In front of this team of magicians from the Kingdom of Finland, the strength is only at the four-star level, and it is easy for him to solve it.

Hearing a 'boom', the magic arrow flew out.

Moreover, he is still hiding in the dark, and several people are still recovering, including the guy on duty at the entrance of the cave, who has not noticed him. If he wants to make a move, now is the best time for him.

At this time, the young city master and other people who were recovering naturally also reacted.

The magician has strong feet, and his walking speed is relatively fast. In addition, Ye Tian doesn't know when they met the young city master, so he can only walk all the way and keep searching, hoping to be lucky enough to run into them.

His current goal is only the young young city lord and a group of people. He is not interested in other people for the time being. Even if he wants to do something, he has to wait until the young young city lord has been dealt with. Now he is angry with that group of people. Itchy.

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Ye Tian didn't look at the magician outside, but looked at the four people sitting in the cave, and soon noticed a young man wearing a gorgeous costume, but he was a little embarrassed, and his face and hair were covered with dirt. Mud dirt.

The terrain of hillsides and caves is very common in the forest of monsters.

It is completely possible to summon a fifth-order undead creature and a sixth-order undead creature.

Without thinking, he immediately approached.

But Ye Tian recognized this young man at the first sight of him, and it was the young city lord.

Ye Tian peeked out from under the shade of a tree, it was a hidden hillside, and there was a cave under the hillside, which was somewhat similar to the cave he had hidden before, but he was no longer surprised.

After confirming that there is no danger, Ye Tian is also ready to start.

Ye Tian raised his head and observed the breath of the two undead creatures.

When the retreat was almost far away, Ye Tian began to construct the gate of the abyss.

"It turns out that he is here, but it makes him easy to find!"

Its power is to act on undead creatures to enhance the strength of undead creatures, and undead creatures, for undead magicians, are equivalent to the magic skills of other basic magicians.

When they wake up, it won't be easy to get rid of them quickly.

Finally, it didn't go very far.

Most of them are formed naturally, while some are monsters, and some are dug out to hide their bodies.

Ye Tian took another look at the aura of the few people. Except for the youth on duty at the gate who might be in their prime, the other people sitting cross-legged in the cave had not fully recovered.

With the construction of the gate of the abyss, a fifth-order dark knight and a sixth-order terrifying tiger knight slowly walked out of the abyss gate, respectfully erected on both sides of Ye Tian, ​​silent.

Ye Tian sensed a few more breaths, and the breath was a little familiar, similar to the young young city master and other group of people he met yesterday, his face couldn't help showing a happy look, it should be those guys right.

And now, if there are only five people, then this problem does not exist.

The power of the undead spirit species is not like other basic systems, and it is not blessed on oneself.

It may be enough for several other basic departments to be promoted to the advanced spiritual level.

He put the arrow on the bow and aimed in the direction of the young city lord. As he pulled the magic bow away, the surrounding storm magic elements continued to converge on the magic arrow, blessing the power of the magic bow.

But now that they are met by themselves, they will not want to leave today.

Before starting, Ye Tian paid attention to the surrounding situation and found that there were no other magician teams around. He was still relieved. After being ambushed earlier, he still felt that it was better to be cautious.

He was chased and killed by more than 20 people before, but he did not reveal his undead family, mainly because he was not sure to destroy all those people. In the end, when the Kingdom of Finland found out his secret, it would be a little troublesome.

So, just after the adventurer team left, Ye Tian immediately walked towards the direction they came from.

At this time, there were five people in the cave, four of them sat cross-legged in the cave with their eyes closed, and a dim magical aura appeared on their bodies, which should be recovering the magical aura consumed in their bodies, and one stood at the entrance of the cave with a vigilant gaze. Look around.

Compared with the undead creatures without the undead spirit species, they are at least 50% stronger, that is, more than half.

The void seemed to have been pierced through, making a harsh, high-pitched sound.


And his current undead spirit species has been upgraded to a high-level spirit species.

Seeing such a situation, Ye Tian grinned.

Ye Tian didn't have anything to do, he took out the magic bow and magic arrow from the system space.

Because the Undead Element is a special element, the wealth value required to purchase and upgrade the level of the Spirit Seed is several times to ten times that of the other Basic Elements. In other words, he upgrades the Undead Spirit Seed to the Advanced Spirit Seed. .

Sure enough, it is indeed a high-level spiritual seed, and this billion-dollar wealth is not in vain.

He stepped back a little in the back direction, he was also afraid of the movement of casting magic, which attracted the attention of the magician on duty.

However, before the summoning, Ye Tian thought of one thing, the spirit species of other basic systems can greatly enhance the power of his magic skills with each increase in level, and the range of improvement will also increase with his magic level. , and then strengthen it.

Time passed, and he probably walked for several kilometers. At this time, he suddenly sensed a little movement.

Since a few days ago in the Lanhuang Town Hotel, he had raised the undead spirit species to a high level, and he had not tried how much the strength of the undead creatures summoned by the undead spirit species could be improved.

However, he didn't think too much about these things at the moment. He now has more than eight billion wealth in the system, and it is more than enough to upgrade all other spirit species to the advanced spirit species level.

The next moment, two undead creatures rushed in the direction of the five young city masters.

It seems that he is on duty, checking to see if there is any danger around, guarding a few magicians who are recovering.

Ye Tian's gaze turned to the young city master and others not far away, and issued orders to the two undead creatures.

Now he has more than 970 undead magic stars, and it takes 250 magic stars to summon a fifth-order undead creature, and 500 magic stars to summon a sixth-order undead creature.

Two undead creatures were summoned, and there were not many left of the more than 900 magic stars in his body.

Ye Tian did not hesitate immediately, and rushed in the direction of the movement with the help of the shade of the tree. After walking for a long time, several figures were exposed in front of him, but it was a pity for him that it was not the young city master and other people. It's another team.

But he didn't want to let go of the young city master and other people because of the solution of this irrelevant magician team.

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