However, it was he who thought too much, not to mention the danger.

"How much magic spar is consumed, at least dozens of tons?"

Soon, Ye Tian was distressed again, looking at the magic spar in the cave and looking at his hands, feeling helpless.

These levels represent the size of the magic spar ore vein, and how many magic spar can be produced.

The thorn dragon didn't want to go out at first, even if Ye Tian smashed it with a stone at that time, it just roared and warned it.

Because the magic spar mine itself is mixed with magic spar of various grades and attributes, if it is to be divided, at most it can only be divided into small, medium and large magic spar veins.

He didn't even want to go out.

It just went to chase the magician team of the Kingdom of Finland, and if it can't catch up, or kills people, it will definitely come back.

Although the efficiency will be much worse, it is better than nothing.

"There are sixth-grade magic spar, there are also fifth-grade, fourth-grade magic spar, and they are not unified!"

Otherwise, it would not have been occupied by a seventh-order monster like Thorn Dragon.

Ye Tian seems to have seen an introduction about this in a certain book before, but the specifics are not very clear.

Ye Tian couldn't help looking at the scene in the cave with curiosity, his face secretly amazed.

As long as he can just dig some back this time, his wealth value can definitely skyrocket a lot, at least in billions.

"What is this?"

And the volatilized magic spar naturally disappeared, just like the magic spar that Ye Tian cultivated on weekdays. It was absorbed and turned into a must. The same is true for the magic spar in the magic spar mine.


In the magic spar mine, some places are so smooth that they have not been excavated at all.

"It turns out that the magic crystal mine looks like this!"

Immediately, Ye Tian took the magic spar ore and struck at the magic spar on the wall.

Ye Tian looked around, preparing to take advantage of the thorn dragon to chase after the Finnish kingdom's magician team before returning, to dig some magic spar in its cave, or wait for it to come back, and he will have no chance.

Anyway, looking at the magic spar lode right now, it's just a small lode at most.

It's no wonder that the thorn dragon still roars when it goes out, warning the surrounding monsters who have thoughts about its cave, don't come near here, not to mention the thorn dragon, even if he owns such a magic crystal mine, it will definitely be the same. .

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If Ye Tian hadn't bombarded its cave with magic, it wouldn't have rushed out in anger, and finally regarded the magicians in the Kingdom of Finland as the humans who bombarded its cave with magic, and they have been chasing them until now.

It should be directly mad, and run to find the young young city master and the other group.

However, right after that, he frowned again, looking at the magic spar in the mine with a strange look.

The system space was a bit insufficient, Ye Tian saw the wealth value on the personal panel, and it increased by several billions again, adding two cubic meters of space to the system space again, and then continued mining.

However, even after absorbing so much, there are still quite a few left in the cave at this time, no less than the magic spar in those pits.

Ye Tian looked at the few magic spar stones that were knocked down, and his face was bright, as if he understood something.

In some places, there are pits and pits, some sinking in a few meters, and some sinking in tens of meters.

Ye Tian was about to evacuate, his eyes hurriedly glanced at an area, his expression suddenly froze, and he said in surprise.

Don't look at it as a small ore vein, but there are definitely a lot of magic spar produced, and it must be calculated in tons.

Originally, he was still worried that there was not only a thorn dragon, but also other beasts.

However, it's useless to think about these now, so you can't rush back to get them!

"I knew I would have such a chance to mine this time, so I brought a mining tool. Ordinary tools are not enough. The magic spar is harder than normal stones. It is best to bring an alloy shovel. !"

The colors are very bright, exuding rich magic elements, and the whole cave seems to be a holy place for cultivation.

What is the magic crystal ore, there are still some, on the walls in the cave, on the ground everywhere, each magic spar is a different color, there is a single color, and there are multiple colors mixed together, like colorful gems .

If the time comes, the thorn dragon comes back and finds that it has emptied its cave, I don't know what will happen to it?

Except for some animal hairs and the smell of monsters, there is nothing else in the cave.

As for bombarding with magic, it can be done, but the movement of magic is too large, and it will also reveal its own breath.

It is no wonder that on the side of Shui Lanxing, there is only the classification of magic spar, and there is no classification of magic spar veins.

He was afraid that just after digging, the thorn dragon immediately heard the movement, and then rushed back and caught it.

Ye Tian didn't have to think about it to know that these pitted places must have been used by that thorn dragon.

Knock off one piece and put one piece into the system space. Fortunately, there is such a system space. Otherwise, even if he found such an opportunity this time, he would not be able to remove these magic spar.

I'm afraid that when he comes back again, the day lily will be cold, and not even a single hair will be digged out.

It wasn't until the remaining space was filled up that he stopped what he was doing.

Of course, this is just one of his metaphors, not that there are really only these things.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Tian filled the remaining half of the system space with magic spar.

He stepped forward, picked up an ordinary stone from the ground, and knocked it against the magic spar mine wall on the wall. It didn't take long before a few palm-sized pieces fell on the wall. Magic Crystal.

Ye Tian doesn't want to think about these useless things now, and just wants to quickly evacuate all the things in the cave.

However, Ye Tian can only think about it. As for digging out these magic spar stones, he feels that it is impossible to evacuate without a few days and a half months. The Thorns Dragon side will not give him such a long time. time.

After thinking about it, I can only decide in the end, use the stone to knock it slowly, how much can be knocked!

I saw that behind a boulder in the cave, there was a huge concave hole. Judging from the appearance of the concave hole, it should be the place where the thorn dragon usually rested, but at this time, where the thorn dragon rested, a small tree grew on the edge. .

Ye Tian didn't continue to dig. Now he has dug so many magic spar stones. It's been a long time. It seems that the thorn dragon is coming back soon. face, it's not fun.

Ye Tian looked at the pitted caves with a look of resentment on his face, and muttered a little unhappily.

The magic spar does not necessarily need to be dug down to disappear, as long as the magic elements in the cave are absorbed, the magic spar on the wall and the ground will continue to volatilize, replenishing the magic elements in the cave.

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