The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2979: The lord of Gai Shizong

Chapter 2979, The Sovereign of Gai Shizong

"Old ancestor, if you have labor, you are silent when you live. I am responsible for killing the kid!"

Qiu invincible said to Qiu.

The spiritual power of his body is stirring wildly.

Not far from Xu Feng’s eyes, they are not reconciled.

There was no sound when I saw it.

He thought that he could escape from birth.

Didn't think, still want to be killed by Qiu invincible?

The silent face was cold and killing. He looked at Qiu invincible and Qiu, and said: "Qiu is invincible, Qiu seeks, if you really kill Xu Feng, you absolutely regret it forever!"

In the silent voice, all the threats are revealed.

"Whoever dares to kill Xu Feng, I may not be able to kill you when I am silent, but with my cultivation and strength, I want to pull down my face and deal with the people of your house, it is a breeze."

Silence is also forced to such a point.

He directly used the people of the Qiu family to threaten the opposite Qiu and Qiu invincible.

In the eyes of Qiu Xun, they are all cold and killing.

"When there is no sound, the old man advises you not to look for a dead end, you don't forget that the relationship between the city owner and our Qiu family may not condone you for mischievous!" Qiu seeks a slow road.

When the mouth is silent, he said: "I am not a big elder who is not a black iron city. With my cultivation and ability, I want to join the other three eighth-order forces. I believe they will welcome the grass ring. I."

In the silent tone, all that is revealed is self-confidence.

"When I was silent, I was alone. You Qiujia is different. He has been working hard in Heilongjiang for nearly a hundred years."

"At the time, I want to really ruin your business for a hundred years. I hope you don't blame me for being mad."

The silent words made Chuqi into meditation.

Qiu invincible began: "Old ancestors, don't be threatened by silence, we will not kill this kid today, and in the future it will certainly be a family."

"What's more, when it's silent, it's really amazing. When we let the city take the shot, he will die."

Hear the invincible words of Qiu.

When the silent face is disdain, said: "Qiu is invincible, you are really whimsical, your sister is not the wife of the city, but can not do whatever he wants, let alone want to ask the city owner?"

When you are silent, you can't think that Qiu Invincible can ask the city owner.

Qiu’s invincible face has a well-thought-out smile.

He said slowly: "It’s silent, for so many years, it’s just like a fool like you, you think so."

"The relationship between our Qiujia and the city owner is what you can imagine. Do you really think that the city owner just because of my sister, and for my sister, is this indulgent?"

Qiu's invincible mouth raised, and the look was disdain.

"Yin Baofang was able to become a city owner, and we Qiujia helped him a lot. Otherwise, how could it be his turn to be a city owner."

"The various details of this, perhaps in the future, when Yin Baofang kills, he will tell you."

The invincible words of Qiu made the silence of the face silent.

He really has no doubts about Qiu’s invincible words.

He is very clear that it is impossible to let the other people be the city owners, and it is impossible to let the Qiu family be so arrogant.

Almost all of the Black Iron City has become a Qiujia site, doing whatever it wants, no evil.

"Old ancestors, you are silent when you are holding back, I am responsible for killing Xu Feng!" Qiu Invincible once again urged.

Qiu nodded, and the veins above his head were filled, and the number and the silent voice were almost the same.

When the silent mouth raised, he said: "Then I will look at it, in the end, the ancestors of the Qiu family, there is still a bit of the style of the year, by a junior, so call to drink!"

The silent words make the Qiu and Qiu invincible faces change.

You must know that Qiu is the strongest of the Qiu family.

Now, it seems that everything has to follow the arrangement of Qiu invincible.

Qiu invincible said: "My ancestors, I respect you very much, you must be provoked by him."

On the top of Qiu's head, countless veins are gathered together to form a fierce air.

"The third-order Shangpin Holy Spirit: Yan Long Hao Ben!"

With the invincible body of Qiu, it seems to be an flaming dragon, which erupted and became extremely violent.

The fierce dragons, constantly tumbling, bring about the momentum to destroy everything.

The holy spirit of Qiu Xun is extremely violent, and its power is extremely powerful.

The wind is constantly sweeping.

When the mouth is silent, it rises.

"Green Feather Sword!"

Silent is still the third-order upper-class sacred spiritual display, and there is a long sword in his hand.

Above the long sword, there are horrible swordsmanships, as if they are cold and chilly.

When the silence is calm, he is at the fastest speed.

"The righteousness of the sword?"

Qiu’s face was changed, and he frowned. He said, “No, it’s the half-step sword!”

Qiu Xun and others did not expect that when they were silent, they realized the true meaning of the half-step sword.

"Qiu, you give me to die!"

When there was no sound, the sword was pulled out, and the swordsman became like a blue feather.

The whole void was completely wrapped up by the swordsman, and the sounds of the embarrassing sounds were very shocking.

Qiu looked for the dragon on his hands and slammed it out.

Watching two attacks and colliding together.

The wind blew the waves.

Qiu invincible has already killed Xu Feng.

"Qiu is invincible, if you dare to move Xu Feng a little bit, the old man will let you Qiu, the dog is not good!"

Silent sounds are threats.

However, Qiu Invincible has made up his mind.

As long as he killed Xu Feng, he immediately went to see Yin Baofang.

Tell him, when you are silent, you know the secret of the year.

He believes that Yin Baofang will inevitably be silent when he kills.

At that time, the silent threat is not a threat.

"Kid, you shouldn't be too sharp, today is your death!" On the hands of Qiu's invincible hands, it seems to be a palm-handed, densely condensed.

He is known as "the thousands of iron palm hills invincible!"

Nowadays, countless iron palms have been suppressed, making the voids rumbling.

"Is it really going to die?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep in memories.

"Yinger? Ling Bingrong? Xu Duoduo, Xu Wei, Dongfang Lingyue, Yu Ruoyu, Li Tingting, Ming Yuer..."

"Father Xu Pang, mother Nangong Xue... my brothers are dying... is everything over?"

Xu Feng felt that the shock wave brought by the horrible iron palm hit his head and slammed down.

He is afraid that he will become a dead person in an instant?



Just in the midst of that moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and he took Xu Feng’s moment.

At the same time, both hands became fists, and they went toward the invincible iron palm of the hill.


Qiu's invincible two arms, broken bones, made a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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