A few hours passed again, the originally gloomy sky gradually appeared a touch of fish maw white, and the sky was almost bright.

Because Ye Tian dug a small hole in the wall, and the light came in from outside, he immediately understood that the time was almost up, and he was also ready to break the hole and leave here and return to the water blue star world.

In fact, if he hadn't been delayed for a few days by the young young city lord and the others, he would have returned to the border of the Forest of Demons, which belonged to his own Shui Blue Star, even if he hadn't returned to the magic city.

Ye Tian didn't think much, he could only sigh helplessly, and then stood up from the ground.

So what, now that things have happened, can he go back directly if he wants to?

Arriving at the cave barrier, Ye Tian stretched out his palm and pressed it against the wall.

I saw that the originally sturdy wall gradually softened and turned into a mud-like substance, revealing the outside scenery.

The sky is already bright, Ye Tian things are also stored in the system space, there is nothing to carry, just walk out of the cave.

Following the route I remembered last night, I walked all the way towards the magic city.

After not going far, I found that the breath of monsters and the breath of the adventurer team of the Kingdom of Finland gradually increased.

Ye Tian didn't want to provoke trouble at this time, so he activated the dark magic invisibility technique to hide his figure and breath.

Then move on, even if he encounters some magician teams from the Kingdom of Finland, he chooses to avoid them as much as possible.

If it was before, because of lack of resources, he might still make a move.

But now, he has tens of billions of resources, and by killing these magician teams, each team can only get tens of millions or hundreds of millions of resources. Today, he still doesn't care about these resources. But it's a waste of time.

Besides, it is still an extraordinary period, and he has been exposed in the territory of the Kingdom of Finland.

Now, as long as it is an adventurer team from the Kingdom of Finland, most of them know that an intruder magician has mixed into their territory. .

Not sure, he was going to be besieged and hunted down again, and he didn't want to experience it again.

In this way, Ye Tian took the help of the shade of the tree and continued to move forward in the direction of the magic city.

Not knowing how long passed, he stopped.

Looking at the scene around him, he frowned, he was familiar here, he had passed by before.

Without thinking for too long, he was probably sure where the location was in the outer area of ​​the Forest of Monsters, because the outer area of ​​the Forest of Monsters didn't have any place names, and most of them were based on distance.

His current location is about 700 kilometers away from the magic city, which is still a bit far away.

However, it is not very far from the junction of the two sides, only about 200 kilometers.

He remembered that when he took a detour into the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft, it seemed to be more than 700 kilometers away!

If he said that, from yesterday to now, he has only returned from the inner area to the outer area again, and the distance that he has moved toward the magic city is only a few dozen kilometers, which is equivalent to not walking.

Ye Tian couldn't help but be speechless and helpless.

But he was helpless, so he could only move on and try to return to the magic city as soon as possible.

Not long after the time passed, Ye Tian advanced a distance again, about 650 kilometers away from the magic city.

At this time, there was another magician team from the Kingdom of Finland passing by. There were five four-star magicians in total. They were not strong, but they were not weak. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first. Just leave.

But the words they talked about attracted Ye Tian's attention.

"I just heard from the magician team that came from behind that the city lord Jesse led more than 20 magicians and chased the intruder magician who had mixed into our territory into the forest of monsters!"

"And what we just saw, they rushed out of the forest of demon beasts, and they were extremely embarrassed. There were only five people left in the original twenty people. Do you think they have solved the magic of the invader's realm? division?"

In the team, a man in a fiery red magic robe suddenly opened his mouth and said.

"It should be solved. After all, there are more than 20 magicians, and there are not a few fifth-order magicians, accounting for nearly half of them. It is more than enough to kill a senior magician from the invader's realm!"

"As for them, there are only five people left, I think it may be that there are many high-level monsters in the inner area, and some accidents happened, such as entering the territory of some monsters, causing the resistance of monsters, and sacrificing a group!"

The voice just fell, and another man on the other side expressed his opinion.

"I don't think so. Didn't you see Jesse Young City Lord and others were pale and angry? I feel that they must have encountered something that terrified them. The magician who invaded the realm may not have die!"

"Didn't you hear what the magician teams from behind were talking about? This magician who invaded the realm, before being hunted down by the young city master Jesse, destroyed two powerful magician teams by himself. !"

"And entering the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft, there are many high-level Warcraft, and everything can happen..."

Some other people also expressed their views one after another, arguing endlessly.

However, Ye Tian, ​​who was not far away, was not in the mood to listen to them talking about these useless things.

But he also got a piece of news from the mouths of these people, that is, the young city lord Jesse in their mouths should be a group of young young city lords who chased and killed him. name.

Listening to the words of a few people, it seems that not long ago, I met a young city master.

They came from this direction, and the young young city lord was in the direction they came from. As long as he walked in the opposite direction of them, would he be able to meet the young young city lord and other people?

Since the young city master and others came out of the inner area not long ago, and they were all in a mess, when they wanted to come out, even if they were not chased by the thorn dragon, they would have been chased by other monsters. He didn't know if they were injured or not.

But the magic power in the body definitely consumes a lot of it. He can be sure of this. Even if they have a recovery potion in such a short period of time, it will not be enough to restore them to their prosperous state. took them.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's expression turned cold.

He had already made a decision before, if he didn't meet that group of people, then forget it.

If they meet, then he will never let them go easily, and now his chance has come.

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