The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3069: Pre-small double death

Chapter 3069, Pre-Small Double Death

"Is this what?"

Many people have a gaze in their eyes.

I did not expect it at all.

Xu Feng can come up with such a terrible embarrassment.

The face of the pre-small pair became gloomy.

Not far from the letter of the battle of the lonely sea, his look has become exceptionally ugly.

He never thought of it.

The strength shown by Xu Feng is so horrible.

Can also come up with such a fighting power.


Xu Feng stood on the side, he did not mean to shoot at all, the four battles were stunned, and they went toward the pre-small doubles.


Four warfare models, with the control of Xu Feng, the strength has become a lot of horror.

Most importantly, the four defensive defensive capabilities are strong.

The pre-small double attack is very good, and it is almost impossible to hurt four battles.

In this way, he was completely restrained by the four wars, and he did not even have any ability to fight back.

What is even more terrible is that his righteousness fights against the war, and does not play any role.

This is the reason why the pre-small doubles are passive.


Pre-small doubles were suppressed by four battles, and he almost only had the power to fight back, and Xu Feng stood still.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder. He laughed and said, "Brother, this guy is really waste."

The words of the kitten rang, and the pre-small doubles did not vomit blood.

He is the existence of the twenty-seventh of the flame list.

Today, it is said to be a waste by a cat.

"Small beast, you have the ability to fight with me!"

Pre-small pair screamed at the kitten.

"War in battle, who is afraid of who?"

The breath of the kitten emerged, and he rushed out toward the pre-small double, and the speed was extremely fast.


Pre-small double did not expect that the kitten said that the shot will be shot, and the four battles are still attacking him?

In other words, he has now become a person, fighting four battles, and kittens.

After the previous events, he also knows that the strength of the kitten is not simple.

Immediately roared: "You have the ability to let the four battles identify, I personally fight you!"


The moment when the pre-small double distraction dealt with the kitten, when his palm was shot out, he was attacked by the war, and the arm was heavily bombarded on the chest.

The whole person was snoring and continually quit, and he knew that the other three war shackles also attacked him.

"not good!"

Pre-small doubles will increase the speed and constantly avoid the type of attack.

"Oh, it’s finally letting Ben get the chance!"

The kitten looked at the moment when the pre-small pair was exhausted.

Come out.

The sharp claws, momently toward the back of the pre-small pair, smashed away.


The pre-small double screams, his eyes are full of anger, said: "Xu Feng, do not have more bullying!"

Xu Feng heard that he almost did not laugh out.

"I remember correctly. Before you were a few people in the Frost Gate, how much more bullying is it?"

"As the saying goes, the wind and water turn, if I don't bully, how can I kill you?" Xu Feng laughed with sarcasm.

"In the future, this Xu Feng of the Black Iron City, it is best not to arbitrarily provoke, this person is not good."

"Pre-small pairs are afraid to die here today, and the combat strength of the four war-torn battles is really strong."

"The kitten is really overcast. When this guy chooses to pre-small double distraction, he shoots."

"Don't say that, the kitten must be a different kind of monster. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a fast speed."

The people around are staring at Xu Feng, and the look is also with jealous colors.

The performance of the kittens also shocked them.

The face of the letter became gloomy, saying: "Smell the sea, I advise you to hurry and stop!"

"If my little double brother has three long and two short, you will have to face the anger of my ink frost door!"

The voice of the letter is a threat.

Haven't waited to hear about the lonely sea.

Xu Feng took the lead and said: "I am the most fearful thing in my life. This is the case. Today, both of you must leave your life here!"

Xu Feng’s words are finished.

The four warriors are even more crazy towards the pre-small double-handedness, making the pre-small pair continually attacked by the kitten.

The blood of his whole body continually flows down, and the fighting power of the whole person becomes weaker and weaker.

"Xu Feng, you can't kill me. My uncle is a strong man of high-level creation. He is in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield."

Pre-small doubles made a miserable snoring.


Four battle-type warriors, simultaneously directed toward his body, bombarded from different directions.

The body was shocked by the tremendous force, the sound of the broken bones sounded, and the four battles were smashed, and he was stuck in death.

The kitten had a smile on his face, and he jumped to a battle-type shackle with irony.

He stretched out his claws and patted the cheeks of the pre-small pair. "Whoever gives you the courage, dare to threaten us when we die?"

Pre-small doubles are really crying.

How could he think that he had a day and was actually humiliated by a kitten.

Others are all too stunned.

"This kitten is really good!"

Even Xu Feng is a bit wrong.

"Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

Pre-small pairs of faces are all terrified.

"Oh... Ben does not want to kill you, but you are too wicked...:"


The sharp claws of the kittens condensed into a fierce sword, and they passed from the neck of the pre-small pair.

Pre-small eyes and big eyes are not reconciled to death.

The other side.

At the same time as the letter and the battle of the lonely sea, I wanted to escape.

Xu Feng is on his body and his speed is extremely fast.

The golden light of the body emerged, and the outburst on the fist was an unstoppable momentum.

The moment of a shot.

The face of the letter was cold and said: "You are looking for death!"

The letter broke out and the palm of your hand greeted you.

A bang!

The two figures were scattered, and the direction of the letter escaped was immediately blocked by Xu Feng.

The smell of the sea is sheltering.

"Xu Feng brothers, I don't think you really gave me a big surprise." Wen Guhai and the letter, and some surprised.

He clearly remembered that when he first saw Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s cultivation and strength are still very weak.

Unexpectedly, a short time passed.

Xu Feng’s strength has become so powerful that he can compete with the 22nd letter of the Flame List.

The face of the letter changed greatly. His pupils were both contracted. "Oh, damn, why is this Xu Feng's strength so strong?"

The letter just felt that if he used the most powerful force to attack Xu Feng, he would be able to escape.

Nowadays, not only the siege of Xu Feng, but also the attack of Wen Guhai and the encirclement of four wars.

The insidious kitten, standing not far away, eyes burning, are insidious.

(End of this chapter)

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