Above the cave, there were dense clouds, and thunder pillars continued to bombard down from the clouds.

I saw that the original hard rock barriers outside the cave burst open and collapsed under the bombardment of the thunder column.


And inside the cave, there was a roar of rage from the beast.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure emerged from it. It was a monster with a height of about seven or eight meters. It was crimson red and covered with sharp spikes. Each spike was as long as a cone head. up to half a meter.

The tail of the beast is very thick, and it is also densely covered with spikes, and the end is like a meteor hammer.

When Ye Tian saw a figure rushing out, he didn't even think about it, he ran away, drove the speed to the limit, fluttered to the side, found a cover, hid behind, and then turned on the system's Breath blocking function.

"No, it's the seventh-order monster thorn dragon!"

Behind, the young young city master and the others, when they saw the monster that rushed out of the cave, their expressions suddenly changed, and they were a little terrified.

If there is a sixth-order high-level beast living in the cave, the twenty or so of them will have a chance to compete.

But if there is a seventh-order beast, even if more than 20 of them are united together, I am afraid it will be difficult to hold on for a moment under the hands of this seventh-order beast, the thorn dragon, and they will be defeated and flee, because the sixth-order magician and the seventh-order magician are different. It's too big.

"Young city master, the magician from the invader's realm seems to have disappeared!"

However, when they stared at the thorn dragon and were about to escape, someone shouted loudly.

Immediately, the eyes of those people were pulled back, and they went to patrol the surroundings. Seeing this, everyone's complexion changed greatly, not to mention seeing Ye Tian's figure, even a breath of his body could not be sensed.

"Damn, where did the magician who invaded the realm go, wasn't he still in front just now?"

"I don't know, I just noticed him running in this direction, and then the person disappeared!"

"Bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Everyone was really panicked this time, not knowing what to do.

Ye Tian is fine here, after all, it was he who collapsed the thorn dragon's cave, and the thorn dragon would chase him first even if it had revenge.

And now he's gone, only twenty of them are here.

The thorn dragon didn't know who had just used magic to blow up its dwelling, and they would definitely be suspicious of them.

Sure enough, this idea had just appeared, and the eyes of the thorn dragon outside the cave were fixed on them, his eyes were full of anger, he opened his bloody mouth, revealing sharp fangs, his face was extremely ferocious, and he let out an earth-shattering roar.

Damn this group of tiny humans, it just smashed it with something and it didn't say much, and it didn't bother to pay attention to them.

It also warned them with a low roar, but now they have to go ahead and use magic to smash the cave where it lives. Although it didn't completely collapse, it can still live, but it still can't suppress this anger, and the beast does not show its power. Treat it like a sick cat!

"Everyone, run, even if there are so many of us, we are definitely not the opponents of the seventh-order monster thorn dragon!"

When the young young city master saw the thorn dragon looking at them, his face instantly turned pale, he cursed secretly, and led the other four fifth-order senior magicians in his team, turned and ran without even turning his head.

When other people saw this, they also followed in the footsteps and wanted to escape.

However, how could the Thorns Dragon, who was in anger at this time, let them go so easily.

With a roar in the sky, a huge sole stomped on the floor. Taking the thorn dragon as the origin, the surrounding ground shattered one after another. One after another cracks in the earth chased away along the fleeing magicians. The speed of the cracks was very fast. quick.

On the spot, there were four or five weak magicians from the Kingdom of Finland who had no time to escape, and were caught up by the crack. Several huge stone cones protruded directly from the bottom of the crack and penetrated them directly.

"Young City Lord, save me... I don't want to die..."

Those magicians hadn't died of anger immediately, and they were still somewhat conscious. Their faces were full of desire to survive, and they asked for help from the young city lord who fled ahead. idea.

They also hope that a few more people can run slower, attract the attention of the thorn dragon, and let the rest of them escape!

The thorn dragon ignored the several Finnish magicians who were nailed to the stone cone, stepped forward and continued to chase the young city lord and others who fled ahead. If he wanted to keep them all here, he would have to feel angry. Be prepared to die.

"Everyone run away separately, so that you can run a few more, or you will die!"

Suddenly, one of the dozen or so escaped magicians in front shouted loudly.

After the voice fell, the magicians who were originally gathered together gritted their teeth, then all spread out and ran to other places.

If they gather together, it is very likely that the thorn dragon will come over with a magic spell, and everyone will die here. If they run separately, there will be more or less chances to escape, but as for who can escape, it depends on luck.

Seeing everyone running away, the thorn dragon stopped, glanced around, let out a muffled sound, and let out a breath of white breath, and did not continue chasing.

But not chasing, does not mean that the thorn dragon will let those people go.

I saw that the thorn dragon that stopped, the red pointed armor all over his body suddenly became even more red.

Immediately afterwards, a loud bang came out, and a thorn was directly separated from the thorn dragon's body and shot towards a magician from the Kingdom of Finland, and the magician exploded directly under the thorn. , turned into a cloud of blood.

I didn't even have time to let out a scream, I'm afraid I don't even know how to die.

And beside the exploding magician, one of his companions, saw this scene, his expression suddenly became horrified.

Turning around to look at the thorn dragon, seeing its red skin, I instantly understood what it was.

The thorns are separated from the body, which is one of the innate abilities of the thorn dragon, and its power is very domineering, just like a magic skill.

The thorns and thorns of the loss can be recovered through cultivation, or by devouring the corpses of some monsters.

On the other side, Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding behind a boulder, looked a little sluggish. He didn't expect that the thorns on the thorn dragon could also be used to attack. Judging from this power, it was not weaker than a high-level magic.

And how many thorns there are on the thorn dragon's body, there are hundreds of them, doesn't that mean that hundreds of thorns that are not weaker than high-level magic can be fired, if he thinks about this, Ye Tian can't help but be speechless, he doesn't know What to say.

Is this the seventh-order monster?

Compared to the sixth-order, the difference is really too big.

The sixth-order and seventh-order are considered a huge watershed, but according to the ability of the thorny dragon to shoot spikes, doesn't it mean that hundreds of sixth-order magical beasts have to be killed when they meet the thorny dragon?

Or, the thorn dragon is rather special.

After all, with a dragon in the name, it doesn't feel like an ordinary thing.


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