The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3067: Are you black iron city no one?

Chapter 3067 Are you black iron city no one?

"The letter, I can't think of you as the existence of the 22nd Flame List, even so shameless, to bully less!"

"There is the ability, you and I really fight with a knife, as long as you can beat me, the key I must bring with my hands."

Having said that, Wen Guhai’s mouth is raised and said: “Otherwise, what if you kill me?”

"The key I didn't put on the body at all, you want to get the key from me, it is tantamount to idiots and dreams."

The letter and other people heard that the face was angry.

"Smell the sea, it seems that you really don't see the coffin without tears, do you really think we don't dare to kill you?"

"Hey, it’s never my style to fight alone. If you can kill more and kill you, that’s a good choice.”

Speaking of this, the letter looks at the pre-small pairs and other people around him, saying: "To kill the lonely sea together."

"I still don't believe that the key to this guy's secret room is not on the body, even if it is not placed on the body, killing him is also earned."

The words of the letter sounded, and several people behind him, one by one, nodded, and the breath of their bodies flowed.

Several people are surrounded by the smell of the sea.

Wen Guhai was surrounded by him. He looked at the man around him and said: "Dong Xiong is probably tired of you this time!"

Wen Guhai looked at Dong Xiong and apologized.

Dong Xiong’s smile on his face, he patted his chest and said: “When you are not yours, I have already died in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.”

"This group of turtles and grandchildren are too deceiving. If we are too big, we are just breaking them with them. Is it unusual?"

On the face of Dong Xiong, he was a look of death. He did not put his life and death at heart.

As the saying goes, everyone is very afraid of death, but if you are afraid of death and give up your own principles, then it is better to die than to die.

"Since you are so determined, then of course we must fulfill you!" The spiritual power of the letter was stirred up.

His number of spiritual veins has reached seventy, and the spirit of his head is filled with horror.

He realized that the wind is the righteousness, the wind is surging, and his hands form a whirlpool before.

When the whirlpool flows madly, it brings a strong momentum, and the wind and waves continue to sweep.

He slammed out into the palm of Weng, and his palm seemed to float and flutter in the wind.

There are also a lot of people gathered around, staring at the smell of the sea and the letter, can not help but feel a little sorry.

"Smell the character of this person is very good, but he is afraid that he is going to die here." Someone stared at Wen Guhai, he used to get along with Wen Guhai, knowing that Wen Guhai's temper is very good.

The person next to him said: "The letter and other people are despicable and shameless.

"It is said that the strength of Wen Guhai has improved a lot. He can now compete with the letter and not lose."

"But, with the pre-small double of the flame list of twenty-seven, both of them attack him at the same time, he has no chance of winning."

Everyone can see the clues.


The sword of Weng’s body was criss-crossed, and he grasped the long sword in his hand, and the swordsman emerged.

He did not hesitate, and Jianmang turned into dozens of times, and spurted out to the seal.

It is very clear that Wen Guhai is very difficult to defeat the letter and pre-small pair.

Unless he can kill one of the two at the beginning.

Therefore, he did not hesitate.

When you come up, you will display your third-order Holy Spirit.


The swordsman who heard the singularity of the sea turned into countless swords, and slammed into the envelope, tearing the void, and making a squeaky voice.

The face of the letter changed slightly, and the footsteps continued to move, avoiding the swordsman who came from the attack of the lonely sea.

The depths of his eyes are taboo, the place of the arm is torn by the sword, and a blood mark appears.

"Small double, hurry to kill the lonely sea together, his current strength is greatly improved."

The letter sealed the battle with Weng, and said something to the pre-small double.

"Okay, seal the brother."

The spirit of the pre-small pair has emerged. His spiritual pulse is only the number of sixty-eight. The momentum and the seal of his body are also quite different.

However, his participation made Wen Guhai become a hostile enemy and fell into a passive state.


The letter of enlightenment is the essence of the wind. With the advantage of speed, he slammed the palm of his hand on the back of Wenghai.

The body of Wenghai continued to rush out, and the opposite pre-small double grasped the opportunity.

The palm of your hand became a claw, and it was taken out of the chest of Wenghai.

The eyes of Wenghai are condensed, and they endure the rolling of the internal organs.

The sword is suddenly stunned.

Jianmang went to the pre-small pair.

He continued to quit and quit.


However, Dong Xiong did not smell the strength of the lonely sea. He was thoroughly abused by members of the other two members of the list.

Blood spurted out of his mouth. When he fell to the ground, his eyes were full of grievances.

"Hey, do you know that this group of wastes from the Mosquito Gate only knows how to bully it? You have the ability to kill Laozi. Eighteen years later, Laozi is a hero!"

Dong Xiong was constantly beaten by two people, and his heart was humiliating.

The two people said coldly: "You want to die so happy, do you think we will fulfill you?"

"Next, is it better to interrupt his hand? It is better to interrupt his leg." One person opened his mouth and said.

However, the other person’s face was cruel and said: “I think it’s better to blow his eyes first.”

"This is also the case, let him not see us, do not know if he will be so hard?"

The two sang together and made some people not far away angry.

"It doesn't matter if you kill people, you still humiliate each other. The people at Moshuangmen are so mean and hateful!"

Someone said very badly.

"You can be careful. If they are heard by them, we can't eat and go! The people next to them said.

"Afraid of a fart, when we cover Shizong, when did you get through!" the man said angrily.

Indeed, Gai Sezong is the number one in the four major eight-order forces.

The strong people they cultivated are many in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.


At the same time, the two men on the list of the flames of the flames rushed out to the chest of Dong Xiong.

Just as Dong Xiong was ready to die, Jin Feng attacked him and he felt the pain in his cheeks.

A young man in a light blue robes, he suddenly appeared in front of Dong Xiong, two golden fists, slamming out.

A bang!

The three men quit at the same time.

Dong Xiong looked at the sudden emergence of the youth, his face was surprised, he did not know Xu Feng.

Xu Feng stood there, his look was very calm, not far from the smell of the sea, but his face was shocked.

"Ha ha ha... You are a black iron city, is this no one? A big boy who makes a lot of things, dare to gossip."

Ma Gang’s eyes are disdainful and disdainful.

(End of this chapter)

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