Although the young and young city masters escaped, the aftermath of the magic bombardment still made them very embarrassed.

The faces of the two suddenly turned ugly, why is the magic power that Ye Tian exerted is much stronger than theirs.

This is something that should not be done, as the heir of Lanhuang City's city master, and also a fifth-order magician.

Jesse's status in the Kingdom of Finland is not bad, and he still knows some things about magicians.

In addition to reaching the seventh-order condensed spiritual seed stage, the real gap between the magicians will be revealed at this time.

And now, whether it is them or Ye Tian, ​​they are only fifth-order magicians. Under the same level, why is Ye Tian's magic power so huge, more than a little bit stronger than them, making them a little confused about the situation.

Only Ye Tian himself understands, what is going on?

Today, he has condensed high-level spiritual seeds in many categories. Even if other awakened categories do not condense high-level spiritual seeds, they have at least condensed intermediate spiritual seeds. In terms of magical power, he casts them through spiritual seeds, at least compared with ordinary ones. Time is stronger than half.

At this time, even if it is a sixth-order magician, standing in front of him, he has the power to fight, and it is even possible to kill him directly.

Although Jesse and his entourage were somewhat puzzled, the current situation could not allow them to think about it. Without thinking much, they chanted the incantation again, and the magic skills in front of him began to emerge, full of momentum, and then slammed towards Ye Tian. Come.

Ye Tian didn't dodge, just floated in the air like this, a defensive magic condensed in his hand, directly resisting the two magic attacks, and then another magic blasted towards the two.

The faces of the young and young city masters changed slightly, and they hurriedly cast two defensive spells to block them in front of them.

However, they did not resist Ye Tian's attack, the two groaned, the magic shield in front of them shattered directly, the two flew in response, coughing blood in their mouths, their faces instantly paled a lot, and at the same time, there was still a little bit in their expressions. horrified.

Forget it for the first time, the magic power is so much worse, they can understand it as an accident, but one after another made them a little suspicious, but they did not suspect that Ye Tian condensed the spirit seed.

When Ye Tian was fighting with the young city lord and one of his followers.

On the other side, the two undead creatures also faced the other three magicians from the Kingdom of Finland. Among them, the fifth-order dark knight faced a fifth-order water magician, and the sixth-order terrifying tiger knight faced the two. Fifth tier magician.

The battle here is also a one-sided situation. The sixth-order terrifying tiger knight will not say much. It is more than enough to deal with two fifth-order magicians, let alone because of the reason of the high-level undead spirit species.

It is far more than half stronger than the average sixth-order undead, and even if there are a few fifth-order magicians, I am afraid they are not necessarily opponents.

The same is true of the fifth-order dark knights, and their strength is completely comparable to that of two fifth-order magicians.

At this time, if you deal with one, it also presents an overwhelming advantage, defeating the fifth-order water magician.

"Ah~ no..."

Suddenly, there was a scream from the two sides fighting.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to look over, only to see one of the two fifth-order magicians who had fought with sixth-order undead creatures, because he did not dodge in time, and directly hit the sixth-order undead with a death attack.

The whole body exudes wisps of black gas, and the blood in the body is continuously evaporated.

In the end, it turned into a skinny corpse. The dead can't die anymore. Originally, the two fifth-order magicians were no match for the sixth-order undead creatures, let alone one dead, and there was only one fifth-order magician left. .

The remaining fifth-order magician, under the attack of sixth-order undead creatures, also kept going backwards, his face was pale, his mouth was coughing blood, his eyes were full of bloodshots, and he had obviously reached the limit.

The two young and young city masters looked at the battle situation on the other side with extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

The two of them were no longer dominant against Ye Tian, ​​and they thought that the other side would come to support them after the battle was over!

But they didn't expect that the situation was even more tragic than theirs, and it took less than a quarter of an hour before someone fell.

If it goes on like this, unless someone supports them, they will all die in Ye Tian's hands.

After taking a look around, I couldn't sense the aura of the other magician teams, so I had no choice but to give up.


Jesse is also a relatively decisive person. Knowing that he is not an opponent, he has no desire to continue fighting. He immediately put down the order and prepared to escape. The other people looked at each other and nodded, preparing to sacrifice their ultimate move, and then escape.


There was an explosion in the sky, dozens of thunder pillars slammed down, the ground collapsed, soil and rocks splashed, and an area shrouded in the thunder calamity, whether it was big trees and vegetation or the empty ground, instantly turned into a mess.

"How is it possible to escape?"

Ye Tian snorted coldly when he saw the movements of the young city master and others.

How could he just let these guys go, they had chased him down so miserably before.

When he had not met a few of them, Ye Tian had already made up his mind not to let him meet, otherwise he would never let them go easily, the opportunity was in front of him now, how could he just let them go.

A shield of wind elements condenses above the head, offsetting the thunder column bombarded from above.

At the same time, the Thunder Magic Wand was lifted, and a thunderous column slammed down towards the four still alive, including the young City Lord.

On the other side, the two undead creatures, except for the fifth-order dark knight who was attacked by the thunder column, were covered in black gas and were injured.

The young and young city masters had to resist the attack of Lei Zhu on the one hand, and at the same time they had to resist the attack of the sixth-order undead.

In addition, the sixth-order undead knights were constantly rushing, and every time they rushed over, the black bone knife waving in their hands slashed horizontally, as if they could cut through the void. to evade the attack.

But in the process of dodging, two people were slashed by the black bone knife on the spot because they did not dodge in time, and they were split into two pieces.

The remaining young city master and one of his followers were also pale at the moment, and the magic power in the body was almost consumed in the battle and defense just now. Thinking of these expressions, I couldn't help but feel a little desperate.

Are they really going to die today at the hands of the magician who invades the realm?

As a thunder column slammed down again, another magician from the Kingdom of Finland who was present also fell into the thunder column.

There is only one young lord of the city, Jesse.

Jessie saw the surrounding scene, looking at Ye Tian, ​​her face became a little frightened, and she wanted to say more.

However, Ye Tian saw at a glance what he was going to say, and didn't want to talk nonsense to him.


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