Behind, the young young city master and more than 20 people, when they saw Ye Tian turned again and continued to run away, he couldn't help but look a little suspicious. ?

It's just that it's a bit too much to think about.

Ye Tian had not detoured in a different direction before, running towards the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft.

But until now, he has not been followed by himself and others, and he can't even run away.

"Don't worry about so much, catch up with the magician of the invader's realm and kill him!"

"Yes, kill that guy and then..."

At this time, everyone didn't want to worry about these things, they just wanted to kill Ye Tian and get the 50,000 gold coins as a bounty.

It has to be said that when there are enough interests, even if you know that your life is in danger, it can still lead to madness.

Ye Tian didn't care about anything else, and constantly felt the intensity of the surrounding magic elements. Whichever direction was strong, he rushed in that direction, regardless of what was in front of him.

It would be great to meet high-level monsters.

If you meet a low-level monster, there are those behind you who will help you to be shocked, don't you dare to do something to yourself?

In this way, he didn't know how far he ran along the way, and he couldn't remember very well.

And at this moment, Ye Tian slowed down a little, because not far ahead, he felt an extremely rich magic element, at least two to three times the magic element concentration in the magic city. .

Don't think it's not very high if it's only two or three times.

You must know that the concentration of magic elements in the magic city is twice that of the water blue star, that is to say, the area where he is now, the concentration of magic elements is four to six times that of the water blue star.

This is already extremely rich, even if it is transformed with magic spar, at least a mid-grade magic spar is required to achieve it.

"There is probably a magic crystal mine ahead!"

Ye Tian thought about it for a while, although he wasn't quite sure, but he felt that it was similar to his guess.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help speeding up his pace, rushing towards the Magic Crystal Mine, with an indomitable aura.

Isn't it just a high-grade monster, what's there to be afraid of, some kind of come out and do it | I am!

"What the hell does this guy want?"

"I don't know, but do you think that the magic element in this place is a little rich?"

"Normal, after all, we have already penetrated into the Forest of Warcraft, which is close to more than 150 kilometers. The deeper we go, the more magic crystal mines, the higher the grade, and the stronger the magic element breath!"

The magician from the Kingdom of Finland behind was also a little puzzled by Ye Tian's actions, and they discussed a few words with each other.

However, they did not expect that there is a small magic crystal mine not far in front of them. Although it is a small magic crystal mine, it is also occupied by high-level monsters, and Ye Tian is trying to provoke that monster. idea.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian to stop in front of a cave, looking at the cave in front of him, sizing up.

The cave is very large, more than ten meters in length and width, and the interior is so dark that it is impossible to see the interior.

"The aura of magic elements comes from this cave. That is to say, inside this cave, there is a magic crystal ore vein. Since it is a magic crystal ore vein, there should be magical beasts there!"

Ye Tian thought for a while, his face was puzzled at first, but then he showed a sneer.

Turning his head, he glanced at the twenty or so people behind him. Since you are courting death, you can't blame him.

If it weren't for the fact that you were chasing me, I wouldn't have risked angering high-level monsters.

After all, he is also in danger, which is not to say that there is no danger!

Let's see now, who of the two of them can escape from this mine under the wrath of this high-level beast.

"Why did this guy stop?"

"There is a cave in front of me, why do I have a bad premonition!"

"Looking at the appearance of this guy, there may be some conspiracy to play, everyone, be careful, don't be fooled by him!"

At the back, there were more than 20 people including the young city lord. Seeing the scene in front of him and Ye Tian who had stopped, he looked a little wary.

And at this moment, Ye Tian in front of them made another move.

It's just that this action made them a little confused!

Ye Tian squatted on the ground and picked up a stone with his right hand.

At the same time, he showed them a smile, and his big white teeth seemed to shine under the scorching sun!

"He smiled at us?"

The young city owner and others were full of doubts on their faces.

For some unknown reason, they always felt that Ye Tian's smile was a little sinister, as if something bad was going to happen next.

Sure enough, I saw that Ye Tian ignored them next, looked at the cave in front of him, clenched the stone in his right hand, stretched back to store his strength, and then threw it towards the cave in front of him with the help of the storm element magic element.

Only a harsh sound was heard, and the stone cut through the void, as if it had pierced through the void, and shot directly into the cave.


In the cave, there was no sound of stones falling, but a dull low roar came from it.

Hearing this roar, Ye Tian's face was filled with joy, as he had guessed, there was a demon beast in it.

But his heart was also tense, for fear that the monster inside jumped out and swallowed him.

However, he thought too much, and the beast only roared a little, and didn't make any movement.

"Is this not strong enough? Need to add more fire?"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief, looked towards the direction of the cave again, and whispered.

At the back, the young city master and others saw Ye Tian's movements, and then heard the low roar of the monsters in the cave, their complexions changed greatly, thinking of what Ye Tian had said before, and suddenly understood what he wanted to do. ?

"Damn, you dare~"

The young man looked terrified and roared loudly.

He felt just now that the magic elements in this cave were a little too rich.

But at this time, seeing Ye Tian's movements and the roar of the monsters in the cave, he immediately understood what was inside.

Magic Crystal Mine, I didn't expect there would be a Magic Crystal Mine here?

Since the magic crystal mine, it means that there are high-level monsters sitting in it.

And Ye Tian's action instantly made him understand what Ye Tian was going to do.

I thought that Ye Tian was just joking. After all, provoking high-level Warcraft is not a good thing for both of them, and Ye Tian really dared to provoke them.

If Ye Tian really provokes the demon beast in the magic crystal mine, then none of them who are present today will be able to leave.

He had to die here, and he regretted it at this time, why did he provoke such a lunatic.

Now I know I'm afraid, but it's too late.

Anyway, he has already provoked it, so it can only be provoked to the end.

"I don't dare, get out of here!"

A sneer appeared on Ye Tian's face, and he raised his head and shouted loudly.


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