The overall strength of the magician team wrapped in black clothes will be stronger. There are five five-star magicians. Compared with the adventurer team wearing colorful magic robes, there are two more five-star magicians. .

And when Ye Tian arrived at this time, the battle was already coming to an end.

I saw the adventurer team wearing colorful magic robes being beaten by the black magician team.

He had nothing to be curious about, after all, the black-clothed magician team had five five-star magicians.

On the other side, there are only three, and even two four-star magicians.

Don't look at the four-star level and the five-star level, there is only a small level difference, but the gap between the two is very huge.

It can be seen from the division of levels that the four-star is only an intermediate magician, and the five-star is a high-level magician.

One can only cast mid-level magic, while the other can cast high-level magic.

Just ask a high-level magician to release a high-level magic. You, an intermediate-level magician, need to release how much intermediate-level magic to resist this magic, not to mention, there are two more high-level magicians.

Two four-star magicians, if you really want to count them, can at most be compared to one five-star magician.

Then there is one more five-star, who will deal with it?

As long as the black magician team is not stupid, one extra person will besiege one of them on the opposite side, and all the rest will be held back.

After delaying for a while, and waiting for the two besieging people to solve one or two opponents, the final victory is basically stable.

At this time, the situation in front of him was just as Ye Tian thought.

With a scream, a four-star magician from the magician team wearing colorful magic robes was accidentally hit by magic while fighting with a five-star magician from the black magician team, and instantly turned into a A black charcoal.

"Fake, damn..."

In the colored magic robe team, a man wearing a red magic robe and holding a magic wand inlaid with a crimson magic spar, roared in the direction of the man who turned into black charcoal, and then looked at the surrounding black clothes. Man, cursed secretly.

"Shadow Society members, you should all be damned!"

And the color magic robe team that was already in a weak position, the situation has become more precarious.

At this time, there was another scream from the colored magic robe team, and the remaining four-star magician also fell into the hands of a five-star man in black, and the body fell to the ground.

So far, the original five-member colorful magic robe team only had three five-star magicians left.

The black-clothed magician team is still five five-star magicians. In terms of combat power, except for the three people who dragged the three color magic robe five-star magicians, the other two did not have much to deal with the four-star level. consume.

In this way, the battle becomes more and more without suspense.

On the other side, Ye Tian, ​​who was quietly watching this scene, did not make any movement.

"A member of the Shadow Society?"

Hearing the roar of the man in the red magic robe, his expression became a little surprised, and he couldn't help but smile.

Speaking of which, he still had a grudge against them. He still remembered that when he was in Lanhuang Town a few days ago, when he just exchanged things from the Purseus Chamber of Commerce, he was assassinated by a group of men in black, as if he was a member of the Shadow Society. Bar.

Unexpectedly, here, he bumped into a team again, it seems that I have a lot of fate with these people.

Depending on the situation, the so-called Shadow Society should be an organization specializing in assassination and robbery.

Although he had hatred with himself, Ye Tian did not intend to go out immediately.

No, the other two teams are still fighting, and it is not good for me to go up and disturb them now. When they are finished, they are almost exhausted.

No matter which one it is, they are all people in the secret world, and he doesn't like it much.

Going out on your own now, if you let the other party know that you are a human from the Demon City, and the other party might turn around and join forces to deal with him, it would be bad, so you should wait for a while and wait until everyone is almost dead.

It didn't take long for the battle not far ahead to be much quieter.

There were only five people left in the two teams that were still fighting, and these five people were none other than the members of the Shadow Society who wrapped themselves tightly in black clothes, and none of them fell.

However, although no one has fallen, the solution to this colorful magic robe team still made them consume too much magic power, and the breath of several people became vain and constantly fluctuating.

"Hurry up and pack up the spoils, prepare to retreat, don't be discovered!"

Among the members of the Shadow Society, a man in black said.

Several other men in black nodded one after another, then squatted down and groped on the bodies of the members of the colorful magic robe team. It didn't take long for a lot of people to be found from their bodies and packages. Resources.

Then, a man in black carried these resources and came to the back of a boulder.

Under Ye Tian's surprised eyes, there was a strong earth element aura in the palm of that Shadow Society member.

Immediately afterwards, a large hole appeared in the ground, revealing countless packages inside, all of which were full of resources, threw the package in his hand into it, then filled the hole and returned to the team.

This scene, Ye Tian was a little stunned, what did he just see, a lot of packages, at least dozens?

How many resources and how many magician teams must be robbed and killed to harvest so many packages.

Ye Tian's eyes became extremely fiery. Even if he didn't want to deal with this Shadow Club squad, but at this time after seeing so many resource packages, his heart was also determined, it was impossible to let go of these people, these resources It can only be his.

It just so happened that he also had revenge against these people, and now there are still resources to take revenge, don't do it for nothing.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian summoned the gate of the abyss, a sixth-order terrifying tiger, in fact, a fifth-order dark knight, came out of it, exuding bursts of death energy, extremely dark.

After summoning the two undead creatures, Ye Tian took out the magic bow and magic arrow, the two undead creatures were in front, and then rushed towards the direction of the Shadow Society team, and there was no cover in the breath.

When the Shadow Society team was in its prime, he was not cowardly, let alone now, just after a battle, the Shadow Society team with little magic left in the body!

And the sound of movement and stillness from Ye Tian's side naturally attracted the attention of the members of the Shadow Society not far away.

"What movement?"

"It seems that someone is approaching here, there are three in total, and two of them are a bit weird!"

"Everyone be careful!"

At the moment, the five members of the Shadow Society also exchanged a few words with each other.


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