If there is anyone in the know, you are welcome to come to the City Lord's Mansion. As long as your news is true and useful to the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion will definitely give that person the promised reward, and it will never be less than a cent! "

When the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion informed the matter, he gave a serious explanation to prevent anyone from sabotaging it.

"If someone takes advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters, use false information to deceive the City Lord's Mansion, and seek benefits, it's fine if I don't find out, don't blame the City Lord's Mansion for being rude if I find it out, then you will never be seen again in the entire kingdom of Finland. A place to stay!"

Speaking of which, the City Lord's Mansion's butler's tone was obviously a little colder, and he glanced at the adventurers around him.

Obviously, it is warning those adventurers who have other ideas.

"Before coming to the City Lord's Mansion, everyone should think about it carefully, and don't make everyone unhappy!"

After the voice fell, the people of the City Lord's Mansion lifted the corpses of Jesse and the other five, returned to the Griffin, then turned and flew towards the distant sky, the direction of Lanhuang City, ignoring the affairs here.

After the people of the City Lord's Mansion left, all the adventurers who were onlookers dispersed, and some people continued to go deeper into the other areas of the Forest of Warcraft. I don't know if they really didn't know it, or they didn't want to step into the muddy water. They had to have money. The flower of life is right.

But there were also people who didn't stay in the Forest of Warcraft for a long time, and after the people from the City Lord's Mansion left, they also left the City Lord's Mansion together.

There are not a few adventurer teams like this, and there may be many people who have ideas about the promises given by the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, the conditions given by the City Lord's Mansion are enough to make them work hard in the Forest of Warcraft to make money for nearly a month, and even more than that, some of them may not be tempted.

Of course, many of them must have been prepared to leave, but because they saw the excitement here, they stopped and waited for the people from the City Lord's Mansion to leave. In short, everyone had different ideas. Think about it.


After the farce in the Forest of Monsters is over.

The housekeepers of the city lord's mansion also returned to the side of the city lord's mansion in Lanhuang City.

At the same time, not long after they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, there were more sneaky figures around the City Lord's Mansion.

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion seemed to have been informed and knew what was going on, and ignored the figures around them.

Sure enough, under the entanglement of interests, even if these adventurers knew that there was danger, after leaving the Forest of Warcraft and returning to Lanhuang City, some people immediately rushed to the city lord's mansion, ready to tell the city lord the name of the person they saw that day. House.

The City Lord's Mansion has no intention of deceiving these adventurers, mainly because they also know the strength of these adventurers.

If they really dared to do this, there would be no lack of strong ones among these adventurers, and they would probably have a headache if they fought against their City Lord's Mansion in the future. Furthermore, the City Lord's Mansion must have some rivals and enemies.

If they do, isn't that giving those guys a chance?

The benefits are not gained, but the losses are not worth it!

Besides, I heard that the number of people on that day was only more than 20, minus Jesse and other five people who were originally from the City Lord's Mansion, there were only a dozen or so. According to the promise given by the City Lord's Mansion, each person was 10,000 gold coins. , a total of 100,000.

Their City Lord's Mansion still lacks such a little gold.

Therefore, after sending one person into the city lord's mansion, a peripheral adventure team told the city lord's mansion the names of some people, and the city lord's mansion also gave the gold coins he promised to the adventurer who entered it.

It didn't take long for the adventurer to come out again. At the same time, a few people around didn't know if it was his teammate or something. They stepped forward to ask a few questions, and then they left with a happy face.

This phenomenon, some of the surrounding adventurer teams who were still a little moved naturally noticed it, and sent personnel to enter it. It didn't take long for the personnel to come out again, some happy and some sad.

Those who rejoiced, naturally got some benefits.

And for those who are worried, don't think that you won't get any benefits, it should be that you didn't get any benefits because you were late.

With the continuous entry of personnel, the City Lord's Mansion quickly blocked the entry of these people, it should be almost understood.

This made some of the surrounding adventurers who were still hesitating suddenly regret it. If they knew this, they should have sent someone in early. After the hesitation, the benefits have been taken away by others, but now regret is useless. .

And the city lord's mansion housekeeper who got the list, naturally dispatched the guards of the city lord's mansion to search the people on the list. He wanted to see people in life, and he wanted to see corpses in death. The death of the city lord's son was not a trivial matter. This has passed.

The city lord is not here now, otherwise, he might be furious.


At the same time that Lanhuang City launched a large number of troops to find these people, Ye Tian was getting closer and closer to the borderline.

Along the way, he turned on the dark magic invisibility, hiding under the shade of trees and moving forward.

During this period, even if he found a magician team in the Kingdom of Finland, he was too lazy to take action. In his words, these were all poor people, and taking action would only waste his time, and if he wanted to rob, he would also kill some richer ones.

As for these distinctions, it's very simple, no matter whether the magic city or the magician of the Kingdom of Finland, everyone basically carries some packages, after all, everyone does not have a storage ring, and there is no way to hide things in it.

So, seeing them wrapped up, you can be sure they got a lot.

And the more packages, the more they will get.

But Ye Tian came all the way, and those adventurers from the Kingdom of Finland he met were either wrapped in shriveled, or simply unwrapped, in this case, how could Ye Tian be interested in taking action!

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a few noises suddenly came from the front, attracting Ye Tian's attention.

"Is this the magic city magician team fighting with the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland?"

Ye Tian looked suspicious. Now this place is very close to the boundary line. Even if he met the Magic City Magician Squad, there was nothing unusual about it. No matter if the two sides were fighting, Ye Tian planned to go there and see.

Soon, Ye Tian approached the fighting area, looked straight, and looked in that direction.

However, what surprised him was that the two sides of the battle were not the magician of the Kingdom of Finland and the magician of the magic city.

It was two teams of magicians from the Kingdom of Finland, which could be sensed from their outfits and breath marks. One team wore colorful magic robes, three five-star magicians, and two four-star magicians.

The other team was all dressed in black and covered with veils, making it very mysterious.

"It's all at the junction and still fighting infighting. No wonder, after so many years, I still can't beat the magic city!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a sneer on his face, but thanks to the infighting of these secret world magicians, Shui Lanxing also had the strength to fight, so that they wouldn't be able to beat the other side.


ps: Please subscribe, please customize!

ps: Thanks to the [duswzp] brothers for the 100 book coins!

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