be killed here!"

Just when Ye Tian felt overwhelmed, a very cold and terrifying spiritual power suddenly rushed to his face.

"Damn, it's easy to say, but you're leaving!"

Under the guidance of these voices, Ye Tian felt like his body was in hell.

"There's a young man here...let me guess if your meat is fresh or not"

He also mobilized his mental power into his mind first, protecting his mind so as not to be disturbed by the outside voice. I was swimming towards a deeper place.

One by one, gorgeous magics bloomed in the sky, and from a distance, they looked majestic and mighty, and they seemed to have murderous intentions.

The dolphin was pulled by the human again, and once again swam in the direction of the big hand below, but the speed was indeed much slower.

The closer Ye Tian gets, the bigger the shock becomes in Ye Tian's heart.

Ye Tian could clearly feel that the surrounding mental powers were constantly drilling into his mind, creating all kinds of fantasies.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian finally couldn't sit still.

The big hand looked only a small red dot from a distance, and it really looked like a mountain up close.

The scene at this time is really too unimaginable, although everyone is cheering, but no one really dares to go forward.

"I'll tear your chest apart and take your heart out, I hope he's still beating then...hahaha"

By the time Ye Tian finally rushed over, blood had already spread all over the sea.

There is no scruples about Su Wei's shouting, at this moment Ye Tian's toes are lightly on the ground, and the whole body floats out at once. The strong physical quality is revealed at this moment, and everyone can only see Ye Tian's body in the air It was like passing an afterimage, but it just kept touching the ground twice before reaching the coastline.

The inferiority of human beings is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Oh shit!

But Ye Tianyi is very cautious, this sea area is really too weird!_

At this time, if Ye Tian didn't have to firmly control the dolphin's thoughts with his mental power, I'm afraid this guy would have instinctively swam back to the past.

Due to the traction of some arms, it is not difficult to find its body.

"Your brain must be delicious, hee hee hee..."

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