And now, since the youth promised them 50,000 gold coins, as a youth, they should not lie to them.

As long as any of them can kill Ye Tian at the last minute, then these fifty thousand gold coins are theirs.

All of a sudden, everyone looked excited, and could not wait to rush forward and kill Ye Tian.

When the young city master saw the appearance of those adventurers, he couldn't help but sneer and snorted.

He knew that if he didn't give these guys a little sweetness, they wouldn't try their best, and just wanted to deal with him, but did he really think that he could get his gold coins in this way?

When the time comes, some of them killed Ye Tian, ​​dare you ask yourself for gold coins?

I'm afraid I don't know what it means to kill someone.

As the son of the city lord of Lanhuang City, in order to maintain the face of the city lord's mansion, the gold coins will definitely be given to that person first.

But after the incident, he sent a few of his subordinates to kill the person who took his gold coins, and then he could get it back again.

This not only brought back the gold coins, but also maintained the city lord's mansion and maintained his own face.

On the other side, Ye Tian, ​​who was running ahead, naturally heard the words of the young city lord.

Suddenly, his face became extremely cold, and he lowered his head and snorted, but said nothing.

50,000 gold coins to buy his own life, this guy is willing to take it out.

But I don't know if it's fake if it's real, Ye Tian doesn't bother to care about these things.

However, 50,000 gold coins are not a small amount, equivalent to the purchasing power of China's 500 million cash.

Of course, this is only a rough estimate and not very accurate.

That also shows that although this guy is not as good as the other sons of the lord of Finland City, his worth is definitely not bad.

After all, no matter what, this guy is still the son of a city lord and a noble class.

If you get rid of this guy yourself, you should be able to get a lot of benefits.

But whether we can get ready-made ones is a question. Since I learned the membership card of the Purseus Chamber of Commerce a few days ago, I know that the humans on this side of the secret world can store gold coins in it.

Ye Tian knew that it would be very difficult to get a lot of gold coins in the future, and at most he could only get a membership card.

If you have a small amount of gold coins, it is still possible, just like the teams that were hunted before, each team will get hundreds of thousands of gold coins. There is still a chance to get some gold coins. If you have more, don't think about it.

"Let's go together and kill this guy. As for the 50,000 gold coins, I will consider it afterwards!"

Without making him think too much, the twenty or so magicians who were chasing after him became insanely insane.

Looking at Ye Tian with incomparably fiery eyes, holding a magic wand in his hand, with a plausible voice in his mouth, he began to chant the condensed magic, and threw it towards him, the surrounding scenery, after the overwhelming magic fell, suddenly turned into ashes .

Although Ye Tian was able to resist, he didn't take it hard. Those who were able to avoid it, avoided it as much as possible. He didn't give everything to the next step like the training in class. .

These are also some of the knowledge points that Mr. Ren Hengyu first taught him in the magic combat class.

In the wild, you can save your own magic power, save as much as possible, and save your life at a critical time.

After avoiding those attacks, Ye Tian didn't turn his head, and continued to run towards the inside of the Forest of Monsters.


This time, there was no need for the young city lord to speak, and some of the more than 20 adventurers in Lanhuang City shouted.

Immediately afterwards, everyone chased in the direction of Ye Tian.


Running all the way, Ye Tian didn't know how far he ran, the more he ran inside, the higher the level of monsters he met, even if it was a fifth-order monster, Ye Tian had seen it many times.

During this period, a fifth-order demon beast saw Ye Tian, ​​with a fierce look in his eyes, looking in his direction, and wanted to do something to him.

But when sensing the more than twenty breaths behind Ye Tian, ​​especially the seven or eight five-star breaths, the fifth-order Warcraft could only roar unwillingly, and then retreated towards the rear.

The beasts are not fools, they have a very keen foreboding, knowing the dangerous situation, they will definitely not rush forward to die.

If there is only one Ye Tian, ​​it might still rush up, but if there are so many people, it still thinks it's fine.

Ye Tian saw such a situation, and was naturally very happy, with a slight smile on his face, and he ignored it.

It seems that being chased by those people behind is not all bad, there are still some good points, at least, those fifth-order and lower-order monsters, after noticing the aura behind him, dare not treat him. Hands on.

In this way, he will save a lot of trouble and wait for the high-level monsters to become.

I don't know how long the time passed, Ye Tian didn't calculate how many kilometers he had penetrated into the Forest of Warcraft.

Anyway, no less than 100 kilometers.

As he continued to go deeper, Ye Tian also discovered a phenomenon, that is, the deeper he went, the more intense the magical elements in the Forest of Warcraft, at least several percent more intense than the outside area.

"Because of the magic crystal mine?"

Ye Tian frowned, roughly having some guesses.

In the inner area of ​​the Forest of Warcraft, there is definitely a magic crystal mine, this is something you know without thinking.

In the outer area, because it is far away from the magic crystal ore, the magic element aura is much weaker, and the deeper you go into the inner area, the closer you are to the magic crystal ore, and the magic aura naturally becomes stronger.

The level of monsters and the division of territories are also roughly divided according to the intensity of the magical atmosphere.

The stronger the beast, the closer it is to the magic crystal mine, and the stronger it is, the more powerful it is, the more powerful it is, it will directly occupy the magic crystal mine.

"In the last secret world class, the professor who gave the lecture also said that normally, every magic crystal mine, or the area where some heavenly material and earthly treasures grow, are occupied by powerful monsters!"

"So, whether it's a beast or a human being, if you want to occupy the magic crystal mine, you first need to defeat that beast!"

Ye Tian couldn't help but ponder while running, and then he thought again.

"In this way, as long as you find the magic crystal mine and cause a little movement, you will definitely attract the attention of high-level monsters. In this case, it is not easy to get rid of those chasing guys behind!"

"However, first of all, we have to find the magic crystal ore, but how should we find the magic crystal ore?"

Ye Tian thought about this, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face, there was a way!

"According to the situation I just deduced, the stronger the magical element, the closer to the area of ​​the magic crystal mine. As long as I run along the rich atmosphere of the magical element, it will be done!"

"Normally speaking, you should be able to find magic crystal ore, but if you can find magic crystal ore, are you afraid that you won't be able to find high-level magical beasts?"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but sense the surrounding magic element density.

Soon, he found a location with a strong magical atmosphere, and without hesitation, he turned around and continued to run.


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