The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3068: Yes, I like to bully less!

Chapter 3068 is right, I like to bully less!

"Yes, I am rebuilding my cultivation, I just don't know, you dare to fight with me!"

Xu Feng's face is extremely calm.

Not far from the smell of the sea, he also heard rumors about Xu Feng during this time.

At this moment, I feel that Xu Fengxiu is a place of creation.

His heart is shocked.

He did not expect that Xu Feng was only a fierce battlefield for only half a year, and his strength and cultivation were so much improved.

He knows that Xu Feng is a madman in leapfrog battles.

Therefore, when Xu Feng appeared, he did not have much worry about Xu Feng fighting Ma Gang.

"You are looking for death, I am fulfilling you!"

The spiritual power of Magang emerged, and the spiritual power of the whole body became a wave of air, and suddenly rushed toward Xu Feng.

He is a member of the quasi-flame flame list, when he was threatened by a young man who was a landed region.

The speed of rushing out is very fast, and the attack is very fast. It is completely a punch to kill Xu Feng's rhythm.


However, Xu Feng’s footsteps moved, and he took the initiative to greet him, and the momentum of his body’s mid-term peak was revealed.

His face was calm and said: "Play with my fist, don't you know, is this really weak chicken?"

A bang!

At the moment when Xu Feng and Ma Gang’s fist collided, Ma Gang only felt that the power of terror formed a shock wave.

As the impact of his arm smashed, his whole body's blood was rolling, his face was gloomy.

Xu Feng was not prepared to give him a chance to live on it, but it was also shot by a punch, followed by another punch.

In just a few breaths, the fist was like a storm, bombarded on Magang.

The bones of his whole body are shattered, the whole person is full of fear, and his heart is remorse and incredible.


Ma Gang fell heavily on the ground and severely injured him from Xu Feng. It is only five or six breaths.

Countless people around, all stunned, stunned, one by one, open mouth, can't speak.

Xu Feng stepped on Magang's face and spit at the ground. "You can't even beat a warrior who has a strong environment. Are you a waste like yours?"


Ma Gang heard the words, his face was stunned, his body was impulsive, and a sudden burst of blood sprang out.

His look is anger, where can he think that Xu Feng's creation is rebuilt, and the strength is terrible.

"Who are you, why are you doing nothing, we are the people of Moshuangmen!" Ma Gang stared at Xu Feng.

He didn't know when the flamboyant youth appeared in the flame battlefield.

"You are not yet qualified to know who I am!"

After that, Xu Feng’s fist exudes the light.

A bang!

Ma Gang’s eyes were unwilling, but he was completely exhausted. Xu Feng did not even make him notice.

He still doesn't know where he is, and who Xu Feng is.

However, the letter of the battle against the lonely sea, as well as the pre-small pair, looked at each other.

They vaguely guessed who this young man is.

The two looked at each other with incredible views.

It is rumored that Xu Feng is only a sinister sect, and he can defeat the six weapons of the general creation.

However, I did not expect that Xu Feng was a member of the realm of cultivation and could easily kill members of the quasi-flame list.

This means that from the previous rumors, to the most recent time, Xu Feng's strength has improved.

Xu Feng’s gaze fell on the other smoulder of the flames of the flames, and the man could not help but back a few steps.

"Do you guys go together, or let me kill one by one?" Xu Feng slowly said.

The eyes of the three people are all fearful. Xu Feng was able to breathe a few times and killed Magang.

Today, even if they are teamed up, they are definitely not opponents of Xu Feng.

"Small double, you go to kill the kid first, then come and join me to deal with the smell of the sea!" said the letter.


Stepping forward in a small step, the spiritual power of his body flowed, and he rushed out toward Xu Feng.

He does not think that Xu Feng can fight with himself, but he is the existence of the flame list twenty-seven.

The sixty-eight spirits on the top of the head emerged, and the spiritual power of the body also followed the turbulence, forming a violent momentum.

His palms condensed into a mountain peak and went out toward the impact of Xu Fengyu.

"Red Lotus Pai!"

The explosion in the gravity field of Xu Feng made the void begin to fall, which is extremely heavy.

Red lotus emerged from the fist.

I will go out.

"Gravity field?"

Even if the pre-small pair was shocked, he felt that the body speed became slow, and the meaning of his body broke out.

A bang!

Two horrible attacks collided, and Xu Feng’s heart was full of excitement, and his face was full of majestic warfare.

"Come back!"

Xu Feng screamed and took the initiative to greet him. The golden fist, accompanied by the body of creation, did not hesitate.


The two figures continually collided, Xu Feng did not fall into the wind at all, but he became more and more brave.

The eyes of the pre-small pair are all squatting. He looks at the three people who are not far away from the frost door. He said: "I don't hurry to help me, kill this person together!"

The three men reacted, and the pre-small pair could not kill Xu Feng alone.

Xu Feng originally wanted to fight with the pre-small doubles, and I didn’t expect the pre-small pair to be called.

"You are really shameful, the existence of the flame list twenty-seven, is that you like virtue?" Xu Feng said with sarcasm.

Pre-small double cold road: "Yes, I just like to bully less, as long as I can kill you."

"Do you really want to bully less?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept through the pre-small pair.

"Of course."

Pre-small double-faced smug, the four of them surrounded Xu Feng.


Pre-small double bursts and a drink, four people simultaneously shot toward Xu Feng.

"Do you want to bully less? Then don't blame me!"

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled, and he snorted at the kitten on his shoulder and said, “Kit, start!”

"It’s just a cat."

"I still want to bully more, haha..."

Pre-small doubles laughed, but his laughter was not over yet, and four battles emerged.

Xu Feng’s eyes are overbearing: “I’m going to bully, it looks like I will!”

The moment the kitten rushed out.

The horrible momentum of his eruption, the sharp little claws, immediately marked a blood mark on the chest of a man who was a six-fold man.

"God, that kitten is so powerful!"


Four warfare models, in an instant, will kill another one.

The rest of the members of the quasi-flame flame list are also unable to cope with the four battles and vomiting blood.

The moment the kitten sneaked from the side, the speed was very fast, and the sharp claws tore his neck.

In a short moment, Xu Feng stood next to the kitten, and the four battles were smashed, and the pre-small double group was surrounded.

"Yes, I like to bully less!"

Xu Feng’s face looked calm.

(End of this chapter)

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