The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2978: Old hill family

Chapter 2978 Zhang Qi's ancestors

Wu Si Yue's face was pale, and he stared at Xu Feng.

There is a faint glow in both eyes.

"What kind of treasure is this kid just using, how can it be so horrible?" Wu Siyue's heart is fear.

He has no doubt that it would not be the emergence of Qiu invincible.

He may really want to die here.

Qiu invincible looked at the pale face of Wu Siyue, said: "Four elders, what is your situation?"

Wu Siyue has a lingering voice: "The little beast has just used it. I don't know what treasure it is. It seems that I can tear my soul. I feel that my heart is depressed."

Wu Siyue’s words rang.

Qiu invincible slowly said: "Does this kid still have a Horcrux?"

Before Qiu was invincible, I heard about the existence of the Horcrux.

He only knows.

The Horcrux is only possible with the sixth-order forces.

Even the seventh-order forces are not qualified to own the Horcrux.

"The Horcrux?"

Wu Siyue's eyes are bright, saying: "You don't say that I really didn't think of it, it is very likely to be a Horcrux."

"It seems that there are a lot of secrets in this kid. After we kill him, there may be unexpected gains."

Wu Si Yue said slowly.

Xu Feng was attacked by Qiu invincible and was completely seriously injured.

He took out the medicinal herbs and swallowed them.

Wu Siyue and Qiu were invincible and ignored him.

In the eyes of both of them.

Xu Feng is afraid that he is not injured, nor can he be the opponent of both of them.

Today's Xu Feng, it is definitely not to escape.

"Kill him, so as not to be alive."

Qiu said invincible.

The two walked toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes are unwilling, and he knows that he is really powerless.

Inside his body, the face of the mysterious woman is cold and killing, saying: "I will not save him, he is dead."

The mysterious woman did not find it herself.

Unconsciously, she and Xu Feng have some connection.

However, the mysterious woman is very clear.

When she helped Xu Feng to shoot, she caused a lot of damage to herself.

It takes a long time for her to recover.

Just when Qiu Invincible and Wu Siyue were ready to do it at the same time, they sounded together with a majestic voice.

I saw that an old man appeared in front of Xu Feng, and all the explosives on his palms were violent spiritual power.

With his two palms, Wu Siyue and Qiu invincible, and the bombardment of the enemy.

Wu Siyue and Qiu are invincible, and their faces are all changed. One by one is suddenly regressing, and both eyes are fearful.


Wu Siyue has just been hit hard by the blissful beads, and now where can resist the silent attack.

The whole person was flying out by successive palms, and his chest was sunken.

Blood ran out of his mouth, and the whole man fell to the ground, and the meridians of the whole body were chaotic.

The breath of the whole body has become confusing.

Qiu invincible is also a blood spout.

Silence is the existence of the nine peaks of the creation of the realm. Only one point can break through the destiny.

Qiu Invincible and Wu Siyue, how could it be his opponent.

Silently after Wu Siyue and Qiu invincible retreat.

He quickly came to Xu Feng's front and lifted Xu Feng. He said, "Xu Feng, is it okay?"

When Xu Feng looked at his eyes, he nodded.

"Thank you for coming to the rescue."

When he heard it silently, he couldn’t help but smile.

Xu Feng is a genius disciple recruited by Hei Tiecheng, but it is suppressed by the elders of Hei Tiecheng. What a sorrow.

Qiu Invincible and Wu Siyue both changed their faces. They did not expect it, and they appeared silently here.

"Qiu Invincible, Wu Siyue, it seems that you really take the old man's words, as a wind in the ear?"

In the silent old voice, the anger is emerging, and the spiritual power of the body is stirring.

Wu Siyue and Qiu invincible looked at the silent eyes, both of them with fear inside.

"The elders, this sub-cage contains misfortunes. If you don't kill them as soon as possible, you will endless trouble!"

Wu Siyue said silently when he was facing.

Qiu Invincible continued: "We have been so calm for so many years, is it because of this kid, is it broken?"

Hearing the words of Wu Siyue and Qiu invincible, there was no spurt of silence.

"I really don't understand where he is hiding the scourge. With his talent, even the seventh-order forces will focus on training."

"But we are in the dark iron city, but with such a baby, should we be killed as a sinister existence?"

The silent voice was with majesty, saying: "Isn't he killing your grandson? Your grandson is **** himself, his skills are not as good as people, shouldn't he kill?"

"In this case, he killed your grandson in the past, I killed you today!"

The spiritual power of the silent body is surging.

I can see that it was completely angry when I was silent.

He issued orders three times and five times, no one can hinder the growth of Xu Feng, and must not kill Xu Feng.

Unexpectedly, Qiu invincible and Wu Siyue, but so blatant.


At the moment when he rushed out silently, more than eighty of the spirits above his head broke out instantly.

With more than 80 spiritual pulses striking, the silent palms are all extremely strong waves.

His palms went out toward Wu Si.


Wu Siyue did not expect that he would be so determined to act on his own.

With a bang, he was suddenly shaken out without a word.

Blood spurted out of the mouth, and the meridians were shaken a lot.

"The elders, the four elders have been offering in the Black Iron City for so many years, is it not as good as a kid who just joined Black Iron City?"

When Qiu is invincible, he silently wants to kill Wu Siyue.

He and Wu Siyue are both grasshoppers on board.

"Don't worry, wait for me to kill Wu Siyue, it is your death!"

The silent voice is firm.

Seeing him rushing out again toward Wu Si.

Qiu’s invincible eyes were full of anger, and he said: “There is no sound, everything is what you forced me to do.”

"Old ancestors, hurry up!"

The invincible voice of Qiu sounded.

A white-haired old man, he looks very old, and he is already going to kill the wood.

When he appeared, his body was stronger than the silence.

A bang.

The ancestors of the Qiu family collided with the silent attack.

"Yu Xun, you are almost half-baked into the soil, still come out to find death?" The silent cold road.

Qiu searched for words, helplessly sighed.

"When there is no sound, everyone in Black Iron City has nothing to do with peace. Why do you want to break this calm when you are not in love?"

Qiu’s face is puzzled.

When I heard it silently, my mouth rose and said: "The ridiculous, so-called calm, is that you can do whatever you want?"

The silent face is absolutely, said: "I have long wanted to see and see, how strong you are in this Qiu family."

(End of this chapter)

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