Ye Tian thought about it for a while, and felt that the thorn dragon was rather special.

Before coming to the Forest of Warcraft, when Ye Tian stayed in the magic city, he learned some information about Warcraft through the Warcraft Catalogue.

Among them is the thorn dragon, but the thorn dragon is not a pure dragon, but a sub-dragon.

Because its body not only contains dragon blood, but also contains the blood of other beasts, it is a hybrid species.

But even if it is not a pure dragon, it is much stronger than other monsters of the same rank. The pure-blooded dragon grows up, and even among the monsters, it belongs to the most powerful existence, and it can basically be said to be the overlord of the monsters.

And the heirs of their bloodlines, how could they be so bad, no matter how bad they are, they are not comparable to ordinary monsters.

"I heard that there seems to be a pure-blood dragon clan in the depths of the forest of monsters!"

Ye Tian couldn't help but glanced in one direction, his expression was a little curious, and he whispered.

However, he didn't think much about it, if those dragon clan provoke him with his current strength, he would surely die.

When the strength reaches a certain level in the future, maybe I can go to find out and grab one to use as a mount.


At this time, there were several screams in his ears again, Ye Tian looked over instantly.

I saw that among the magicians of the Kingdom of Finland who escaped, several people were shot into a blood mist by the spikes flying out of the thorn dragon. There were no bones, and only the blood mist that filled the air could be seen.

At this point, there were less than ten of the more than twenty Finnish magicians who had been chasing him.

In total, it can be divided into two teams, one team consists of five five-star magicians such as the young city master, and the other team has only four people, three five-star magicians and one four-star magician.

The two teams of magicians did not flee together, but separated and fled in two directions.

Because the slow-running magicians of the Kingdom of Finland died under the thorns of the thorn dragon, delaying the time for a while.

So at this time, the remaining two teams have already run a certain distance.

Even if the thorn dragon wants to shoot with the spikes on its body to kill them, it is actually very difficult to achieve.

Although the thorns fired from the surface of the thorn dragon are powerful, they still have some limitations.

It's not that you can shoot as far as you want.

At close range, the thorns on its body can burst out the power of wheel beauty and advanced magic.

And as the distance keeps getting farther, this power also keeps weakening.

After reaching a certain distance, it may even be comparable to primary magic, or even worse, weakened to the extreme.

Therefore, with the distance between the remaining two teams of escaped magicians, it can only burst out the power of intermediate magic at most, and there is no problem in seriously injuring the few people who escaped in front, but it is absolutely impossible to kill.

If you catch up, you can only choose one of the teams, and the other team may be let go.

In addition to its strong defense and relatively strong combat effectiveness, the thorn dragon itself is relatively weak in terms of speed.

But even if it is weak, the seventh-order level must run much faster than the fifth-order level, and it is not a big problem to catch up with one of the teams. .

However, before chasing, the thorn dragon glanced in the direction of the cave and roared towards the surroundings.

It seems to be telling the surrounding magical beasts who have ideas about its cave, this is its territory, if someone dares to take advantage of it to privately occupy its cave, it will never end with them.

After taking the oath, the thorn dragon chased in the direction of the four.

Every time I took a step off the ground, the ground shook, like an earthquake.

The team that was being chased, when they saw the thorn dragon running towards them, suddenly turned pale, a little desperate, they originally fled, but there was a bit of luck in it.

As long as the thorn dragon chases other people, then they have hope of escaping, but now, the thorn dragon is chasing them, with their speed, they can't beat the thorn dragon, they can't beat them, they can only wait for the rhythm of death.

On the other side, the young city master and other five people were relieved when they saw the thorn dragon chasing another team of magicians, but they did not stop because of this, but hurry up and continue to escape.

Ye Tian hid behind the boulder and stared at the scene in front of him without making a sound.

The team of magicians chased by the thorn dragon should not be able to escape, but the young man should be able to escape after waiting for a while.


Ye Tian sighed helplessly, originally expected the thorn dragon to destroy them all?

Who knows, the thorn dragon is not good at speed at all, it is too weak to catch up with the two teams.

Ye Tian wanted to go up personally and get rid of the young young city master and other people, but since the thorn dragon didn't run far, he didn't dare to come out at all, so he could only watch them leave.

"Forget it, wait and see if there is a chance to meet them again and get rid of them!"

Even if Ye Tian was a little unhappy, he could only swallow it in his heart and stop thinking about it.

Anyway, even if the young young city lord does not die, he will still keep this matter firmly in his heart in the future, and he will definitely choose revenge when he has the opportunity, he is not a good-tempered person.

I don't know how long it took, the oppressive aura of the thorn dragon disappeared, and the sound of the footsteps could not be felt, Ye Tian walked out slowly from the back of the boulder.

"It should be far away!"

Ye Tian observed it nearby, and made sure that the thorn dragon had gone far, so he was relieved.

There is no aura of demon beasts around, it should be the roar of the thorn dragon just now, and all the demon beasts who stayed around were roared back, so don't dare to approach this side, for fear that the thorn dragon will be angered.

Judging from the current situation, the Thorns Dragon should be the strongest beast in this area.

"The thorn dragon leaves, and there are no magical beasts around. Can't you just pick up the magic spar in the cave?"

Suddenly, Ye Tian's expression was shocked, his eyes turned to the direction of the cave, his eyes were a little hot, and he whispered.

The magic element concentration of Lunmei in the cave is about six times that of Shui Lanxing, which means that the magic crystal ore in the cave is definitely not lower than the middle-grade magic spar, and it may even be higher. The magic spar.

A gram of high-quality magic spar is worth tens of thousands of Chinese coins. If you dig up a few hundred to a thousand jin, your wealth will not be worth it. Why would you want to rob those magicians in the Kingdom of Finland?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but glanced around again, and determined that the thorn dragon should not come back in a short time, so he walked towards the direction of the cave, his footsteps were slightly slow, and he was also afraid of any danger inside.


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