Next, the surrounding adventurers did not dare to hide the slightest bit. You said what I said, and led more than 20 people, four or five adventurer teams, led by Jesse to the intruders who were going to chase and kill them. Everything about the Earth Mage has been said.

At least it is certain that nothing happened when Master Jesse and others hunted down the intruder Earth Magician.

"It seems to be..."

These adventurer teams are not that stupid. They will all enter in one team, and they will definitely send one person to explore the wind, and then the others will stare at not far away. If something goes wrong, they will immediately evacuate. Get a suit | Sao.

Besides, when did they come to the Forest of Monsters to hunt down monsters and find cultivation resources, is there no danger?

The butler of the city lord's mansion naturally understood the thoughts of these adventurers, his face suddenly turned cold, and he snorted coldly.

But now, one name offered 10,000 gold coins, and they were moved.

If they did this, the consequences would not be something their City Lord's Mansion could afford.

Not to mention, in this forest of monsters, there are still some people who are related to some strong people, or directly or indirectly the descendants of those strong people. If I really want to kill these people, I am not afraid that those strong people will come to my door. Come.

The hunted intruder Earth Magician, or the native magician of the Kingdom of Finland?

Moreover, if you really want to kill Master Jesse, why do you have to escape so far?

"Now you don't have to rush to answer. If someone can provide those lists to the City Lord's Mansion afterwards, the City Lord's Mansion can promise to give you some remuneration, a person's name, 10,000 gold coins!"


But if the magician who invaded the realm had been hunted down for so long, he should have used up his magic power.

Including the last five Jesse who came out from the depths of the forest of monsters, they were still very embarrassed, and they wanted to experience a fierce battle.

"Does anyone know the adventurer who worked with Master Jesse before?"

As soon as these words came out, among those adventurers, some people's eyes flashed, and they obviously had some ideas.

The butler of the city lord's mansion and others heard this, and their expressions also showed a clear color.

Moreover, every time they act, the entire team will gain about 10,000 gold coins, and there may be tens of thousands of gold coins when there are many. You must know that this is the common harvest of a team, and everyone can get a few thousand gold coins equally.

"You are stupid! It's just what everyone thinks that you didn't come out, but there's no guarantee that no one will come out alive!"

Now, on the side of the City Lord's Mansion, they promised to exchange 10,000 gold coins for one name, how could they not be moved.

After all, although the Lord City Lord is powerful, there must be some people who are hostile to him, but those things are beyond their control. If they dare to be hostile to Lord City Lord, their strength must be similar to Lord City Lord.

If you really want to tell your name to the City Lord's Mansion, not only is it useless, but if the City Lord's Mansion is not imprisoned or killed, then the people behind will definitely not take this risk again. At the same time, the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion will definitely be affected to some extent. .

Every time I come to the Forest of Warcraft, I am making a bet with my life. Who knows what day I will fall into it.

The team of adventurers who discovered the bodies of Jesse and the others looked dazed. They didn't know this very well. The reason they knew about the previous things was just hearsay, and they said everything they should have said.

Who is the murderer?

Thinking of this, the butler of the City Lord's Mansion couldn't help showing a look of fear on his face, and then turned to look at the people around him.

These sixth-order high-level magicians are just fighting. In front of the enemies who can compare with the strength of the city lord, I am afraid that they can beat them to ashes with a single blow.

Moreover, there is no benefit, why do they take this risk with their own lives, isn't this a fool?

Those adventurer teams who followed Jesse Young City Lord and others, chasing and killing the invaders, the magician, would be fine if they were all destroyed, then there might be nothing, but if someone didn't die, then the City Lord's Mansion would definitely not be. It will be like that.

As long as the City Lord's Mansion is not a fool, it will definitely not do such a thing for this amount of money.

Dangerous? They have long been thrown out of the sky by them.

But at that time, there were still many people who saw Jesse and the other five people coming out. At that time, they could be sure that Jesse and the other five people did not have an accident. At most, they just consumed more magic power. How did they die later? Everyone I don't know.

As the housekeeper of the city lord's mansion, he is also a sixth-order peak senior magician. In the city lord's mansion, he still has this power.

After all, there are so many people who have received the news right now, and many of them must be staring at the City Lord's Mansion!

"Didn't I hear that the adventure team that followed Young City Lord Jesse died that day? What is the purpose of the City Lord's Mansion?"

When the real accident happened, it should have been not long after he came out of the outer area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft.

All of this, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became!

Probably what happened, through the words repeated by these adventurers, they also probably understood.

However, even if someone knew who was with Jesse Young City Lord at that time, no one dared to come out and tell the people of the City Lord's Mansion at this time, because they were afraid that if they told the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord's Mansion would depend on them. on the head.

In the end, it was the turn of the magician team that found the bodies of Jesse and others, and dispatched a middle-aged man in a green robe to the City Lord's Mansion of Lanhuang City to inform them that everyone was here now.

As for deceiving these people, the City Lord's Mansion should not dare?

Don't say it's them, even the royal family of the Kingdom of Finland, I am afraid there is no certain excuse, and they would not dare to act like this.

Maybe someone used the hand of the intruder's magician, and it is also possible to take action on the city lord's mansion!

No one spoke up in front, mainly because there was no benefit whatsoever, and there was danger to life, who would want to do this.

But he knew that if the City Lord Mansion did not promise some benefits to these adventurers, no one would say it.

The butler of the City Lord's Mansion glanced at everyone, sighed helplessly, and said.

However, although they didn't know this, they knew that the people in the City Lord's Mansion were about to start a thorough investigation and investigate the murderers.

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How can there be enough energy to deal with Master Jesse and others?

Besides, the person who died was the son of the city lord, how could there be no indication from the city lord's mansion.

As for killing these people, threatening these people?

Looking at the location where Master Jesse and the others died, it was a relatively hidden place. At that time, the five of them should have consumed too much. They were going to find a place to restore their magic power, so they came here, but they did not expect to be killed.

They can do it, but would anyone dare to do it?

For a while, the people around who heard these words were all talking about it.

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