The tree is not very big, only half a meter high, and the branches and leaves are not very dense, but a brown fruit grows on the branch, from a distance, you can feel a strong fragrance on the fruit, and the earth element breath.

After carefully observing for a moment, Ye Tian finally understood what this was?

This seems to be a kind of heaven and earth treasure in the treasure map.

Last time I seemed to have seen an introduction to this fruit in the picture book.

Yes, that's right, it seems to be ambergris.

It is rumored that the saliva of dragon beasts fell on the ground and grew out after brewing in a special environment.

And here is the cave of the thorn dragon. Although the thorn dragon is a sub-dragon, it is also a dragon!

I didn't expect that my luck was not bad, I actually met such a one for myself.

A few days ago, when Ye Tian was still in the Purseus Chamber of Commerce in Lanhuang Town, he looked at the list of items in the Chamber of Commerce, and saw the price of ambergris once on it. One piece required a full 50,000 gold coins. It can be said to be expensive.

On Shui Lanxing's side, Ye Tian did not go to understand in detail, and the specifics were not very clear.

Mainly because these things are too scarce, those magicians who went out of the city to find resources did not report their expectations.

Unless you are lucky enough to find someone once or twice, it is impossible for everyone to have such good luck.

And the magicians in the secret world do not lack these treasures, after all, they are all natives.

The land area of ​​the three continents is so large that a lot of natural and earth treasures can be produced every year.

He doesn't know how much those imperial kingdoms can get, but it's definitely not less.

Water Blue Star is different, except for occupying part of the wasteland where resources are scarce, the rest is nothing.

Even if someone has obtained these things, they are all obtained through the forest of monsters.

In fact, the secret world is the same, and most of the resources are produced in the Forest of Warcraft.

Ye Tian didn't hesitate, and hurriedly stepped forward and plucked the brown ambergris fruit from the tree. The fruit was only half the size of a palm.

He knows that this is because the thorn dragon is the reason for learning earth magic, so its saliva drips, and after brewing in a special environment, it naturally forms the ambergris of the earth, which is unique for the cultivation of earth magicians. benefit.

Correspondingly, if the ambrosia fruit formed by the low saliva of other dragon-type beasts, it belongs to other types.

Ambergris is different from other kinds of natural treasures, it can be said that it was formed the day after tomorrow.

Ye Tian didn't swallow it right away, he found a piece of cloth, wrapped the earth-type ambergris, and threw it into the system space.

He still doesn't know the general effect of the dragon saliva fruit, if he swallows it indiscriminately, the effect may be much worse.

When you return to the magic city, it will be better to find someone to ask, and then decide when to eat it.

After picking the ambergris, Ye Tian looked outside the cave again, the thorn dragon had not come back.

"Would you like to dig a little more, anyway, the thorn dragon hasn't come back yet. If you don't dig now, you won't have this chance next time!"

He frowned and hesitated for a moment.

In the end, Ye Tian made up his mind, expanded the system space by another five cubic meters, and started mining.

However, this time, not much has been dug, not far outside the cave, the breath from the thorn dragon came again.

Immediately afterwards, the ground where he was standing shook, as if an earthquake was about to occur.

"Not good, the thorn dragon is back, we can't continue digging, we have to leave quickly!"

Ye Tian's complexion changed slightly, and immediately rushed out of the cave without saying a word.

After walking out of the cave, Ye Tian did not activate the dark magic invisibility technique, because even if he used the invisibility technique, he would still reveal a little bit of aura, and he could still sense some of the thorn dragons whose strength reached the seventh rank.

It's better to use the system's breath shielding function, as long as he hides his body, the thorn dragon will never find it.

Not far from the cave, Ye Tian found a place to hide, and then activated the system breath shield.

It didn't take long for a behemoth to let its figure pass by not far from him, it was the seventh-order monster thorn dragon.

Ye Tian was about to throw his body to the lowest level and didn't even dare to lift his head.

However, the Thorn Dragon did not find out that Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding not far from it, quickly ran towards the direction of the cave.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian also breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to evacuate.

However, before he could evacuate, there was an angry roar from the thorn dragon in the cave.

"Is this the thorn dragon who discovered that someone has entered its cave?"

Ye Tian was about to stand up and leave, but when he heard this roar, his complexion changed greatly, and he didn't even think about jumping down again.

He also wondered where he was found.

When he first entered the cave, he turned on the aura shielding function, and the aura on his body still smelled, and it was impossible for him to remain.

This is absolutely impossible to find, or is it the magic spar that was dug up by himself in the cave?

But this is also unlikely. There are so many magic spar stones in the cave, and there are pits everywhere. The ones I dug by myself are only a small part, and they don't seem to be obvious at all.

Does that mean it was the ambergris fruit that was picked by oneself?

Ye Tian also almost felt that there was just such an ambergris fruit in the cave, and it was indeed a little obvious that it was picked by himself.

However, the Thorns Dragon in the cave just let out a roar, and there was no movement.

He didn't rush out to look for himself as he thought, which made him relieved.

If you really want to let the thorn dragon rush out, you will hide yourself not far away, and I am afraid it will not be long before you will be exposed.

Since the thorn dragon has not moved, then Ye Tian is also ready to leave, not daring to stay here for a long time.

"Where are you now and how do you go back?"

Ye Tian got up and turned around, his eyes glanced around, he had a headache, this seemed to be the rhythm of getting lost.

It took me a few minutes to sort out my thoughts and identify which direction I came from when I came, roughly how far I went, how many directions I went around, and where should I go now?

Soon, Ye Tian found a direction and walked away immediately.

The area where he is now is probably more than 150 kilometers inside the Forest of Warcraft, and he turned in a direction from the outer area more than 700 kilometers away from the magic city and walked into this location at this time.

Now he just has to go back the same way.

When I came, although it was just a rush forward, I didn't remember the route.

But the magician's memory is relatively good, and he still remembers a little bit more or less.

As long as he came to the area he walked before, he could still remember it.


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