At this time, Ye Tian could only maintain his most basic thinking ability, but he suddenly felt that the mental tentacles around him had just touched his body, as if they were suddenly boiling, and all of them retracted to him at once. body of.

It was as if he was afraid of something in his body.

But before he could figure out what was going on, his consciousness was already blurred.


I don't know how long it was in deep sleep before Ye Tian opened his eyes.

At this time, he was in a very dark room, and there was no light around him.

Ye Tian hurriedly groped around, feeling that the ground was still very wet, he should be in the endless sea, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Tian immediately stood up and performed a light art, and the surrounding scene suddenly appeared in front of him.

At this time, he seemed to be in a cave, and the surrounding walls were all thick black, and they looked very uneven, as if they existed naturally.

There are different entrances extending in all directions, and it looks very round, as if it was made by people.

At this time, Ye Tian suddenly discovered a very important point.

There is no wind here.

At this time, Ye Tian can be said to be scratching his head, and the more he thinks about the blood ancestors in the sea, the more restless he becomes.

But he wasn't impulsive, and he didn't wander around like a headless fly.

After all, I just appeared here, since I can come in, I can go out!

At this time, Ye Tian was constantly groping around, observing the surrounding situation.

Slowly Ye Tian discovered that although the surrounding area was extending in all directions, it was obvious that there were some small passages, and there were already signs of contraction when they entered.

Ye Tian looked around, chose the largest passage in the middle line, and immediately walked in,

The inside of the passage is very cramped, only about the height of one person, and there are some unknown mucus on Ye Tian's body on the surrounding passage, making him feel a little sick for a while.

But the current Ye Tian can't care so much now, he can only bend down and use his hands and feet to move forward quickly within this passage.

After a while, he discovered a very strange point. No matter how he moved forward in this passage, after a short time, the same room as before would appear in front of him again and again.

Ye Tian can guarantee that this is not the same room according to the marks he made before, but this kind of continuous scenery always makes him feel like he is going around in circles.

"Damn, Laozi won't waste with you!"

"Magma bomb!"

Ye Tian took two steps back and directly released a high-level magic.

The huge fireball hit the surrounding walls at once, causing violent sparks.

At this time, Ye Tian was pleasantly surprised to find that the walls that originally seemed to be very solid began to slowly show signs of melting under the burning of the fire.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian was overjoyed, and quickly released a few high-level magics of the flame system. Finally, after about a quarter of an hour, a hole about the size of a person was melted, and he drilled into it all at once._

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