According to the only memory left in his memory, Ye Tian was surrounded by several times, and finally returned to the intersection where he turned into the Forest of Warcraft. He was here before, and he thought of the method of distinguishing the intensity before he found it. Thorn Dragon Cave.

However, before the two could discuss again, someone in the team interrupted.

"Okay, stop arguing, you'll know when you're dead or not. Now let's find a place to rest first. It's going to be night soon, and there are more monsters, so it's not suitable to move forward!"

Ye Tian looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help pondering.

In the team, a middle-aged man wearing a black magic robe, exuding a thin dark magic atmosphere, said.

Some other magicians who had never spoken, also nodded.

"After all, it's the news from the rear, and our location is not far from the intruder's boundary. It's normal that we didn't get the news for a while. I just learned about it!"

However, it was only a whisper.

In the team, a middle-aged bearded man stroked the beard on his chin and chuckled.

And while he was thinking about this, someone in the team of adventurers continued to chat.

These can be shown to have been stipulated on the surface, and speak according to strength.

"makes sense!"

In the next time, Ye Tian turned on the dark magic invisibility, and along the way, with the help of the shadow of the shade of trees, he walked in the direction of the outer area. The monsters he met along the way also followed him constantly. , becoming lower and lower.

After understanding which direction to go, Ye Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn't get lost here.

At least, he still has an impression of how to go back!

It can be said that the probability of meeting is very small, so small that it is basically impossible to meet again.

But luck is such a thing, who can say for sure, maybe it happens again with good luck, it's not impossible.

"Damn bunch of guys, don't let me meet again!"

Five fifth-order senior magicians, he still thinks there is no problem in dealing with them.

Otherwise, he always felt that the sullenness in his heart could not be eliminated, and he was chased and killed for hundreds of kilometers along the way, not to mention him, even the best-tempered person might not be able to endure it.

The magician who had previously refuted the black-robed man also immediately felt reasonable.

If the young city master is not dead, at this time, with himself by his side, there are probably five fifth-order high-level magicians.

As for the other people, I am afraid they have already died in the mouth of the thorn dragon.

In short, don't let him meet again. If he meets them, the group of guys who have to beat them is called Grandpa, and then kill them.

I don't know how much time has passed, Ye Tian felt that the level of magical beasts around him had returned to what he had encountered in the outer area before, so he could be sure that he had returned to the outer area, and he was relieved at the moment.

At this moment, the five of them were patrolling the surroundings with vigilant expressions while chatting.

There should be a chance to meet, but the forest of monsters is so big, which direction they will go is uncertain.

There are five people in total, and their strength is generally not very high, three are at the four-star level, and two are at the three-star level.

"It's a pity, I can't see with my own eyes what the intruder Earth Magician who broke into our territory looks like!"

Now that I'm back here, it's much easier to find the way back.

Fortunately, he didn't go the wrong way. If he went wrong and went deeper into the inner area of ​​the Forest of Monsters, then he would have nowhere to cry.

In the inner area, because of the existence of magic crystal ore, the magic element atmosphere is also relatively strong, attracting countless high-level magical beasts, marching towards the inner area, whatever level of strength, stay in which area.

The black-robed middle-aged man chuckled lightly, then continued.

At this time, there were a few breaths coming from the surroundings, Ye Tian sensed a few breaths, and immediately hid in the dark again, without any intention of preparing to start, so let's first determine the current situation.

So, as soon as I get here, I immediately remember what this place is.

He took out his mobile phone and checked the date. When he was chased and killed, it was Sunday.

"Okay, let's find a cave first and hide for a night!"

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned to the surroundings, and he could be sure that this area was the peripheral area.

"The young young city lord in front of the group seems to be walking from this side. I don't know if they were killed by the thorn dragon later. If they were not killed, would I have a chance to meet them?"

"Impossible, I heard that the young master of Lanhuang City has led more than 20 magicians to hunt down the magician who invaded the realm. Is it possible that with so many people, he can't kill that guy? "

From this point, Ye Tian could probably be sure that he came out towards the outer area.

But he doesn't seem to have been there before. I don't know how far from the magic city, and in which direction is the magic city?

"Since it hasn't been caught yet, there are still variables in everything!"

"I didn't expect that there would be a magician who invaded the realm and sneaked into our territory. If we didn't hear the conversation of that group of adventurers, we wouldn't know the situation!"

"I don't want to meet, didn't you hear the words of the magician who came from the rear? There are two strong teams. They originally wanted to entangle the magician who invaded the realm, but they didn't think they were opponents. It was all over in no time!"

If we could meet him this time, it wouldn't necessarily be him who escaped, but the young city lord.

From the words of these people, Ye Tian probably also knew that his current position should be closer to the magic city than before, as long as he continues to move in the direction of this team of adventurers.


As soon as the middle-aged man in the black robe finished speaking, someone in the team didn't believe it.

"Our team is not weak, but it's not strong either. If we meet that guy, I'm afraid it won't be much better than them, so let's pray that we don't meet the magician who invaded the realm!"

And now, it has come to Tuesday, and the time has come to the evening, that is to say, he was hunted down for two whole days, and it was only with the help of the thorn dragon that he got rid of the pursuit.

"That's not necessarily true. Didn't you hear what the team said before? The magician who invaded the realm did not die in the hands of the young city master and others, but fled towards the deep area of ​​the forest of monsters!"

Thinking of being chased and killed for two days, Ye Tian's originally joyous mood disappeared instantly, and he said with some resentment.

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Soon, the magicians exuding aura approached.

In the team, people continued to speak curiously.

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