The young city lord sitting in the cave, including the magician of the Kingdom of Finland who was on duty at the entrance of the cave, heard the sound of the arrow.

At this moment, all of them suddenly opened their pupils and looked over, their faces full of vigilance and seriousness.

Immediately afterwards, the five people saw the magic arrow pierced from the void, and their expressions changed slightly. It exploded.

Yes, the cave and the entire hillside were directly shot through by the magic arrow shot by Ye Tian.

Not only was it pierced, the entire hillside could basically be said to be flattened by the magic arrow.

Can you imagine, if the five of them didn't react just now, what would happen to them?

"Who is it, get out of this city lord?"

The young city master looked extremely cold, and looked in the direction of the magic arrow. The five of them were just recovering the magic power in their bodies, but they didn't expect that after sitting down for a while, someone would do something to him, making his heart unstoppable. 's anger.

Ye Tian, ​​the magician who invaded the realm in front of him, forget it!

Now even the native magician of the Kingdom of Finland dares to take action against himself, don't you want to get involved?

Jesse, the young city lord at the moment, did not expect that the magician who attacked them would be Ye Tian who escaped from them just yesterday, and slapped them, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

It's not that he didn't expect it, but he couldn't imagine it at all.

After all, Ye Tian just got rid of their pursuit yesterday, and now he dares to come back to raid them, how bold he must be!

Is it really the territory of the Kingdom of Finland, the territory of his invaders?

"Master Jesse, right? It's been a long time since I haven't seen you. I miss you so much?"

However, in the next moment, a figure slowly walked from a distance, and at the same time, people arrived before the sound was heard.

When the young young city master and other five people heard the words, their expressions were stunned for a moment, and then they became ugly.

Since the shooter knew the identity of the young man, the magic arrow just now could also be understood as being deliberately cast.

How bold, in the territory of Lanhuangcheng, someone dares to take the initiative to take the initiative to his Lanhuangcheng Shaocheng!

However, soon, the young city master Jesse realized that something was wrong. Where did he seem to have heard this voice?

After thinking about it carefully, his face suddenly became fierce, and he couldn't believe it. Is it really that guy?

I thought that guy had already escaped, but he didn't expect to dare to come to him.

Just now, he even dared to use a magic bow at him.

This magician who invades the realm is too bold!

Do you really think that you have escaped from your own hands once, and you think there is nothing you can do to take him?

Sure enough, when the figure not far ahead was exposed in front of the five of them, the five people's faces immediately showed unstoppable anger, this figure is the intruder who escaped from their hands not long ago. Master, Ye Tian!

"Very good, I thought you escaped, we couldn't find you, and planned to let you go, but I didn't expect that you were not afraid of death, and even sent to our door, so this time I will stay obediently. Bar!"

The young Jessie's face was extremely angry, staring at Ye Tian, ​​and hummed.

After the voice fell, the four senior fifth-order magicians beside him all stepped forward and surrounded Ye Tian in the center.

Ye Tian looked at the four people surrounding him, and glanced at it indifferently, not caring at all.

"Do you really think I'm not sure, will I come to die?"

Previously, because the number of opponents was too large, he was not sure that he would be completely destroyed, and he might have exposed his secrets, so he had to choose to escape.

And right now, there are only five people on the other side, and they dare to be arrogant in front of him, it's just courting death?

When the five Jesse heard the words, their faces were slightly stunned.

They didn't know if Ye Tian had any hole cards, but it was still necessary to be on guard.

Ye Tian doesn't care, what can he do if he is on guard, these guys are going to die today.

The mind communicated with the two undead creatures lurking not far away, and the next moment the ground shook, as if some behemoth was approaching.

When two undead creatures with a height of five meters, hideous faces, riding on bone beasts came slowly and were exposed in front of them, the expressions of the five people suddenly changed greatly, how could they not know that these two monsters were what!

"Undead creature, are you a necromancer?"

Jessie looked in Ye Tian's direction, her expression still a little unbelievable.

"Didn't you see it? What nonsense are you asking!"

Ye Tian doesn't deny it, anyway, these guys are going to die here today, so what if they know about it?

Dead people can't tell their secrets, just let them die and understand!

The voice fell, under Ye Tian's order, the two undead creatures flew towards several people, the death energy was boiling, wherever they passed, the plants on the ground, and the land seemed to have lost their vitality and became dead. thing.

"Damn, this guy must be killed!"

Jesse got his affirmative answer and couldn't help but curse.

Since meeting Ye Tian, ​​this has revealed how many magic elements, the earth element, the thunder element, the storm element, and now there is another undead element, and the magic levels of so many elements are not very low.

If Ye Tian is not young, such as an old man or something, then he has nothing to say.

But the key point is that Ye Tian is not very old, and he looks about the size of a human who is less than twenty years old in their Finnish kingdom.

At such an age, being able to cultivate a lineage to the realm of an advanced magician is already a remarkable genius.

But what about Ye Tian?

Not only did they achieve this, but they also reached this state at the same time. What does this mean?

This is not something that a genius can do, not even a monster can do it.

Moreover, Ye Tian is still a demon city human on the front line with their Lanhuang City. If he doesn't kill him while he is young and has not grown up, it will be too late to regret it later.

One can imagine how terrifying it would be to let a multi-disciplinary magician grow up as a powerhouse,

Got the instructions of the young city lord Jesse, three of the four people were immediately divided, and rushed towards the two undead creatures, and the remaining two people stayed to deal with Ye Tian, ​​after all Ye Tian is not complete Necromancer, or something else.

Without talking nonsense, the five young city masters raised the magic wand in their hands and began to sing incantations, and the battle was about to break out.

Ye Tian's eyes were slightly condensed, and the storm magic element appeared beside him, and then the whole person slowly lifted into the sky.

At the same time, the magic element of the earth system in his hand appeared again, and he slammed down the young city lord and one of his followers below.

The ground collapsed in an instant, and the two used defensive magic to resist the attack while dodging to the side.


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