The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2980: Just be a good friend

Chapter 2980 is a good relationship.

"Jin Zeyu?"

"Gai Shizong lord?"

The presence of the invincible, Qiu, and silent people were shocked.

You must know that Jin Zeyu is the strongest man of heaven.

Jin Zeyu is the same existence as Yin Baofang.

Qiu's footsteps are constantly retreating, and his strength is indeed not as good as it is.

Silently realized that the half-step sword is very powerful.

"Ha ha ha..."

Jin Zeyu’s eyes shone with light. He looked silent and looked at Qiuqiu. It seemed that Qiu was invincible and looked at Wu Siyue, who was seriously injured.

"I don't think you are really busy, I have been idle for many years, and I can come out and join in the fun."

The words of Jin Zeyu sounded.

Behind him, Xu Feng stared at the back of Jin Zeyu. He never imagined that Jin Zeyu, as the four major forces, was the youngest of the most powerful Gu Shizong.

"Jin Zeyu, you are the lord of Gai Shizong, actually came to the flame battlefield personally, this is a violation of the rules."

Qiu looked to Jin Zeyu.

The face is full of fear and jealousy.

Jin Zeyu, that is the strongest of the three peaks of the destiny of life, but also the most powerful strength of the four major eight-order forces.

"Ha ha ha..."

Jin Zeyu heard the words, haha ​​smiled and said: "You are right, I am indeed breaking the rules."

"As a few of you, besieging a hairy boy here, it seems that this rule is more serious."

The words of Jin Zeyu reveal hegemony.

"What's more, even if I am really in violation of the rules, what can you do?"

"It’s not that you want to kill this kid. He knows that you are violating the rules of the flame battlefield. What can you do?"

Speaking of this, Jin Zeyu slowly said: "Don't be here to make a high-level, in the end, who's a big fist, who is the truth."

Xu Feng took the drug, he was secretly healing.

Hearing the words of Jin Zeyu, he also nodded deeply.

He felt that Jin Zeyu said it was very realistic, but it was also very correct. This is the rule of the spirit of the mainland.

Whose fist is big, who is the rule.

"You said that if I were to kill all four of you here in the flame battlefield, wouldn't it be interesting?"

"It is said that these years, the black iron city of the hills, can be described as the wind and water, the black iron city of the eight-step forces, are almost to become your Qiu family?"

Jin Zeyu stared at the opposite Qiu and Qiu invincible.

The words of Jin Zeyu make the face angry and silent.

Four major eight-order forces, the black iron city has gone from bad to worse in these years.

In accordance with the development of such a situation, I am afraid that Black Iron City is very likely to be replaced by other forces.

Qiu Invincible and Qiu Xun, as well as Wu Siyue and others, are full of fear.

Qiu Invincible quickly said: "You are a strong man of destiny, but it is very shameful for us to shoot."

"Ha ha!"

I know that Jin Zeyu smiled and said: "You don't be so anxious, it looks very scared."

"I really can't do such a thing, unlike a few of you, no face and no skin."

Xu Feng is secretly funny.

The patriarch of Geshizong, Jin Zeyu, is very good. He is completely ridiculing Qiu invincible and others.


It is obvious that Jin Zeyu said that he would not kill Qiu invincible and so on. They all took a deep breath.

Jin Zeyu turned to look at Xu Feng and said: "Kid, I listen to Ge Hai and say that your talent is too strong."

"I am very interested in you, and I personally came to the flame battlefield. Now, I saved your life, can't you see my sincerity, join me, Kaishi, how?"

Jin Zeyu said here and smiled: "As long as you join Gai Se Zong, I can immediately announce that you will become the only future heir to the Kazuzong. And, these people, if you want to kill, feel free to give me a voice. Just say hello."

"Even now, you want me to kill them. In order to get a peerless genius like you, I can also get rid of my face."

Jin Zeyu’s words are very sincere.

Qiu invincible and other people's faces are ugly.

They are thinking, if Xu Feng really asks Jin Zeyu to kill them, do they still have a chance to live?

When I looked at Xu Feng silently, said: "Xu Feng, you join Gai Se Zong, I now feel that Gai Se Zong is your best choice."

Silently through the things of today, he thoroughly understood.

Black Iron City is from top to bottom, and it is rotten.

Xu Feng did not have the need to stay in Heilongjiang.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and he stood up and looked at Jin Zeyu.

"Jin Zongzhu, thank you for your help to Xu Feng, but since I entered Heilongjiang, I will not choose to join other forces."

"Even if I am separated from the Black Iron City and become a free person, I will not choose to join the other three forces."

"Therefore, I can only be here, thank you for your kindness."

Xu Feng expressed his gratitude to Jin Zeyu.


Jin Zeyu looked at Xu Feng. He really liked it more and more, and his face was all appreciated.

"I don't know the garbage power like Hei Tiecheng. What kind of dog is going to take you, you can recruit such a peerless genius."

Jin Zeyu looked at Qiuqiu invincible and others, saying: "A group of people who look at the light, only see the benefits of the point."

Jin Zeyu yelled at Qiu Invincible and others.

They are afraid to pay back.

"I don't need it, can I help you solve it?" Jin Zeyu looked at Xu Feng and asked.

Xu Feng’s eyes are full of killing, saying: “No, I will find them one by one in the future.”

"The life of Zhu Cheng’s elders will not be sacrificed in vain. In the future, the Black Iron City will be destroyed or reborn!"

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful.

Qiu Invincible and others are deep inside, and they are all taboos.

Xu Feng went to the inner area and killed it more quickly, otherwise it would be endless.

"What are you doing? Don't you hurry? Or do you want me to take it?"

Jin Zeyu is very clear.

Xu Feng is a peerless genius. He has his own pride. Naturally, he will not be a fake person.

Qiu invincible and other three people quickly left.

When I saw Xu Feng silently, said: "Xu Feng, you are careful!"

Jin Zeyu looked silent and said: "If you go back to Heilongjiang, it is equal to self-investment, which is equal to death!"

When I heard the words silently, I didn’t say much.

"I have been sympathized with the black iron city in my life, and I must repay the Black Iron City. If death is my destiny, then I have no hesitation!"

When I finished silently, I quickly left.

Xu Feng looked at the silent back, as if he was a few decades old.

He always thought that Yin Baofang was just a retreat.

I did not expect it.

Yin Baofang and Qiu Jia, so many activities.

"Little guy, really don't think about it, join us, Kaishizong?" Jin Zeyu asked again.

"Thank you for the kindness of the lord of Jin, I will definitely repay in the future!"

Xu Feng said to Jin Zeyu.

"Oh, let's make a good relationship!"

Jin Zeyu sighed and said: "In the future, if you change your mind, you can still come to Shizong to find me."

After that, Jin Zeyu disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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