The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3070: Going together

Chapter 3070 goes together

"Small brother, let's join forces and kill this person!"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite letter.

His face is killing.

Since the letter wants to kill the lonely sea, he certainly will not let go of the other side.

Wen Guhai heard the words, said: "Okay, Xu Feng brothers!"

The face of the letter became extraordinarily ugly, saying: "Smell the sea, you know the consequences of killing me!"

"The strength of our Mosquito door in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield is far stronger than your Black Iron City. You kill me without any benefit to you."

The words of the letter sounded.

Xu Feng slowly said: "It's ridiculous, you mean, we let you go, you won't find us trouble."

The letter heard Xu Feng’s words and he nodded.

"Yes, as long as you spare me, I will let you both."

The tone of the letter is proud.


Xu Feng snorted and said: "You are almost dying to the end, still threatening us, are you guys in the frosty door, are you so rubbish?"


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body swelled, and the momentum of his mid-life was erupted, and the gravity of his body also emerged.

The speed of the letter was suppressed by Xu Feng’s gravity, and his eyes were angry.

Wen Guhai grabbed the long sword in his hand and rushed out in the letter.


Xu Feng and Wen Guhai joined forces, and the letter was not an opponent of the two.

The heart of Wen Guhai is shocked.

He really did not expect that the strength of Xu Feng has become so powerful.

It can even be evenly matched with the letter.

The most important thing is that he can feel that Xu Feng is only rebuilding his cultivation. If he continues to improve, he does not know how terrible it will become.


The letter feels that it may be alive.

However, as he and Xu Feng played against each other, his heart was unwilling and jealous.

He does not understand.

Why Xu Feng can explode such a powerful strength.

In particular, the power of the Holy Spirit demonstrated by Xu Feng is also very strong.

The holy spirit of Xu Feng’s boxing method is not weak.

"It has long been rumored that there is a good genius in Heidelberg, and he dared to have a conflict with Zhuang Fengyu. I didn't expect such a metamorphosis."

"He is actually able to confront the letter, and it is not inconceivable."

"With such a martial arts talent, it is no wonder that Zhuang Fengyu has to pay such a big price and want someone to chase Xu Feng."



"Small brother, you are responsible for killing him!"

The gravity of Xu Feng’s body is filled with the horror of the horror, and the shock waves are formed.

"Gravity cage!"

Xu Feng uses the gravity of the mystery, and the gravity cages that are displayed are like the lines of the gravity of the earth.

The suppression of the letter was made, making his body and movements extremely difficult.


"What a strange Holy Spirit, how do I feel that I seem to be in a whirlpool, unable to extricate myself!"

The pupil of the letter suddenly shrank, and his face changed greatly.


Weng’s long sword stabbed out, and he wanted to avoid it, only to find that he couldn’t escape.


The letter issued a miserable snoring, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his face was full of grievances.

He stared at Xu Feng and said: "You dare to kill us, there is no benefit to you, you will die very badly."


The long sword of Wenghai continued to dance, and he slowly said: "If this is the case, it is better to kill you first!"

The character of Wen Guhai is also very consistent with Xu Feng’s mind.

After killing the letter.

Many people around are quietly leaving.

They stayed here, for fear of smelling the lonely sea and Xu Feng killing people.

However, Xu Feng and Wen Guhai did not mean this.

The two took the letter and the pre-small pair, as well as the storage rings of several other people in the Mosquito Gate.

The smell of the sea is distributed, and Dong Dan, who has survived, has also obtained a lot of medicinal herbs and Ling Jing.

The person who came to support with Xu Feng,

Of course, Xu Feng won all the spiritual materials of several people's storage rings.

The smell of the sea is allotted.

He looked at Xu Feng, stepped forward and patted Xu Feng's shoulder.

"Xu brothers, you really did not disappoint Master's expectations of you, it is really amazing!"

It is clear that Wen Guhai is not a long time for Xu Feng to enter the flame battlefield, but his strength has been greatly improved.

It is very accurate to prove that his master is silent when he is a master.

Dong Xiong came forward with a smile on his face and said: "I want to come to this is the genius Xu Feng who often tells me the brothers?"

Xu Feng looked at Dong Xiong who came up.

The other party can choose to succumb to the death of a lonely sea at a critical juncture, but it is also a person who speaks loyalty.

"Well, what are you?"

Xu Feng smiled at Dong Xiong.

"Under the Dong Xiong!"

Dong Xiong said.

The rectification is almost the same. Wen Guhai looks at Xu Feng and asks: "Xu brothers, or you will follow me!"

"The reason why I was blocked by the siege was that I found a part of the key to open a secret room."

"The key in my hand, and the other people I get, can open that secret room. Everyone knows that there must be treasures inside."

Wen Guhai invited to Xu Feng.

"You are so powerful now, I believe that if you join me, you will certainly have a good harvest!"

Wen Guhai’s face is full of excitement.

Xu Feng heard the invitation of Wenghai and said: "When you are so invited, then of course I can only agree."

Xu Feng has no other choices. Why not go with him and Wenghai to see what is in the secret room.

"Ha ha ha... There are Xu brothers who join you, and we will have a greater chance of gaining treasure inside."

Wen Guhai made a hearty laughter. He looked at Dong Xiong and said: "If this is the case, let us go."

at this time.

Wen Guhai looked at the person who came to report with Xu Feng and said: "This brother, thank you for your help."

"If you are not afraid of death, you can also follow us. It is only when we can't support you. You have to be careful."

That man is a surprise.

"Speaking brother, can I really be together?"

The men’s voices are all excited.

Wen Guhai nodded and said: "As long as you are not afraid of death."

"Of course I am not afraid!"

In this way, Wen Guhai followed three people, the kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and walked toward the road ahead.

The four people went all the way.

Wen Guhai looked at Xu Feng, and said: "Xu brothers, the secret room is in front, there are people who have the same keys as me, and three others."

"The strength of these three people can not be underestimated, especially if there are individuals, her strength is the most powerful, that is, the ninth Tian Zhenli of the flame list."

When Xu Feng heard Tian Zhenli's three words, his eyes were all condensed.

The name seems familiar, but some can't remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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